Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-02-24

Prague Postcard: A Pink Tutu Travels to the Heart of Europe (Post #200!)

Hello darling readers! This week, I'm channeling my inner Marie Antoinette and sending you a postcard from the utterly charming, utterly magical, and oh-so-pink city of Prague! Yes, this fashionista and ballet-loving soul has ventured to the heart of Europe, all thanks to a very special ballet performance I did back in dear old Derbyshire (the thought of fish and chips is making me quite peckish, actually...)!

As you know, my passion for pink tutus knows no bounds, and travelling in them is an absolute delight. I love the way people smile when they see me pirouette through train stations, or trot through a city centre on a sturdy (and surprisingly well-behaved) pony (more on that later). You'd be surprised how well pink tutus translate on any form of transport!

Today's post is a particularly exciting one, as we are on the 24th of February, 1999, and I'm about to embark on an experience I've been dreaming of for ages: a trip to the world-renowned National Theatre in Prague, to see the utterly divine "Sleeping Beauty"! This show is truly the epitome of classic ballet. I can already imagine the opulent costumes, the captivating choreography, and of course, the most magnificent tutus you've ever seen (naturally, in shades of blush, flamingo pink, and the most stunning pastel pink imaginable)!

The Pink Tutu Trail Through Prague

But before I head to the theatre, let's talk Prague! This city has completely captured my heart (and I can see why it captured Mozart's too... talk about musical history!).

We arrived last week, a beautiful Thursday afternoon. My travel buddy (a charming, handsome gentleman called Tom – he's even got a pink cravat collection!), and I boarded a vintage train in Vienna. We even spotted a troop of ballet dancers getting off at a station in a flurry of pink tutus and pointe shoes, quite the sight!

As soon as we arrived, the cobbled streets and the stunning architecture made me want to twirl! Imagine, Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, the Old Town Square... and let's not forget the delicious food. You've just got to try the trdelník! A cinnamon pastry coated in sugar - absolutely delightful. And yes, of course, it looks gorgeous in pink icing!

Speaking of things that look fantastic in pink, Prague has some truly delightful boutiques! Imagine finding vintage tutus and sequined dresses, hand-painted with the most intricate floral designs! My heart skipped a beat the moment I spotted one in a dusty little shop, nestled near the Old Town Square. I scooped it up for a steal and instantly added a feather boa (think fuchsia pink, obviously!), and some delicate lace to add a touch of romance to it!

A Pink Tutu at the Ballet

Now, darling readers, let's talk about ballet in Prague! It’s something special, truly a hidden gem. There's something quite magical about attending a ballet performance in such a historic city, in a building steeped in art and history. And, darling, trust me, this city has ballet history in spades! I’ve even found a couple of charming boutiques specialising in vintage ballet shoes and tutus. Can you imagine finding a delicate silk tutu that might have been worn by a young dancer in the 19th century? Absolutely dreamy!

The History of Pink Tutus (Because Every Fashionista Knows!)

But let's get down to brass tacks, shall we? Why pink tutus? I mean, seriously, why? Well, darlings, it's not just the undeniable beauty and the ethereal grace that they inspire. Pink tutus have a rich history!

Think of it, my loves, a time before ballet was mainstream, when women had to fight for the right to be seen, to be heard, to even be educated! Well, ballet became an empowering form of artistic expression, a place where women could break free from societal constraints.

You might not realise, but the early ballet tutus were often bright white. This represented purity, innocence, and femininity. But pink came later, my loves! It started to represent the growing acceptance of female empowerment and individuality! Can you imagine? Think of the bold and beautiful pioneers like Anna Pavlova and Margot Fonteyn! These incredible women revolutionized ballet, breaking the traditional mould with their stunning performances and dazzling costumes (a good few pink ones, naturally).

Pink became more than just a colour; it became a symbol of self-expression. A symbol for breaking barriers, celebrating femininity, and pushing boundaries, a very empowering symbol indeed!

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

Now, my mission is to spread the love! Pink tutus, ballet, travel, and beautiful cityscapes? What's not to love? If you haven't yet discovered the joy of pink tutus, darling, what are you waiting for? Find one, try one, wear it, twirl, and spread the joy of pink to everyone around you! This world needs a touch more of that, my loves.

But until then, come join me for a peek inside the National Theatre in Prague as we experience the beautiful "Sleeping Beauty" together. This time, my pink tutu isn't just about fashion, it’s about remembering a world that was just waiting to see its own reflection.

And if you're ever in Prague, come and say hello, and of course, we can compare pink tutu styles!

Lots of love, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-02-24