Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-05-30

Prague Dreams: Pink Tutu Travels to the Heart of Europe - Post 318

Wednesday, May 30th, 2001

Bonjour, my dearest Tutu-ettes!

I'm back with another blog, fresh from the cobbled streets and majestic architecture of Prague! Oh my goodness, this city is truly a dream. Just the other day, I found myself skipping down the Charles Bridge, sunshine sparkling off the Vltava river, with the Castle looming above me in the most magical way. It's a fairytale setting! I even spotted a beautiful little horse and carriage, with its rider dressed in a dashing pink cravat – how absolutely divine! You know I just had to hop on for a whimsical tour of the Old Town Square! The cobblestones felt wonderful under my ballerina slippers and the horses hooves, they clip clopped in rhythm with my heart. Prague you have truly captured my fancy.

But of course, I'm not just here for the enchanting city sights. It's a ballet trip after all! You see, a few months ago, I stumbled upon a rather thrilling tidbit of history in my old tutu research - that Prague was home to some of the earliest ballet performances! Apparently, it was here that some rather remarkable shows of graceful movement and acrobatic skills delighted audiences in the late 17th Century! Imagine that! That's centuries before pointe shoes!

So naturally, I had to embark on a voyage to discover this rich history for myself!

And what a voyage it has been! This trip took me through Derbyshire, down to London, then through Germany to Czech Republic on one of the most fabulous trains I've ever experienced! With a plush scarlet interior and charming attendant staff who provided us with snacks and tea. Not to mention I had an entire compartment to myself - well almost - I had two large and rather grumpy looking luggage bags who demanded I keep the seat beside them free! (They complained a lot.) I must admit the views on my train journey were utterly beautiful, but nothing could quite beat the sights of Prague!

I can't believe it took me so long to reach Prague. It was all too wonderful! But before I tell you all about the balletic delights I experienced here, you HAVE to see what I picked up in my favourite pink shopping paradise - the beautiful and utterly elegant Kotva Department Store! Just you wait, I’ll be sharing a lot of photos - just prepare to be totally bedazzled!

Prague Ballet Buzz: History in the Making!

Now, I know you’re eager to hear all about the balletic brilliance I discovered in this fabulous city. Let me tell you, Prague, is more than just stunning architecture and mouthwatering Czech cuisine, (although both are divine) this city really has its heart in the dance!

I simply had to visit the Národní divadlo (National Theatre) . It’s an extraordinary place and truly the heart of Czech theatre. Built in the 19th century with an equally stunning ballet programme to match. My heart is still aflutter after my recent visit to see the absolutely dazzling performance of “Giselle” - it was a spectacular display of technical brilliance and passionate artistry. And not only that, the sheer energy in the air of this truly elegant theatre. You could truly feel that passion. And even though my toes were aching, I swear I danced along for half of it in the comfort of my seat. The ballerinas were breathtaking, the choreography just superb. And not just the performances - the history! Can you believe it, I stumbled across an intriguing ballet costume exhibition hidden within the theatre, oh it was just magical! Filled with all sorts of ornate, elaborate costumes and a few of the most beautiful and detailed tutus you have ever seen - it was like taking a step back in time! There are just so many wonderful stories about ballet that were hidden right under our noses. You see darling, this is why it's always a joy to discover new theatres. Every show and theatre reveals new chapters of ballet's history - it's an adventure that keeps going on forever. And when you find a story in a place like Prague, a place that played such a pivotal role in early ballet, well that truly is magical.

I even caught a beautiful street ballet show on a beautiful bright cobblestone square surrounded by magnificent buildings! Oh it was glorious - and that music. My Tutu-ettes I must admit, my heart truly skipped a beat when I heard the first sounds. As a true lover of ballets classic music and elegant steps - I must confess it is simply intoxicating. I even caught the attention of an enthusiastic violinist and they let me join the impromptu musical performance for a few quick waltzes - it truly felt like something out of a movie, a whimsical scene!

Now I can't share all my adventures, darling, you just have to come and see Prague for yourselves. But just remember this - no matter where your next balletic adventure takes you, a pink tutu can make it all the more enchanting, more magical, more unforgettable. Always remember, darling, I want everyone to experience this amazing adventure that I love - to see ballets in stunning theatres all around the world! And who knows - you might find yourself with your own whimsical adventures and memories.

Til next week darling Tutu-ettes!

Lots of Pink Tutu love, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-05-30