Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1998-01-14

Pink Tutu Prague: The City of a Thousand Spires and the One Tutu I Couldn't Resist!

Post #142 | Wednesday 14th January, 1998 |

Greetings, fellow tutu-lovers! This week, we’re skipping through the cobbled streets of Prague, a city brimming with medieval charm and, dare I say it, a few chic boutiques I couldn’t resist browsing! As you know, my mission is to inspire everyone to embrace the joy of the pink tutu, and Prague, with its rich history and dazzling architecture, proved to be the perfect stage for a whirlwind tour.

Last Wednesday, as the first light of dawn began to kiss the frosted rooftops, I found myself aboard the enchanting Orient Express, its opulent carriages filled with the anticipation of adventure. I may be a ballerina, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a little touch of luxury on my travels! After all, wouldn’t you want to arrive in Prague looking effortlessly chic, ready to conquer the city's hidden treasures and dazzling ballet performances?

Speaking of performances, my first stop was, of course, the National Theatre. A breathtaking Neo-Renaissance marvel perched on the Vltava river, it truly encapsulates the heart of Prague’s cultural heritage. My heart skipped a beat as I glimpsed the shimmering golden statues guarding its entrance, whispering tales of theatrical triumphs and passionate artists.

That evening, the curtain rose on a mesmerising ballet rendition of “Swan Lake”. Every arabesque and pirouette flowed effortlessly, transporting me to a world of shimmering swan feathers, elegant prince charm, and dramatic betrayal. The graceful ballerinas, their movements so fluid and captivating, evoked a wave of emotion that only a live performance could achieve. I'm certain the sheer spectacle of the theatre and the balletic masterpiece made even the most cynical onlookers believe in fairytales!

But Prague is more than just a stage for grand performances, it’s also a captivating canvas for historical exploration. The Charles Bridge, a majestic medieval stone arch bridge adorned with exquisite Baroque statues, led me to the enchanting Old Town Square. This bustling hub is a sight to behold - from the iconic Astronomical Clock to the meticulously crafted gothic architecture, it's like stepping back in time to a fairytale kingdom! I couldn't help but spin, twirling like a ballerina amongst the crowds, allowing myself to be swept away by the city's rich history and vibrant atmosphere.

No visit to Prague would be complete without a delve into its vibrant shopping scene. Tucked away in the enchanting alleyways of Old Town, I stumbled upon a charming little boutique that had to be explored! As I cautiously entered, I found myself transported to a world of luxurious silks, exquisite laces, and captivating colours, a true ballerina's dream! But it was the dusty box in the back corner that truly stole my heart. Inside, amidst a collection of faded velvet and delicate silk, lay a vintage pink tutu. Now, you know my penchant for a good pink tutu is unparalleled, but this one was a treasure - a genuine antique piece of elegance from a bygone era. After a long discussion (and some bargaining), it found its way back to Derbyshire with me, nestled carefully in my suitcase alongside a vintage silk scarf and a pair of pearl-studded ballet slippers. It was like the very essence of Prague was whispering its enchantment into my wardrobe!

Of course, no journey to Prague would be complete without experiencing the city's unique charm - its picturesque canals, hidden courtyards, and the warm, welcoming atmosphere that spills out onto its cobbled streets. I had to treat myself to a carriage ride through the charming streets, perched comfortably on a velvety cushion. The rhythmic click-clack of the horse’s hooves as we meandered past fairytale castles and ancient churches truly captured the spirit of this enchanting city.

My days in Prague have been a blur of vibrant colours, enchanting melodies, and tantalising aromas. I sampled the delights of local delicacies like trdelník, a delicious cinnamon pastry that I simply couldn’t resist (even with the sugar crystals clinging to my tutu), and a hearty Czech soup for the perfect warmth on a cold Prague day. Each experience in Prague, from a glimpse of the breathtaking Old Town Square bathed in golden sunlight, to the intricate dance moves of a balletic masterpiece, was etched into my memory, ready to be recounted in future posts on

But all too soon, it was time to bid farewell to this charming city, with its unique blend of history, culture, and of course, the captivating art of ballet. As the Orient Express steamed out of the station, Prague’s thousand spires receding into the distance, I found myself filled with a sense of bittersweetness. It’s been an enchanting journey filled with endless discoveries and enough pink tutu inspiration to last me a lifetime.

I know, some might find this life – the endless travel, the endless pink tutus - extravagant and, perhaps, a bit frivolous, but I have a feeling that my little tutu obsession is inspiring the world to embrace a little bit more whimsy, a little bit more charm, a little bit more pink! I have no doubt that the next city on my ballet-inspired journey holds just as much magic and beauty waiting to be unveiled, so stay tuned, tutu-lovers! And as always, if you’re feeling inspired, take a little dance break, slip into your most delightful pink tutu, and enjoy a moment of joy and freedom – it's a state of mind, after all!

Until next Wednesday!


P.S If you haven't already, please do visit – we're hosting an exciting giveaway this week!

P.P.S The show must go on, darling! This blog is entirely funded by my performances, so if you ever spot me on stage, come and say hello! And of course, a generous tip will always be most welcome!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1998-01-14