Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-01-02

Prague Perfection: A Pink Tutu Odyssey! (Post #349)

Hello darlings! Emma here, ready to whisk you away on a whirl of pink tulle and Parisian-inspired elegance! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another dose of pink-tutu-infused fun from your favourite tutu-tastic blogger.

This week, we're dipping our toes (well, perhaps more like our pink ballet slippers!) into the cobbled streets of Prague, the City of a Hundred Spires! I landed here a few days ago, travelling the traditional Emma-way: a comfy carriage journey across the countryside, followed by a whimsical trot on a fluffy, pink-saddled pony – well, okay, it wasn't actually pink but it felt like it! 😉

Now, as you know, I live for a good ballet performance and Prague didn't disappoint. My first night in the city was spent at the majestic National Theatre, and let me tell you, I was completely swept away.

I mean, the architecture alone could give even the most demanding tutu-lover a heart flutter! Imagine my joy upon stepping inside and seeing rows upon rows of plush red velvet seats, and – cue the gasp – an elaborate stage set depicting a dreamlike, romantic forest!

The show itself was an absolute delight! The performance was of Giselle, a classic romantic ballet that perfectly captured the dreamy, ethereal mood of Prague's cobblestone streets. The ballerinas' movements were as light and airy as the wispy snowflakes dancing outside the windows of the theatre. Each arabesque, each pirouette, told a story of yearning, love, and tragic loss.

Of course, I can't talk about a ballet performance without mentioning the costumes, right? The ballerinas danced with such grace in their billowing white tutus and simple, delicate headbands, embodying the innocence of the story perfectly. For the "wilis" scene, they emerged in dramatic, flowing white gowns with long, dramatic sleeves – the visual impact was simply breathtaking! As a fellow lover of the finer things in life, I was utterly enraptured!

After the show, I wandered through the charming Old Town Square, where I was charmed by the beautifully decorated Christmas Market. It's not often you find yourself surrounded by twinkling fairy lights, the scent of mulled wine, and stalls bursting with handmade trinkets all while wearing a bright pink tutu! It was a magical moment, one I’m sure I will never forget!

Pink Power! A Tutu Lover’s Guide to Prague

Let's talk about the shopping! If you're a fellow pink tutu aficionado like myself, Prague is your dreamland. Every corner offers a different boutique showcasing exquisite Bohemian crystal, intricately woven lace, and beautifully crafted ceramics. Of course, a visit to Palladium Shopping Centre is a must. They have literally every kind of shop imaginable, perfect for a spree filled with both style and inspiration.

But beyond the shopping, the real highlight of Prague is its history. Every street, every building, whispers tales of a bygone era. It feels as if I’ve been transported back to a world of powdered wigs and elegant ballrooms. Just imagine waltzing across the dance floor at a lavish ball in a shimmering pink tutu, your elegant silk shoes tapping a rhythm on the polished wooden floor.

A Feast For the Senses! Prague Food and Fashion

One thing is for sure: I will always find a way to slip my tutu in the midst of my travels! Prague is a delight for the senses. Whether it's the warm, spiced aroma of roasted chestnuts in the chilly evening air, the intricate pattern of an old stained-glass window in the towering churches, or the sheer elegance of a steaming bowl of goulash, this city is simply a delight. Oh, and don't forget to indulge in a rich and decadent slice of trdelník.

Let’s chat about the delicious array of restaurants. I couldn't leave without exploring the city's culinary scene! And believe me, there is something for everyone in this fairytale-like city! I savored the authentic Bohemian cuisine, with hearty, meaty stews and fluffy dumplings, while soaking up the atmosphere of traditional taverns – imagine twinkling candles and wooden tables – such a picture perfect setting!

I also made sure to pop in to some of the modern, trendy restaurants to enjoy the latest culinary trends. After a busy day exploring the cobblestone streets, I loved sipping on a delicious Czech beer and enjoying a lighter, modern European-inspired meal – perfect for a Parisian-inspired girl like me! But honestly, everything just tasted so much better whilst wearing my pink tutu, don't you think?

Prague: The City of Ballerinas and Pink Tutus

Okay, here’s a little secret: I’m a sucker for history. And I discovered Prague is bursting with secrets waiting to be discovered! For example, did you know the Czech National Ballet is internationally renowned for its talent and its passionate performance style? In fact, I couldn't leave Prague without visiting their home – the stunning National Theatre in the centre of the city. And it's truly breathtaking – truly one of the most beautiful theatres I've ever seen, with an enchanting blend of late-Romantic and Baroque architecture!

I even discovered a few tucked-away gem boutiques selling the most adorable tutus and ballerina-inspired items, from antique costume jewellery to the most enchanting handmade dolls dressed in miniature pink tutus. Imagine my delight when I found an exquisite set of pearl earrings shaped like ballerinas – a treasure I'll surely treasure forever!

As I pen these words, the sound of laughter mingles with the gentle jingle of street musicians as the city settles into another starry evening. Sitting on a cafe terrace sipping steaming, creamy hot chocolate with a sprinkle of pink and silver glitter (naturally!), I find myself lost in the magic of the moment, grateful for every second I’ve been given to discover this wonderful, charming city.

But remember darlings, even a girl like me can get lost in a labyrinth of cobbles. And though I've seen and experienced so much in a few short days, there's always something more to uncover in this delightful city.

So until next Wednesday, stay tutu-ful, and join me on my next adventure, coming soon!

Love, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-01-02