Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-01-23

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 352 - Dancing Through the Czech Capital! 🩰🇨🇿

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for a new Pink Tutu Prague post! I'm back with another exciting instalment from my travels across Europe. This week I've been exploring the beautiful city of Prague. I know, it's a classic, but for a girl who loves history, stunning architecture, and good food, Prague was absolutely irresistible.

Of course, no trip of mine is complete without a bit of ballet, and thankfully, Prague didn't disappoint. Last night I saw the most divine performance at the National Theatre. Oh, the sheer artistry! The costumes, the sets, the dancing - absolutely mesmerising. It reminded me of the grandeur of the old Royal Opera House back in London. You see, back home in Derbyshire, I spent years watching the Royal Ballet at Covent Garden, and it always reminded me of the sheer artistry of dance. Now, to my absolute delight, here I am, thousands of miles away in a brand new city, taking in another breathtaking ballet performance. Life really does have a way of surprising you!

Speaking of surprises, one of my favourite discoveries this week was the amazing history of Prague's ballet scene. It's all quite the tale! Did you know, my lovelies, that the National Theatre opened its doors all the way back in 1881? I spent ages just wandering around the building, admiring the intricate architecture and soaking in the history. And of course, no tour of Prague would be complete without a visit to the stunning Prague Castle. It was absolutely magical wandering through the old cobblestone streets and courtyards. The history really came to life! Prague Castle itself dates back to the 9th century - truly ancient! It feels as though it's a testament to human endurance - that all these years later, the story continues to unfold. And if you think those castles are grand, the National Theatre is no slouch, either - built on an island in the Vltava River in the mid-nineteenth century, it's certainly one of the prettiest structures in the city. I can just picture the ladies of the 1800s walking through the doors, swathed in their gowns and velvet shawls, enjoying the very same performance I saw!

As usual, I couldn't resist treating myself to a bit of ballet-inspired shopping on my travels. This week, I picked up a vintage pink tutu at a charming little shop in the Old Town Square. You see, in my quest to get everyone in the world wearing pink tutus, it makes absolute sense to pick up as many lovely items as possible when I’m travelling! I know, I know - it's not the most practical choice for a trip across Europe, but hey, it’s worth the occasional curious glance for a bit of fun, and who can resist a little pink twirl? I mean, it adds such a wonderful dose of colour and cheer to everything, don't you agree? And in the very centre of the beautiful city of Prague, you simply can't have enough pink, don't you think? It adds a whimsical element to an already incredibly captivating place! I just imagine all of these women from years gone by dancing along the cobbled streets - why not just make a statement? My darling tutus would add such a touch of the theatre to it all, don't you agree?

Of course, no trip to Prague is complete without a taste of local cuisine. Prague is a real foodie's paradise - I’m having so much fun trying all the delicious Czech food, It’s been a mix of sausages, dumplings and all sorts! All perfectly matched with local brews - one can’t come to the Czech Republic without having a sip of that golden, delicious beer, now, can we? I simply had to explore every alleyway I could find in this incredible city. You’re just never quite sure what incredible finds you might stumble across. Prague truly has that sort of charm - where you turn every corner, and something delightful appears. It feels almost as magical as walking through one of the magical lands in one of the classic ballet stories I love. I have such a great sense of nostalgia as I sit back in the local bars, enjoying a delicious cup of something sweet. I even managed to find the cutest little cafe tucked away on a quiet street. The owners were the most delightful, sweet couple and they make a real, hand-made hot chocolate. Honestly, it’s simply heaven!

The real surprise was the city itself. With the medieval streets and majestic squares, Prague looks like it has stepped right out of a fairy tale, and, like in the ballet stories, I couldn't resist having my own Cinderella moment - but instead of a glass slipper, I decided to wear my fabulous pink tutu to the legendary Charles Bridge, you see. The setting was incredible - and with a beautiful blush-hued sky in the background - it almost felt like the heavens opened, as if just for me! You see, the history behind this Bridge is astounding. It's said to be the oldest stone bridge built across the Vltava River - which gives us so many stories to imagine, so many fairy tales to tell - how could I not celebrate my ballet love right here? I took a couple of twirls as the sun set and captured some truly beautiful pictures - just the most amazing backdrop!

