
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2000-10-11

Prague, Prague, Lovely Prague! #PinkTutuPrague #Post285

Hello darlings! Emma here, back from a whirlwind of a trip to Prague, and just bursting with excitement to share it all with you. I know youā€™ve all been patiently awaiting this post - Wednesdayā€™s are always Pink Tutu Day on the blog, you see - so without further ado, letā€™s dive into the vibrant world of Prague through my very own pink-tinted glasses (and tutu, of course!).

As a self-proclaimed aficionado of all things beautiful, elegant, and yes, a touch whimsical, I had been dreaming of visiting Prague for ages. And, as fate would have it, this weekā€™s ballet tour had me performing in a beautiful little theatre just outside the city. Oh, the joy! Imagine me, pirouetting my way across the stage, all pink tulle and perfect poise, under the shimmering chandeliers of Prague - sheer magic!

Now, you might be thinking, "Emma, darling, how on earth do you manage to travel so much and maintain your pink-tutu-filled lifestyle?ā€ Well, my dearest readers, the answer lies in the art of performance! With every graceful leap and twirl, Iā€™m not just dancing; Iā€™m also weaving a dream of travel, fashion, andā€¦yes, a whole lot of pink! Every single performance gets me closer to my next exciting adventure!

So, after the performance, with a blush still lingering on my cheeks from the applause, I hopped on a train to Prague (gotta say, I do love the romance of train journeys - a vintage steamer, a comfy compartment, and me, in my signature pink tutu, whatā€™s not to love?!).

My first stop, of course, had to be the stunning Charles Bridge. Imagine, centuries-old architecture, vibrant street artists, and a dazzling view of the Vltava Riverā€¦ truly, a scene straight out of a fairytale! It wouldn't be a proper pink tutu trip if I hadn't got my photo taken in front of the astronomical clock. Such stunning detail on this historical beauty!

Next, I waltzed (quite literally, with my trusty tutu, of course!) through the heart of Prague, mesmerised by the narrow cobbled streets, charming cafes spilling onto pavements, and ornate architecture with a distinctly romantic vibe.

Now, I do love a good dose of culture and history, but darling, a pink tutu girl always needs to fuel her love of fashion! And, wouldnā€™t you know it, Prague has the most adorable boutiques nestled within its old city centre. Think hand-crafted jewellery, designer handbags, and even vintage shops overflowing with delightful gems ā€“ just the sort of treasures that make my pink heart skip a beat.

Of course, a trip to Prague would be incomplete without an immersive ballet experience! Luckily for me, this city boasts a renowned ballet school - The Prague Conservatory. Picture this: a grand hall filled with young, hopeful dancers, each striving for perfection, with an air of anticipation hanging in the air. I had to visit, of course! Seeing the young ballerinas practicing with such passion reminded me of my own dreams and fueled my desire to spread the joy of ballet to every corner of the globe.

Speaking of the globe, no trip to Prague would be complete without visiting its stunning old town square. I literally squealed with delight when I saw the towering astronomical clock and all the incredible detail and intricate statues adorning it. The beauty of Prague, darling, is it truly evokes a sense of wonder, like stepping into a history book or a captivating storybook!

But Prague is more than just beauty and history - it's also a foodieā€™s paradise. The local cuisine? A delicious medley of flavours, hearty dishes, and the most divine pastries. Imagineā€¦ creamy dumplings paired with the tangy flavour of goulash, or a crispy crust filled with the rich, decadent chocolate of the Prague Cake. Oh, the sweet life, indeed!

The evenings in Prague were pure magic. One evening, I even had the honour of watching a delightful ballet performance at the National Theatre, and of course, no Pink Tutu trip would be complete without a photo shoot! Just picture me, twirling gracefully in a breathtaking pink tutu under the majestic chandeliers, while Pragueā€™s lights glittered like diamonds across the river. Now, THAT is the life, darling!

But, darling, whatā€™s a Pink Tutu blog post without a touch of ballet history? So hereā€™s a little nugget of fun, and a bit of Pink Tutu knowledge, to leave you all with! Did you know that, historically, the earliest ballerinas used tutus?

Now, darling, imagine my astonishment - it turned out the original ā€˜tutusā€™ werenā€™t the billowing frilly wonders we know and love today! They were quite literally... trousers, or rather, wide and voluminous skirts known as "panier," worn in the 1500s, before becoming more recognisable to the tutus we know. This interesting discovery solidified the tutuā€™s history in ballet and added to my own love for its ever-evolving story.

This journey, my dears, was much more than just a holiday. It was a reminder that life is meant to be lived to the fullest, embraced with passion, and danced through with a sprinkle of magic - or perhaps, I should say, a whole lot of pink tulle!

So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags (or perhaps your ballerina bag) and set off on an adventure of your own. Donā€™t forget your pink tutu, darling - because every adventure is made brighter with a touch of pink!

Until next time, keep dancing, stay pink, and don't forget to spread the joy!

Yours always,


The Pink Tutu Ballerina

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2000-10-11