
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1998-07-01

Pink Tutu Prague: Where History Swirls Like a Pirouette (Blog Post #166)

Hello my lovely Tutu Tribe!

It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for a brand new Pink Tutu Prague post, fresh from the cobbled streets and whimsical architecture of this utterly enchanting city! Iā€™ve just finished a show in Brno and after a delicious Czech pastry (that involved a terrifyingly long queue, which I am sure will be familiar to anyone whoā€™s ever travelled abroad!), Iā€™m finally sitting down in my favourite Prague cafe, watching the world go by.

My train journey from Brno was so romantic - rolling hills dotted with sleepy villages, glimpses of golden sunsets painting the sky with a delicate watercolour brush, and the gentle rocking of the carriages that always reminds me of a dancerā€™s pliĆ©. Iā€™m so grateful to live this life - to travel the world, to share my passion for ballet, and to, well, just twirl in all the pretty places!

And Prague, my dears, is the most beautiful ā€œpretty placeā€ you can imagine. Every corner holds a story - an ancient bridge echoing with centuries of love and sorrow, a winding lane leading to a hidden courtyard bursting with wildflowers, a castle that looks like itā€™s stepped straight out of a fairytale. Iā€™m in love with this city!

But itā€™s not just the sights and sounds that are making my heart sing ā€“ itā€™s the ballet scene. Today is 1st July, 1998, and guess what? The Prague State Opera is showcasing Don Quixote, one of the most magical ballets ever created! And guess what else? This girlā€™s going!

Of course, I couldnā€™t let such an exciting evening pass by without a little bit of Pink Tutu fashion magic. This morning, I raided my suitcase and found the most glorious cherry pink tulle number - you know, the kind with the multi-layered frills and the soft, almost-silk feeling? Oh, itā€™s perfect for waltzing through the city, particularly around those cobblestone squares! I even managed to score a pair of cherry blossom earrings from a little market stall, just to complete the look. My darling Tutu Tribe, you just HAVE to believe me when I tell you - Iā€™m ready for Prague to be completely charmed by this pink explosion!

Now, before we get lost in a world of tutus and tiaras, I just want to tell you a little bit about the ballet that has everyone so excited tonight. Don Quixote, composed by the fabulous Ludwig Minkus, tells the tale of a lovable, yet delusional, old man namedā€¦ you guessed it, Don Quixote! The ballet follows his adventures with his squire, Sancho Panza, and features a wonderfully vibrant and colorful world of windmills, gypsies, and a beautiful young woman named Dulcinea.

Think swashbuckling heroism, beautiful costumes, a story that will transport you to a world of imagination, and above all, an emotional rollercoaster! Oh, and a show stopping pas de deux? You bet your ballerina shoes there will be! I'm simply dying to see what kind of theatricality the Prague State Opera brings to this classic!

And donā€™t forget, dear reader, that every show needs an audience! This evening, you'll find me snuggled comfortably into my theatre seat, sipping a sparkling fruit juice and marveling at the breathtaking talent of the dancers. Thereā€™s just something magical about witnessing a group of humans move with such grace, strength, and precision, telling a story without even uttering a single word.

While I canā€™t promise youā€™ll be swept away in a cloud of pink tulle (though it wouldnā€™t be a bad idea to add some pink to your life!), I can assure you, Don Quixote will be an experience you'll never forget.

But hey, let's talk about Prague! Itā€™s not just about the amazing architecture, the rich history, the charming cafes (where Iā€™ve indulged in more than a few warm cinnamon rolls, by the way!) and the incredibly delicious dumplings - itā€™s about the feeling! Itā€™s a city that makes you feel like youā€™ve stepped into a romantic novel, and itā€™s a feeling that just washes over you as you walk its streets, admiring the baroque buildings, the old bridges and the ancient church towers piercing the blue sky.

This city is also about romance, a sentiment that doesnā€™t always find its way into ballet (though I must admit that ballet shoes are known to do quite a bit of romance! wink, wink). But even when ballet is about heartbreak and longing, Prague makes the experience so much more heart-wrenching, so much more poignant, as if the cityā€™s history has somehow infused every step, every movement.

But enough about feelings - it's time for me to talk about fashion! You see, dear reader, Prague is a city where history whispers in the cobblestone, but where style also bursts from every storefront. I mean, can you imagine the tutu possibilities in this fashion haven? Imagine the silk fabrics, the intricate embroidery, the dramatic colours... oh the tutus!

I spent the morning wandering through Prague's most enchanting shops, from those tucked away in secret lanes, to those perched high on the grand boulevards, each one brimming with treasures and potential inspiration.

This week's fashion find? A delicate lilac tulle scarf - think of it as a ballerina's cape! I found it at a charming boutique, tucked away in the shadow of Prague Castle, and I'm already dreaming of pairing it with a long black tutu dress for a sophisticated evening in this glorious city!

Before I dash off to catch a carriage to the opera (a girl's got to look fashionable en route!), let me share a little piece of ballet history with you - and don't worry, my Tutu Tribe, itā€™s Pink Tutu Approved!

Prague has had a vibrant ballet history for centuries, but what you may not know is that in 1820, Don Quixote premiered in the Prague National Theatre (though I can't claim credit for starting the pink tutu movement... at least not yet! šŸ˜‰). Now, wouldn't that make a fabulous ballet-themed itinerary? A tour of the National Theatre, followed by a beautiful ballet performance... Sigh Perhaps one for the Pink Tutu blog later on?

And of course, the city is full of fantastic ballet classes for all levels, even yours truly. While it's not the Pink Tutu Ballet (it's still a secret, you know! ), you know how much I love stretching my pointe shoes in a new place! Plus, imagine the chance to try on traditional Czech tutus and see how the dance style differs from the UK? The thrill of finding new ways to dance... well, I canā€™t imagine a better feeling in the world.

Well, my lovely Tutu Tribe, Iā€™d better go. A Don Quixote carriage awaits!

Stay tuned for more adventures from Prague! Don't forget, there's a whole city to explore, and with the Pink Tutu around, things are sure to get pretty darned exciting.

Until next Wednesday, remember, the world is your stage.

Much Love,

Emma (Pink Tutu Prague)


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1998-07-01