Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-03-28

Prague Diaries: Post #309 - Tutuing Around the Golden City

Dearest Tutu-lovers,

Greetings from Prague! This gorgeous city is absolutely bursting with charm, and believe me, my little pink tutu is practically levitating with excitement! It's Wednesday, so it's time for another instalment of my Prague adventures on, the place where every day is a pink tutu-tastic day.

This week has been a whirlwind of enchanting sights, fabulous fashion finds, and, of course, stunning ballet performances! You see, darling, as you know, I can't travel anywhere without a sprinkling of ballet magic, and Prague, with its rich history of theatre and music, is practically begging to be danced upon!

So, how did I get here? Well, a little bit of ballet-fueled fund-raising saw me board a glorious train from the Peak District. (Anyone else feeling nostalgic for Derbyshire's rolling hills? I sure am!) But I promise, even the most idyllic English scenery pales in comparison to the majesty of Prague! I'm pretty sure even a grumpy granny wearing sensible beige shoes would agree with me.

Anyway, back to the glamour! My first day in this fabulous city involved a little sightseeing, which I completed with my signature pink tutu and a fabulous pair of glittery flats. My trusty tutu (and yes, you can find its twin online, I'm not that mysterious) makes sure I'm always the most stylish tourist in any city!

We walked the Charles Bridge, a cobbled masterpiece of gothic arches, all while soaking in the atmosphere of the medieval Old Town Square. And let me tell you, Prague's old town feels absolutely straight out of a fairy tale. The astronomical clock's hourly performance of little apostles, a little terrifying in a wonderfully antiquated way, reminded me of my own childhood ballet days and those wonderful, sometimes-frightening stories about princesses and dragons!

But the highlight of this particular day was without a doubt the magnificent ballet performance at the National Theatre! I mean, just imagine: gorgeous 19th century architecture, with a breathtaking stage set for Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, which is simply perfection for a ballerina like myself. It's amazing how this music continues to transport me back to the grandeur and excitement of that magical world where dreams and graceful movements can exist in one moment! And did you know, darling? This very theatre, which looks as grand as a palace, had its foundation stone laid on this very day, March 28th, way back in 1868! It’s almost as if fate had planned this for me, because who needs a lucky charm when you have a pink tutu?

However, I knew that Prague is much more than ballet, even though I do spend my life dreaming of tutus! The shopping is divine! I found the most beautiful antique brooch in a shop with dusty books and overflowing displays of sparkly accessories. Just a bit of Bohemian sparkle for my vintage wardrobe!

Speaking of sparkly and grand, I must tell you about my charming afternoon at the Old Town Hall. Now, that is a truly breathtaking bit of medieval architecture, a stunningly ornate spectacle of the best kind. With my trusty camera in hand, I documented this piece of Prague history for all my blog followers to enjoy.

And, after a little light snacking in the historic Old Town Square, (the little, pastel-colored, patisserie with a whimsical gingerbread heart in the window- have you seen this one? So picturesque! So Parisian! I mean, really, darling!), I couldn't resist a quick detour to Prague's “Ballet House,” the National Dance Institute of Prague, which I had been dying to see ever since arriving.

Imagine, if you will, a truly old world but elegant building of sandstone and graceful arched windows, right in the heart of Prague, its halls whispering tales of ballerinas and princes through the ages. I walked around that lovely, historical, building with a sense of awe, almost a kind of ballet-induced trance, imagining myself back in the 1800s in a romantic, frilled tulle tutu with those delicate white satin shoes. The stories this building holds...I can practically see them dancing, a blur of pink tulle and champagne bubbles, waltzing beneath the grand crystal chandeliers! It’s a real feast for my creative senses, let me tell you.

And what is a ballerina trip to Prague without a traditional carriage ride? It was the most magical way to soak up the city’s ancient beauty – I just wish it had been a white, pure bred, Icelandic pony! I wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to try one of those magnificent horses when in Prague – you can practically picture me, a majestic queen atop a white Icelandic pony with a pink tutu streaming behind! Just imagine!

Speaking of grandeur, I couldn’t miss out on the exquisite artistry of the Prague Castle. Even just the walk uphill from the river to the gates, my lovely pink tutu swishing along as I went, felt like I was in a fairy tale – I just kept waiting for the seven dwarfs or some gallant knight to come into my path! Imagine it: Emma in her pink tutu, waltzing into a grand castle with a noble steed, a fairy godmother in tow! Prague Castle is all you can dream of, but on a grand scale. It truly took my breath away. I almost felt myself being transported back in time, to an era when women were the heart and soul of elegant court balls, their tutus as shimmering and graceful as moonlight.

Later in the day, after some exploring, I stumbled upon a tiny little hidden alley where a lone, but incredible, street musician was performing a breathtaking piece on a violin. And I, you know, with my innate, unstoppable ballerina soul, naturally felt inspired and decided to twirl along, adding my pink tutu touch to his street performance. It was exhilarating! It turns out people were enchanted, so enchanted, that some stopped to watch my whimsical pink ballet dance routine, as I was surrounded by all of the historic and traditional beauty of Prague.

It's an exhilarating feeling, this ballerina magic I bring with me wherever I go, it is truly infectious. People’s faces, so expressive and excited, have told me this was their favorite part of Prague! Who knew, huh? It turns out everyone wants a touch of pink-tutu magic in their lives! I am not kidding when I say, I feel so powerful when I twirl and shimmy in my pink tulle tutu, it feels almost supernatural! But hey, as we know, a little bit of ballet magic makes life more beautiful, darling. Just ask the Prague street artist!

Anyway, I think I might just be turning my whole journey in to an exciting tutu fashion documentary, all pink-tutu infused of course. Just imagine! Every street, every corner, a ballet stage! Maybe this is the story I'll create about my Prague adventure and it’s captivating ballet story – how I twirled in front of the enchanting Charles Bridge and captivated everyone's attention in this exquisite, historic and magical city!

In my next post, I’ll share a secret: a Parisian secret fashion boutique, in Prague of all places! Can you imagine? The most stunning pink vintage, and couture outfits to rival Paris! This will be the perfect spot to find new pieces for my tutu-filled suitcase! Just wait for my fashion-tastic reveal.

Until then, my lovelies, stay sparkly and remember: Life is a ballet, so twirl in pink!

Lots of love and happy twirls,


P.S. Do you love pink? I am on a mission to encourage everyone to embrace their inner ballerina and twirl with confidence! You can reach me online and join me at, we will create the greatest online ballet-community, it’ll be pink, fluffy, and fun. You heard it here first, dear tutu lovers!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-03-28