
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-11-24

Prague in Pink: A Ballet-Filled Wonderland! (Post #239)

Wednesday, 24th November 1999

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-clad travel blogger, back from the enchanting streets of Prague!

My latest adventures took me to the heart of Europe, to a city so steeped in history, it felt like stepping back in time. And guess what? It was even more perfect than I imagined. Let me tell you, my dears, Prague is the ultimate destination for any tutu-wearing enthusiast, and you know how much I love my tutus!

The journey from Derbyshire was, of course, by train. Oh, the joys of a long train ride with the wind whipping past the carriage windows and the smell of roasted nuts wafting in from the refreshment trolley! I nestled into my plush, burgundy seat, wearing a blush-pink, tiered tutu that shimmered with every movement, and my trusty travelling companion, my beloved lavender cashmere cardigan, draped over my shoulders. You know, darling, the things you find yourself carrying on these adventures! I just couldn't resist. You just have to be comfortable while travelling.

We arrived at Prague's main station just as dusk was beginning to settle, painting the city in shades of dusky rose and violet. The air buzzed with a vibrant energy, and the cobblestone streets sparkled under the street lamps. I instantly felt a connection to this ancient city, its past whispering to me through the echoes of medieval times.

And what could be a more magical way to begin a journey than a carriage ride through the Old Town Square? I confess, dear readers, I could barely contain my excitement as the sleek, black carriage drew up before me. The driver, a tall, handsome gentleman with a handlebar moustache and a twinkle in his eye, tipped his hat and beckoned me aboard. With a soft ā€œGood evening, Mademoiselleā€, I stepped inside and settled onto the plush velvet seats, sinking back with a sigh of pure bliss. The carriage swayed gently as we rolled through the streets, past baroque palaces, medieval towers, and centuries-old bridges, all bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. I imagined the countless stories that these stones could tell. Just how many stories have they seen in all these years?

Reaching the square, I stepped out, heart brimming with joy. The energy was electric. Tourists milled about, capturing moments on their cameras. Gypsies with painted faces and flamboyant dresses played music and sang melancholic melodies on the cobblestones, and the air hummed with a rhythm that beckoned me closer. But before succumbing to the charms of the street performers, my stomach urged a little nourishment. And whatā€™s more magical than dining on delicious Czech cuisine at an al fresco restaurant nestled in the square?

Food & Fashion

I tucked into a delicious bowl of traditional goulash, followed by a warm slice of strudel, all while sipping a cup of steaming hot chocolate. What an evening. The aromas alone were intoxicating. It is a food bloggerā€™s dream! And oh, the clothes, darling, the clothes! Just everywhere! I indulged in an evening of shopping, browsing the quaint boutiques lining the narrow alleyways. My eyes twirled, I assure you, like a ballet dancerā€™s in a pirouette. The stores showcased a whimsical blend of vintage style and contemporary elegance, and of course, a splash of pink! There were gorgeous silk scarves, antique jewellery, whimsical handbags ā€“ oh, my dears! I almost forgot, I came to see a ballet.


Yes, my dears, you heard right. My adventure wasn't only about beautiful surroundings and delectable treats, but a performance of a lifetime: a magical ballet production at the magnificent National Theatre in Prague. And of course, I donned my most fitting outfit, a stunning cerise-pink tutu adorned with shimmering gold sequins, topped off with a silk bodice and pearl necklace, a subtle wink to the city's baroque history. I may have been a little giddy with excitement, just a touchā€¦ and why not?

I waltzed into the theatre, feeling as if I was floating on clouds, my heart soaring with excitement as I ascended the grand staircase. The theatre, draped in plush crimson velvet, exuded a sense of elegance and timelessness that made my heart beat just a little bit faster. As the orchestra struck the first chords of Tchaikovskyā€™s Swan Lake, I felt a tear well up in my eye. It was perfect!

Ballet History

I simply had to visit the Prague State Opera and look at the amazing art deco style. From the intricate mosaics and carvings, to the gold and emerald-toned lamps that lit up the room. The entire room is pure romance and decadence. But the main reason I went, darling, was for the sheer history of this building. Did you know itā€™s a 120-year-old building! As an opera lover, that just takes my breath away. You can imagine the people and artists who have been through those very doors. Now I know I can't exactly tell the future but let me tell you something my dears: itā€™s exciting, very exciting indeed!

My heartā€™s desire, darlings, has always been to make ballet as accessible and popular as fashion. Ballet is fashion; movement and dance are its life. And, when I was researching my Prague trip I learnt something quite amazing about this city and its link to ballet history. Did you know that Prague holds a special place in ballet history? Back in the late 19th century, Prague had its own ballet troupe known for its exquisite style and theatrical presence. So I found this beautiful historical dance performance and enjoyed a little time in the company of ballet and a delicious cup of black coffee from a cafĆ© with views over the Charles Bridge. I am learning so much. I could move here, you know?

The trip was absolutely fabulous. So as the last performance ended and I hopped on a horse-drawn carriage from my hotel in Old Town I realised this place truly has it all ā€“ rich history, charming cafes, fantastic cuisine and an enduring passion for the arts! There was a whimsical feel to the whole experience, like a fairy-tale, just a touch of Prague magic! That said, however, I don't know what will happen next for my ballet journey! If I am really, really lucky and work hard enough then who knows? Maybe next stop will be Paris. Who knows, anything is possible for a tutu-wearing ballet enthusiast! I promise to let you know what happens. Donā€™t forget to come back here every Wednesday for the next chapter. My next blog post will be from Vienna - but you know I love a surpriseā€¦ so watch this space! Love, Emma x

*P.S. * Just as an extra little bonus for all of you, my fabulous pink-tutu wearers. Check out these amazing finds! There is nothing better than shopping for pink tutu gear.

  • The Ballet Shop ā€“ A must for every ballerina! Amazing shoes, stunning outfits and so much elseā€¦ it has a gorgeous pink dress too ā€“ perfect!
  • Pragueā€™s Antique & Vintage Markets. ā€“ They have it all from vintage lace tutus, gloves, antique accessories, shoes and even tutus from some well-known and famous ballet dancers from yesteryear ā€“ so amazing. You have to go there. Thereā€™s nothing quite like a vintage tutu or the right hat!
  • The Fabric House: Prague is full of small family-owned boutiques and workshops. Thereā€™s a shop where you can purchase amazing hand-made fabrics that are quite unique. Perfect for all of your fashionistas!

You have to let me know what you think! Don't forget to come back for more of my travels, and be sure to tell all your friends about www.pink-tutu.com ! See you all next Wednesday! And remember, darling, there's a pink tutu waiting for you. x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-11-24