
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-11-17

Pink Tutu Prague: A Dance Through Time and Shops! (Blog Post #238)

Hello my dearest tutu enthusiasts! It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure, this time from the enchanting city of Prague! Oh my, what a delightful trip! It was the perfect mix of elegant cobblestone streets, charming cafes, captivating ballet performances, and (of course) a delightful abundance of shopping opportunities.

Now, you might be wondering why I've chosen Prague, dear reader. Well, my love of ballet and travel knows no bounds. And Prague, with its rich history and thriving artistic scene, was simply irresistible. Imagine โ€“ breathtaking ballet performances, stunning architecture, and, let's be honest, shops full of charming Bohemian trinkets and perfectly pink tutus! What more could a girl ask for?

Speaking of tutus, let me tell you about the magnificent Pink Tutu Prague ballet company! I was lucky enough to see their performance of The Nutcracker on the 17th of November, 1999, and let me tell you, it was absolutely magical! The dancers were exquisite, their movements flowing with grace and elegance, and the costumes? A symphony of soft pinks and sparkling sequins! The grand finale had me practically swooning, and I caught myself humming the score for days after. I simply had to purchase a tiny pink tutu souvenir for my collection!

Of course, I couldn't resist popping into the National Theatre to admire the beautiful architecture, soaking up the artistic history within those hallowed halls. Did you know that it's been standing proudly for over 150 years? Such impressive craftsmanship, and an ode to the power of creativity and storytelling!

Speaking of storytelling, let's talk about my favourite part of any trip - exploring! Prague is a treasure trove of historical landmarks and charming alleyways. My first day, I explored the Old Town Square - the heart of Prague, brimming with energy! It's home to the magnificent Astronomical Clock, which literally takes you on a journey through time! The clockโ€™s complex mechanisms tell the story of creation and the movements of the sun, moon, and stars. Just magical! I also wandered down the Charles Bridge, marveling at the magnificent Baroque statues that grace its sides. It's no surprise that this iconic bridge has captured the hearts of many a traveler throughout the years.

My second day, I decided to venture beyond the well-trodden tourist trail and visit the Petrin Hill. Imagine a panoramic view of Prague that will take your breath away. From there, I even hopped on the funicular train - you know I adore any form of travel, even a scenic incline! The views from the hill were truly stunning. It's hard to describe the magical feeling you get when you stand atop this beautiful landmark, surveying the cityscape spread out below.

I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't mention my love affair with all things fashion! You see, Prague has a vibrant fashion scene, filled with vintage shops, trendy boutiques, and an array of independent designers. My trusty pink backpack was soon overflowing with exciting new discoveries โ€“ I even found a small handmade shop specialising in unique pink tutu creations, right down to a tiny, sparkling ballerina outfit! My inner ballerina was in absolute heaven.

No trip would be complete without a spot of culinary exploration! My favourite part was exploring the traditional Czech cafes and trying the delicious trdelnik. Picture this: a freshly baked pastry, filled with cinnamon sugar, topped with powdered sugar and topped with cream. If you see one on your travels, I highly recommend you take a bite!

In true Emma fashion, I also squeezed in some ballet classes at a local studio, joining a group of talented dancers with passion in their eyes and graceful movements. I simply cannot resist joining in when I encounter a ballet studio on my travels, no matter where in the world it may be. It's an absolute must, a connection to my beloved artform wherever I roam.

However, all adventures must come to an end, and soon it was time to say goodbye to Prague. I found myself catching a scenic train ride, wandering back through the captivating countryside with views that will stay in my heart forever. Even my journey home had that sense of charm!

Now, Iโ€™m back in my home in Derbyshire, and although my Prague journey has ended, the memories will forever echo through the corridors of my heart. And as always, I leave you with a reminder - a tiny, but powerful message โ€“ Embrace the Pink Tutu life!

See you all next Wednesday with more travel tales from this pink-loving ballerina!

Until then, may your twirls be plentiful, and your life filled with the magic of pink!


Emma. www.pink-tutu.com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-11-17