All the locals, I must say, were wonderfully accommodating - everyone was just so warm and welcoming! They’re some of the friendliest folks I’ve ever met, and they all smiled so brightly at me. Some people stopped to ask about my tutu - I just love how fascinated people are by its vibrant, beautiful color - that wonderful bubble gum pink shade always attracts so much attention. The men seemed to adore it, as they smiled and gave a quick wink. Now that, was the sign of a gentleman, don’t you agree, darlings? You see, a tutu always adds that touch of romance, glamour and delight to an outfit!

You know, in some ways, I feel I have so much in common with the women of Prague. In fact, all my life, I've been fascinated by how women in Europe, in particular those here in Central Europe, have long celebrated the beauty of dancing and fashion - the feminine touch in a feminine world. What I find fascinating is, it all flows with the seasons and, if I may say so, just with life itself. Take ballet, for example, when I was still in England, the world of dance was certainly alive and well, in every season! From springtime dances on May Day - you always know there’s something on, with local girls parading through the fields with a lovely, vibrant display of the very best floral dresses, a display that continues on for many generations - the history truly does enchant me! Then through summertime dances on the village greens in my neck of the woods. You simply cannot miss these special occasions, a delightful mix of vibrant hues, of dresses in shades of green, of yellow, red, blue and lilac - oh, it really adds a fantastic touch of theatre to life - there really is something utterly magical and charming about dancing across that lovely English countryside! It certainly puts a spring in your step.

And then of course, we go from a charming spring day out on the local green, right through to the end of the year, and on into winter with its Winter Wassail festival, where, in England at least, you are absolutely certain to spot at least one Christmas Day panto, where everyone wears brightly coloured hats - from festive red and white, through to golden shades and yellow and a display of sparkly glitter, like a true princess, but oh, they love to add just that dash of glittery fun! You’ll have your fairies and you'll have your princess dancers - such great tradition and celebration! It’s really very sweet! I really wish everyone else across Europe knew about this, for there is really so much magic in the traditions! What a delight for the senses! It’s these incredible events which make me realize just how wonderful a world we all live in, because here, at this beautiful time of the year in the centre of Europe - I have truly stepped right into my own personal fairy tale - and I know you can too!

I mean, you could imagine, back when these historic buildings were brand new, that many of the people I'm watching walking down the street might have been dancing down them in tutus. Just think about all the little ballerinas dressed in pink tutus - with their ribbons and lace - there’s a little magic in it all. In every corner you go, there is something new and amazing. A stunning bit of art to see or another majestic landmark, and so many unique cafes. As I wandered, my heart fluttered at every single new discovery, every piece of artwork, each of those charming stores and quaint little alleyways. I mean, this is the epitome of fashion-forward fashion history - and the charm never fades. That's what makes Prague so amazing. It truly is a feast for the senses, and what I adore the most - as we get to delve back in time. And I absolutely adore the vibrant charm! I was so grateful, I took so many pictures with my pink tutu and a couple of cute pugs I encountered, as you simply can’t have enough dogs wearing pink, can we, darlings? You see, they too loved to play and, just like me, love that incredible touch of pink!

As I sit here sipping on a cup of coffee (that coffee - just heaven!) I really do wonder what the rest of this year has in store. And as you can see, darling readers - I've barely scratched the surface of all that Prague has to offer! Who knows where my tutu travels will take me next? The world is my stage, my dear readers - a vast dancefloor. What I love the most - and what we should all remember is that it doesn’t matter where you travel, where you’re from, who you are - what truly matters is, you enjoy yourself. The world of fashion is as vast as your dreams, and we must simply love life. And make that leap of faith.

But for now, my lovelies - I'll leave you with this one last tip. If you ever get the chance to visit Prague, you simply must check out a ballet performance in the historic National Theatre, darling! And you’ve gotta, just gotta - wear a pink tutu!

Stay tuned, as I am sure you won’t be disappointed - it’s sure to be a fun ride. Until next time my dearest!

Love and sparkles, Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-01-23