Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-07-14

Prague: A Ballet-Lover's Paradise - Post 220

Hello darlings! Emma here, your pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed friend, writing to you live from the magical city of Prague! This is post number 220, and I'm so excited to be back on my travels. It's been a whirlwind journey since I last wrote, packed with fabulous ballet, stunning architecture, and even a delightful journey by pony (more on that later)!

As usual, Wednesday is my designated blog day, and I wouldn't dream of letting you lovely people down! So, pull up a chair, pour yourself a cuppa, and let me take you on a grand tour of my Prague adventures...

A Whimsical Journey to Prague

This trip was all about ballet! I recently performed a beautiful, enchanting piece by Tchaikovsky, "The Nutcracker", which allowed me to treat myself to a well-deserved trip to this extraordinary city. I'm sure you know I love a bit of adventure and a little touch of whimsy, so naturally, I chose to travel by train. The journey was as magical as the destination. The rolling hills and emerald landscapes flew by as I imagined myself twirling in a ballet performance for all the passengers to see.

When I finally arrived in Prague, I was simply blown away. The old town square was breathtakingly beautiful, filled with ornate buildings that looked like they’d stepped straight out of a fairytale! Imagine a gingerbread house, but made of stone and even more delicious. Honestly, I just wanted to start twirling on the spot right there in the middle of it all.

Pink Tutus and Czech Delights

As I've said before, every destination is all about finding the perfect tutu, and let me tell you, Prague did not disappoint. The shop I found was like stepping into a wonderland. Pink silk, delicate lace, and fluffy feathers danced around me like fairies! My latest acquisition is a dream: a soft pink tutu adorned with sparkling sequins, just begging to be worn for a magical evening at the opera!

I couldn't resist spending hours lost in Prague's labyrinthine streets, marvelling at the vibrant colours, the beautiful cafes, and the bustling atmosphere. There was a delightful cafe where I sampled the most incredible cinnamon swirls, and let’s just say my sweet tooth was definitely satisfied! Prague has this wonderful, enchanting feeling - as though everyone's in on a secret, and you're invited to join in the magic.

Ballet: A Symphony of Grace in the Heart of Prague

Oh, the ballet! My journey to Prague would have been incomplete without witnessing the beauty of the National Theatre. The building itself is breathtaking. Imagine towering pillars, sculpted angels, and grand, golden doorways, it was simply majestic! I saw a mesmerising performance of “Swan Lake” – the grace of the ballerinas was enchanting! I nearly fainted when they did that perfect, heart-stopping leap! The whole thing just took my breath away!

Every movement was so powerful, so graceful – it's impossible to put it into words. Seeing live performances just inspires me so much. It reminds me why I dedicate my life to ballet – to create moments of pure joy and beauty like this.

Exploring Prague with a Pink Tutu-Twist

My dear readers, no trip to a new city would be complete without a dash of pink! The next day I took my newly purchased tutu for a spin in Prague’s stunning park, which had these amazing pathways surrounded by huge, elegant trees. Just picture me, twirling through the sunbeams, feeling like a princess in a pink dream.

After that delightful afternoon, I headed to a cafe right near the park. It had this absolutely gorgeous terrace filled with pink parasols! You'll never guess what I wore... Of course, my new pink tutu, of course! It's my lucky charm. And honestly, isn't it fabulous?

The Journey of a Lifetime (And a Dash of Pony Power)

I couldn't leave Prague without experiencing a bit of Bohemian countryside, so I ventured outside the city and embarked on an incredible pony ride. Imagine this: riding through the most picturesque fields, the air crisp with wildflowers, the sound of the pony's hooves a rhythm that fills you with a sense of calm.

This pony wasn't your typical horse; he had a mane so long it looked like a silver waterfall, and he had this cute little bell tied to his harness that made the most delightful jingling noise. We rode past charming villages and babbling brooks. And let me tell you, this horse knew how to enjoy life – we even stopped for a little nibble on some sweet wildflowers.

The scenery was unlike anything I've ever seen before, full of rolling hills and fields dotted with vibrant colours – a sight that made my heart sing. It was just the perfect ending to my perfect Prague experience.

The Power of Pink (And Tutu-Inspired Fashion)

As I'm sure you all know, pink is my favourite colour – it's playful, it's pretty, and it’s a symbol of pure happiness! And my beloved pink tutus – they're more than just a dance costume. They're an extension of my personality. Every tutu is like a mini masterpiece, filled with unique designs and textures – the ultimate in graceful, feminine fashion!

Every time I see another person wearing a pink tutu, my heart just does a little happy dance. And trust me, I’ve seen them everywhere. Prague is so much more fashionable than you think. Maybe it’s the historical charm or maybe it's the creative vibe, but everyone's rocking their own style. From funky street performers in oversized pink tutus to glamorous ladies with fluffy pink ballerina bags, everyone's embracing the pink power.

If there's one thing I want to do, it's to inspire everyone to find their own pink tutu! A pink tutu is a symbol of joy, of confidence, of living life to the fullest.

The Next Tutu Stop

I'm still here in Prague, soaking in the magic of this beautiful city, but I'm already dreaming of my next adventure. Don't forget, you can always check out my website every Wednesday for my weekly adventures! Next week, I'll be sharing more about my time in Prague – the fantastic street performers, the amazing fashion I found, and some delicious local food.

I promise you’ll love it!

Until next time, keep twirling, keep sparkling, and most importantly, don't forget to find your perfect pink tutu!

With love and a little bit of sparkle,


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-07-14