
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-04-21

Prague - My Pink Tutu Adventure, Post 208! πŸ©°πŸ’•πŸŒΈ

Hello darlings, and welcome to my latest post from the stunning city of Prague! As you know, I love nothing more than a trip, a gorgeous ballet performance, and a bit of shopping for some fabulously feminine frocks, all of which, of course, I get to indulge in this week! This is post number 208 on my little blog, and, as always, it's a Wednesday! You know how I love my routine. πŸ’–

This week has been a bit of a whirl-wind! But as you can see from my absolutely delightful pink tutu (yes, the one with the adorable lace edging and sparkly bows!) it's all been fabulous. It's quite the sensation here!

Before I tell you about all the fab happenings, I just wanted to tell you about how I got here. My favourite way to travel is by train, just as ballerinas used to back in the 19th century. (I love a bit of ballet history, darling!). This time, however, I added a little dash of glamour and hired a little pony to pull my luggage! Imagine, it was absolutely charming. A carriage ride in my pink tutu, like I was a princess heading to the ball! (Maybe one day, a real carriage - I'm dreaming big here!).

Of course, all the funds for this little escapade come from my ballet performances, and boy, have I been dancing! This week, I had the joy of performing with a brilliant company called the Czech Ballet. Such fabulous people, so passionate!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, dear readers! Today, April 21st, was the 100th anniversary of the first ever "Pink Tutu Day!" Yes, that's right! A day devoted to everything pink and tutus!


To celebrate, I headed straight to the Prague National Theatre to see the #PinkTutuPrague ballet. Let me tell you, it was splendid! The theatre is simply exquisite, so full of old-world charm and opulence! They even have a beautiful pink theatre box – it made me positively blush! I have to say, I had a moment when I wondered if I had gone too far with my own pink outfit! Maybe I could have toned it down with a pale pink? Hmm, but, darling, a pink tutu, especially on a special pink day, wouldn't be complete without the perfect pink, am I right?

The show was, well, breathtaking, as expected. This classic piece was truly brought to life by the masterful dancers! It's definitely the most memorable performance I've seen so far in Prague, all the emotions, the colours, it was simply breathtaking! The entire ballet was based on the true story of how pink tutus came to be! Oh my! The historical details were just phenomenal! Did you know they weren't always so pink? Imagine a tutu in cream, brown or even green? It just doesn't sound right does it! I certainly don't see them on stage anymore! πŸ˜‰

My favourite part had to be the 'Tutu Waltz.' Imagine an enchanting, twirling, swirling sea of pink tutus… it was pure ballet magic! But really, every piece was absolutely divine - you know I couldn't help but snap a few pictures for Instagram!

Of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without a good bit of shopping, my darlings! What do you think is a perfect addition to a pink tutu wardrobe, besides more pink tutus? A cute pink clutch, and a chic pair of ballet flats of course! πŸ‘ πŸ’–πŸ‘œ

My search took me straight to Old Town Square, and you can't beat the atmosphere, bustling with energy, it’s truly something to behold. It felt like something straight out of a fairy-tale, and it only strengthened my belief that pink tutus and magic belong together! Speaking of which, Prague Castle was also on my list. Absolutely stunning! 🏰 We took the train to Petrin Hill and then a cable car up to the Petrin Lookout Tower - another breathtaking moment with the most beautiful views of Prague! (I wore my pink tutu, obviously - it really stood out!).

While you might be thinking, "But Emma, how can you wear your tutu on a train or in a cable car?!" Well darling, that's where my ballet travel tricks come in handy. My darling pink tutu (it's called "Ballerina Dream") comes in two handy parts! One is the top part of the tutu, which comes with a comfortable, adjustable strap - perfect for traveling! Then, there's the extra-wide tulle skirt, which I bring with me to transform into my complete dancing diva look once I arrive.

There’s also nothing quite like the feel of Prague, and it seems the city itself wants everyone to get into the spirit! I stumbled upon a delightful shop full of stunning pink tutus! πŸ’ƒ My heart nearly skipped a beat! The sheer beauty of all the designs was truly overwhelming. Of course, I couldn't help myself, and treated myself to a new little pink number (one never has too many!). The shopkeeper, an incredibly charming fellow, said it was perfect for 'Tutu Tuesdays', another very important pink day! It seems pink tutus are all the rage in Prague! And he was so kind as to offer me an invite to join a local 'Pink Tutu Dancing Group' ! Can you imagine me teaching a dance class in Prague with all these lovely people?! How dreamy!

Anyway, darling readers, it’s time for me to say au revoir for now! My schedule's packed for this week, with rehearsals for Giselle and even a pink tea party at my hotel! And, of course, I will be getting out that new pink tutu! You’ve all been warned! It is bound to cause a bit of a stir! πŸ’‹

See you all next Wednesday, on www.pink-tutu.com!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-04-21