Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-09-11

Prague Dreams: A Tutu-tastic Adventure in the City of a Hundred Spires! (Blog Post #385)

Bonjour mes amis!

It's Wednesday, the sun is shining, and you know what that means... time for another pink-tastic adventure on! This week, we're waltzing into the heart of Europe - Prague!

From the moment I stepped off the train (yes, of course, I travelled by train, what else?!) I was completely smitten. Prague is a city of magic, steeped in history, beauty, and a vibrant, joyful atmosphere. And my trusty pink tutu, well, she was practically dancing with delight!

But before we dive into the magical world of Prague, let's have a little catch-up! I'm currently enjoying the success of my performance last weekend in Derbyshire. It's so exciting to know that I'm able to travel the world, dance on beautiful stages, and inspire others to wear pink tutus, all thanks to the passion and talent of a little ballerina from a small village in Derbyshire.

Now, back to Prague! Where to begin? This city is a fairytale come to life. The Charles Bridge, with its enchanting sculptures, takes you back in time. I'd even say the stone statues are channeling their inner ballerina! They were a little stiff and poised but held their positions with remarkable strength!

I must tell you, I simply couldn't resist purchasing a gorgeous floral hairband for my pink tutu! You can never have too many pink accessories! You can trust me on that, as I have amassed a magnificent collection over the years. You can read more about that on my 'Pink Tutu Accessory Corner' blog posts if you’re ever curious!

On our first evening in Prague, we dined in the old town square. I think the city itself might be slightly jealous of this gorgeous spot! They certainly do have a thing for pink in this city. From the pink houses on the Charles Bridge, to the beautiful sunset blushing the sky, the Czech Republic certainly knows how to add a touch of romance. The deliciousness of Czech dumplings almost inspired me to start dancing!

We've explored so much already - the breathtaking Prague Castle, the quirky streets of Old Town, and even indulged in a spot of traditional Czech shopping! Did you know they have some fantastic porcelain ballerina ornaments?

Speaking of ballet, of course, my Prague adventure wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the National Theatre. This gorgeous building houses the renowned National Ballet of Prague. We went to a show yesterday, and it was nothing short of extraordinary! Their beautiful artistry, combined with the grandeur of the theatre itself, was breathtaking! A few extra twirls from my end while exiting were completely warranted.

My next stop - a beautiful traditional cafe, for a delicious cup of coffee and a sweet treat (I'm definitely saving space for Prague’s famous chimney cakes, though!) They even had ballet posters! You wouldn't believe how much I adore Prague! The people are so welcoming, the architecture is just stunning, and it feels like there’s a ballet lesson happening on every corner.

Tonight we’re going to a show at the National Theatre and, even though the tickets are pricey, it's absolutely worth it to experience a touch of magic from within those beautiful walls. It's a privilege to witness the talent and passion that they pour onto the stage, even if it makes my pink tutu twirl just a little bit more enthusiastically.

Tomorrow, I’ll have a lesson at one of Prague’s finest dance studios. They are really going all out with the ballet love over here - I’ve seen ballet costumes hanging in windows, and even ballerina ornaments at local shops.

To get some of the Prague magic and ballet vibes flowing through you, I have decided to create a 'Prague Play List' on Spotify to share with you all! I have already curated a special 'Pink Tutu Playlist’ of all my favourite waltzes, ballets, and waltzes-by-other-names, so this one will definitely be special too.

This blog post isn’t the end of our Prague adventure! There’s still so much to explore and experience! Follow my adventures here, on, and on my social media channels. You never know what whimsical wonders I'll encounter on my ballet-tastic journey! Don't forget to share your favourite pink tutus, your travel plans, and your dancing stories with me, too!

Now, excuse me while I go try on all my latest Prague fashion acquisitions. Pink Tutu in Prague! Oh, the possibilities!

Stay sparkly, Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-09-11