Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-05-02

Prague: A Tutu-tiful Adventure (Blog Post #314)

Hello my darlings! It's Wednesday, and you know what that means... time for another installment of my Pink Tutu adventures! This week, I'm writing to you from the enchanting city of Prague! The cobbled streets, the medieval architecture, the magical atmosphere... Prague has stolen my heart (and perhaps a few of my pennies in a few irresistible antique shops).

This trip was a long-held dream. As you know, I'm a huge fan of history and I've been itching to see this magnificent city since I read my first book on the Prague Uprising. I'm fascinated by its history – from its glorious Bohemian past to its more recent tumultuous chapters. But, I couldn't just go to Prague and not immerse myself in the city's rich ballet history, right? I simply had to see some of its finest dance companies in action.

Now, how did I manage to get to this breathtaking city, you ask? Well, let's just say I have a very special secret: a talent for earning my way around the globe with my tutus. A quick solo performance here, a ballet workshop there, and suddenly, I'm in a different country, with enough money for a beautiful outfit or two. Who needs an ordinary job when you can waltz your way through life, darling?

This trip, however, was extra special. I was able to secure a lead role in the enchanting "Sleeping Beauty" at the beautiful Prague State Opera. Honestly, my heart almost burst with joy when I received that email! And the grand performance itself? Let's just say that all my dreams were fulfilled. The audience's applause was positively deafening, the costumes were exquisite, and the stage itself was magical. I twirled my way through that final act with a lightness and grace that had even me, my own biggest critic, impressed.

Of course, Prague wouldn't be complete without a dose of my signature pink tutus. I had to be prepared, after all, for the many photo opportunities that come with being a travelling ballet blogger. My pink-hued outfit this time was a magnificent dream, darling: a fluffy tutu layered with layers of delicate tulle, topped with a lace-trimmed pink bodice. And it matched perfectly with Prague’s charming, fairytale vibe, wouldn't you agree?

Speaking of photo opportunities, I must show you the most adorable photo spot I discovered in the heart of Prague: a beautiful cobblestone square overflowing with pastel-coloured houses and stunning architecture. There I am, twirling under the sunny sky, with my tutu floating around me like a cloud. It was like stepping out of a dream, or into a beautifully illustrated children's book! The image truly captures the magic of this enchanting city.

I simply adore how the city, with its long history and captivating architecture, embraces modern trends with such open arms. One day, I found myself mesmerized by a group of young street dancers showcasing their breathtaking talent right on the city’s vibrant Wenceslas Square. It was inspiring to see how art, whether ballet or hip-hop, can thrive in unexpected places, weaving itself seamlessly into the fabric of daily life.

Naturally, no trip to Prague would be complete without some shopping, and oh, darling, you should see the fashion scene here! It’s like a fairytale come true. There were stores filled with antique gowns and lace, vintage accessories and delicate shoes. And, of course, I found the most beautiful pink tutu nestled among a sea of tulle and satin.

My day on May 2nd was a whirlwind of enchanting sights and captivating experiences. I started my morning with a leisurely breakfast at a charming cafe on the Charles Bridge, sipping on a latte and watching the sunrise paint the sky with hues of rose and lavender. Then, it was off to Prague's famous "Old Town Square" to get a photo of me in front of the iconic astronomical clock. You see, this city's medieval spirit perfectly resonates with the romantic heart of a ballerina!

That afternoon, I indulged my inner historian and visited Prague Castle, with its impressive towers and breathtaking views. But, I’ll admit, my favorite part of the visit was the "Royal Garden." As a ballerina, I'm drawn to elegant spaces, and I was mesmerised by the meticulous symmetry of its design. The lush greenery was a refreshing contrast to the city's bustle, allowing me to contemplate my ballet technique with fresh focus.

After a rejuvenating walk through the Royal Garden, I treated myself to a delicious meal of classic Czech cuisine - pork knuckle, potato salad, and a pitcher of creamy, locally brewed beer - and finally, my evening culminated in the unforgettable ballet performance of "Sleeping Beauty," a culmination of weeks of rehearsals and an extraordinary feeling of achieving something beautiful. It was a magical day, perfectly encapsulating the charm and magic of this extraordinary city.

I know you all share my passion for travel and ballet, so I'm eager to share my latest discoveries. This is my favourite part of blogging, being able to share the beauty I find in the world with all of you, dear readers! Stay tuned for my next post next week - I'll be delving into the exquisite beauty of Czech fashion, sharing some insider tips for creating your own fairy-tale looks, and revealing my personal recommendations for Prague’s hidden gems.

But before I go, I have a question for all you lovely readers: What are your travel dreams? Tell me where you would like to visit, or perhaps even what ballet company you'd like to see perform! I'm always looking for new ideas and inspiration!

Until next Wednesday, my lovelies. Stay glamorous, keep dancing, and wear pink!

Your friend in pink,


Website: * Instagram: @PinkTutuBlog Facebook: Pink Tutu Travels*

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-05-02