Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-07-21

Prague in Pink: A Ballerina's Whirlwind Tour - Post #221

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and as you all know, Wednesdays are reserved for my lovely Prague adventures. This week, my dear readers, I’ve been transported to a city steeped in history and beauty. Picture cobbled streets lined with pastel buildings, gothic churches reaching for the heavens, and a sense of fairytale enchantment that permeates the very air. Oh, Prague, you've captured my heart!

My journey started, of course, in the most magical way possible: by train. Now, I wouldn't dream of travelling any other way. There's something about the rhythmic click-clack of the wheels and the hushed whispers of fellow passengers that puts me in a creative state of mind. The train carriage was a symphony of muted colours and worn leather, filled with travellers eager to explore. Even the old lady beside me seemed to be radiating a quiet sense of adventure, her eyes sparkling as she looked out the window at the changing scenery. I must confess, I did give her a smile and a little curtsy (a girl’s gotta stay true to her ballet roots!), but unfortunately, her reply was a confused stare and a "you're right, we should have brought the pony!" Clearly, we both needed a bit more tutus in our lives...

Upon arriving in Prague, I immediately booked into a quaint little hotel nestled in a quiet corner of the Old Town. My room was, naturally, adorned with delicate lace and floral prints, with a window that looked out onto a bustling street. But first things first, I had to explore! My faithful pink tutu (which I just adore, it’s a masterpiece!), was the perfect partner for navigating the charming cobblestone streets, catching the gentle breeze as I danced down the narrow alleyways. The sunshine seemed to bounce off the colourful buildings, and every turn offered a new view that felt like a painting come to life.

Of course, no trip to Prague is complete without indulging in a little culture. Today's treat was a delightful afternoon at the Prague National Theatre, witnessing a mesmerizing ballet performance that left me utterly breathless. I must admit, dear readers, the theatre was grand and beautiful, but the true beauty was found on stage, where graceful dancers spun stories with their bodies and captivated the audience with their emotions. The colours of their costumes, the energy of their movements, the passion they conveyed… it was truly magical. After the performance, I found myself chatting with one of the dancers, a lovely woman with a smile that lit up her entire face. I told her how much I admired her passion and her skill, and she, in turn, confessed that my bright pink tutu gave her a newfound inspiration for her next performance. Ah, isn't that lovely?

Of course, after a long day of culture and excitement, there’s nothing quite as comforting as settling down with a good book in my favourite little tea room, sipping on a cup of delicately brewed tea, and nibbling on a delectable éclair. I do love to write my blog in a beautiful setting, so expect a deluge of Instagram worthy pics from my trip. I’ll post a link for you all soon so you can have a good, old fashioned nose.

But Prague's allure goes beyond grand theatres and quiet tea rooms. The city offers a world of shopping possibilities, perfect for a ballerina on a mission! My inner fashionista rejoiced as I ventured into the winding alleyways of the Old Town, discovering a treasure trove of boutiques overflowing with delightful designs. From vintage shops bursting with lace and silk to modern studios showcasing cutting-edge creations, each corner held a unique style, whispering stories of past and present. You can’t believe what I managed to find for my pink tutu wardrobe: a glorious feather boa that dances in the wind and a sparkly sequined headpiece that catches the light in the most gorgeous way. I mean, how can a ballerina resist such treasures?

Today, I also decided to indulge in one of Prague’s famous delights: a heavenly cinnamon pastry. This flaky, golden treat with its sweet, warming scent had me weak in the knees! In fact, I felt inspired by this delicacy and took some tips for creating my own ballet-inspired treats! My baking skills need a little work, but after a good ballet workout and an hour or two in the kitchen, I think I’ve managed to produce something lovely. Just imagine: pink icing swirling into tutus and little gingerbread ballerina dolls, ready to join me on my next adventure!

Speaking of adventures, darling readers, I am excited to reveal that I am returning to Prague once more, this time to experience its musical heart! On 21 July 1999, a mere couple of days away, I'm attending the "Pink Tutu Prague" ballet! Yes, I know, it sounds too good to be true. I simply couldn’t resist attending, especially as the show is being held in the breathtaking St. Agnes Convent. The air here is filled with magic, and the ballet company has curated a stunning show dedicated to the spirit of the 19th century. Can’t wait! And, of course, I'll be bringing you all along with me through my next blog post! This is going to be absolutely perfect!

I am always so thankful to all my darling readers, you’re all a wonderful inspiration! Remember, everyone deserves a touch of pink magic in their lives, and that’s why I'm spreading the gospel of the pink tutu one step at a time! Stay stylish, my dears! And don’t forget to visit my website: I post every Wednesday, so be sure to join me next time, as we dive deeper into the beautiful city of Prague!

Until then, remember to dance your heart out, embrace the joy of pink, and stay true to your own unique style! And most importantly: let the tutus flow!

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-07-21