Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-03-06

Prague: Ballet, Beauty, and a Dash of Pink! - Post #358

Hello my darlings!

It's Wednesday, and you know what that means? It's time for a new post from your favourite pink tutu-wearing travel blogger, yours truly, Emma! This week, I'm whisking you away to the enchanting city of Prague. Yes, Prague! That magical metropolis overflowing with history, charm, and… well, you guessed it… ballet!

Let's just say Prague has been a delightful whirl of cobbled streets, majestic castles, and a whole lot of pink. Oh, and did I mention I discovered the most adorable little shop selling tutus? I might have, shall we say, "splurged" a little. More on that later.

Riding the Rails to Romance

The journey to Prague was an adventure in itself. I opted for the classic train journey, you know, just like the glamorous Hollywood starlets of old. There's something so romantic about a train journey, isn't there? Picture it: a steam engine, vintage carriages, and me, tucked up in my pink tutu (naturally) enjoying the scenery. I'm always so mesmerised by the passing landscape. It inspires my creative soul, gets those ballerina feet tapping, and sparks all sorts of dreamy thoughts for new routines.

My dear Derbyshire, bless her heart, gave me a send-off with a generous sprinkling of "bon voyage" wishes, especially from my mum, who’s still trying to convince me to become a proper teacher instead of this whole "ballet-travelling-in-a-pink-tutu" business.

But Mum, honestly! Where's the fun in being normal? Besides, wouldn't you want to see your darling daughter spread a little bit of tutu-love around the globe? And besides, wouldn't you want your daughter to be famous, maybe on that popular tv show "Strictly Come Dancing" ?

First Night in the City of a Thousand Spires

The train finally deposited me in Prague. From the station, it was a short stroll to my hotel, a grand old building that's positively bursting with Old World charm. I love the history! The hotel itself seems to whisper tales of emperors and queens, ballerinas and poets.

As soon as I'd settled in, I had to venture out into the streets! My pink tutu was feeling very neglected. Prague is an absolute dream! Just the way the old buildings seem to lean towards the sky, their spires reaching out like so many yearning ballerinas.

My first stop, naturally, was a local ballet shop. You simply cannot resist a good browse, can you? There, nestled among elegant tutus, I discovered a little pink number with a most delightful bow. Naturally, it found its way into my suitcase. There's always room for another tutu, darling! It’s a law of nature, really!

The shopping done, I found myself a table overlooking the enchanting Old Town Square. It was a scene straight out of a fairytale - charming houses, colourful crowds, and, my favourite of all, the towering astronomical clock! It's amazing, my darlings, truly mesmerizing.

Later that evening, I indulged in a proper Czech meal, something rich and hearty to fuel my ballerina muscles. And, oh my, the pastries! Prague certainly knows how to satisfy a sweet tooth. Let’s just say my tutu had to be a little looser that evening! I didn’t care, though. It was just lovely!

Prague's Ballet Treasures: History in Every Step

Of course, the reason for my Prague escapade was not just to eat, shop, and be enraptured by its beauty, though I wouldn't mind making that my job. Prague boasts a ballet history as rich and complex as its architecture. This city has played host to generations of world-class dancers.

And guess what, my darlings? Today was the day I would indulge in the real reason for this trip. A ballet performance by the National Theatre Ballet. It's one of the most prestigious ballet companies in all of Europe, you see.

The show was simply magical. From the dramatic costumes to the breathtaking choreography, it truly transported me into a world of fantasy and grace. I could almost feel myself gliding across the stage alongside them. And that tutu, let me tell you, it held me aloft all night! There was not a ripple in my skirt. You know when a tutu truly feels like a part of your soul, a magical creation that lets your spirit dance? That's what it was like.

You should have seen the expressions on people's faces! It's as though I was dancing in front of a thousand astonished, beautiful, bewildered faces. Every time someone would notice my pink tutu, they would grin like little cherubs. That feeling? Simply indescribable.

A Pink-Tutu Princess: Inspiration from the City

You know, I've been thinking... perhaps I should have more pink tutus in my collection. The pinker, the better, really. Imagine an entire pink tutu ensemble: the tutu, the shoes, even the bag, just… a pink fantasy come true!

This trip to Prague has really filled me with a renewed sense of inspiration. It's shown me the incredible power of ballet to transport people to different worlds. The passion and artistry of the dancers here just blows me away.

I have a feeling there's so much more Prague has to offer - secret alleyways, historical hidden treasures, and probably another tutu shop or two! I'll keep you updated.

Before I go, darlings, I have one very special announcement! It’s a surprise to you all! But, to celebrate my lovely time in Prague, I'm launching a new website for Pink Tutu enthusiasts! The site, aptly called "The Pink Tutu Club," will offer fashion tips, ballet advice, and even travel guides for fellow tutu-loving adventurers. Just wait until you see the pictures! You’re all invited, just search "The Pink Tutu Club” online.

For now, I bid you farewell! I'll be back next Wednesday with more adventures and fashion musings from Prague, but until then, remember: Embrace your inner ballerina, never stop dreaming, and, most importantly, always rock your pink tutu with confidence!

Yours in tutu,

P.S. What do you think of the website name? I have other options like "Emma’s Pink Tutu Universe" or "Pink Tutu Revolution", so do let me know what you think.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog, or you’ll miss next week’s travel shenanigans!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-03-06