
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-03-27

Pink Tutu Prague - Post #361 - The Ballet, The Shops, The Tutus - 27th March 2003

Bonjour mes chƩries!

Itā€™s Wednesday, which means itā€™s time for a brand-new Pink Tutu Prague post! I've been absolutely dancing with excitement about today's adventure, which involves a fabulous trip to the National Theatre to catch the Czech National Ballet's rendition of "Giselle." This ballet is one of my absolute favourites - the story of love, betrayal, and ethereal ghosts is truly captivating. I can't wait to see how the Prague dancers interpret this classic!

Oh, before I start rambling, a quick shout-out to my fellow tutu-enthusiasts out there. As always, I'm wearing my lucky pink tutu - it's the perfect shade of bubblegum, if I do say so myself, and makes me feel like a princess on pointe! Speaking of princesses, I just picked up this gorgeous, sparkly pink hairband to match my tutu! The pink trend is SO strong in Prague! Itā€™s just bursting from every window, every shop, every cafĆ©. Even the street lamps are looking a little blush pink tonight, just like me, I think! This pink-loving ballerina is truly in her element!

A Tutus and Trains Adventure: Derbyshire to Prague

Right then, where was I? Oh, yes - getting to Prague. The journey here from my dear Derbyshire home was magical, a proper tutu-worthy adventure! I always say the journey is as important as the destination - and boy, is this one ever! The train ride was glorious, gliding through countryside filled with snowdrops and fields full of sunshine yellow daffodils. They just seemed to be popping up everywhere, like they were bursting with spring fever and just wanting to show off! I couldnā€™t resist getting a bunch at a little station in Austria. They're so cute and cheerful, just like me when I'm in my tutu. I even spotted a family of rabbits bounding alongside the train. Such happy creatures. And, as if on cue, they seemed to inspire a flashmob! Imagine this: I look up from my book, and there are four charming Austrian teenagers all performing an energetic street dance to the music of The Beatles. You bet I was snapping away like crazy! And, of course, you know what I was thinking, right? "How amazing would this look with a pink tutu?ā€

I'm absolutely crazy for a good train ride, and this was a real joy. And of course, nothing could be more delightful than travelling in a pink tutu. The fellow passengers were rather startled but thrilled. A kind, old Austrian man kept staring at my pink tutu and muttering about fairies. ā€œOh yes!ā€ I said. "I'm a ballerina fairy!ā€ And I twirled around the carriage. I think I made his day. And who could blame him? The power of pink is incredible!

### The Theatre's Magic

Right then, the theatre. Oh, it's positively dreamy. All ornate and grand with an elegant sweeping staircase ā€“ you wouldn't believe the pink lampshades. So charming, and all so pink, perfect! It's so full of history, you can just feel the magic in the air. They say this is where Mozart conducted his famous "Don Giovanni." Well, it's definitely good enough for a ballerina in a pink tutu. The music of Mozart makes me feel all floaty like a feather. The Prague theatre experience truly brings everything together: the gorgeous building, the elegant audience, the intoxicating ballet, and, of course, a ballerina in pink!

ā€œGiselle" & More...

The ballet performance itself was absolutely mesmerising. The dancers were stunning, with beautiful, graceful movements that sent shivers down my spine. You could just tell they had a passion for ballet flowing through them. Giselleā€™s story - the tale of a beautiful girl who, heart-broken after being tricked by a man, is consumed by sorrow - was brilliantly acted out by a lovely dancer, but don't worry, the whole performance was beautifully done with a dramatic touch of elegance. Even the ghost ballet scene, full of beautiful but mournful women was just stunningly danced and so evocative. You can definitely feel how Giselle has captivated audiences all around the world - and it did me, too!

But the real gem was the moment I noticed a beautiful young girl, perhaps 5 or 6 years old, staring at me with adoration. Her eyes were fixed on my tutu. And what did she do, my dears? Well, she pointed a tiny, perfectly manicured finger at me and then, in the cutest voice you've ever heard, asked, ā€œAre you a real princess?ā€ I'm sure her parents were wondering where that came from. I smiled, curtseyed, and, without a word, lifted my pink tutu to twirl. Her wide eyes, filled with glee, made me beam. I donā€™t know if it was me or the ballet, but I was thrilled to see that joy and innocence ā€“ the power of the tutu is undeniable.

But this is just the beginning! The magic continues. Tomorrow, I have an exciting plan to go ballet shopping. Prague has been such a pleasure to discover, and its boutiques have become my absolute favorites! You canā€™t tell me that a pink tutu needs more shopping for its tutu wardrobe, because thatā€™s definitely true, darling. Just one last quick check for any shops I need to visitā€¦ And look at this, Pragueā€™s beautiful vintage clothes market just happens to be taking place tomorrow. Can you believe the luck?! This must be fate, darling!

My little suitcase of shopping items is ready! Itā€™s time to head to the Land of Pink Dreamsā€¦ or, perhaps just the land of amazing deals and tutu-tiful dresses! I'm sure I'll have plenty of great tutu-rific news to share tomorrow! And who knows, maybe Iā€™ll find my perfect pink vintage outfit for tomorrow. The hunt begins!

Right, Iā€™m off.

Bisous from Prague!

Your loving Tutu Queen,


P.S Remember you can find even more pink-tastic posts on my website: www.pink-tutu.com ! Just pop in to visit me, and we can chat all things pink and ballet! You know the place to go - you need look no further than a simple pink dress and some sunshine yellow daffodils, thatā€™s where you will find me!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-03-27