
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-12-11

Prague: Pink Tutu Adventures! (Blog Post #398)

Hello lovelies! It's your favourite tutu-wearing traveller, Emma, and this week, I'm bringing you all the fabulousness of Prague! Buckle up, my darlings, because this city is utterly enchanting!

I arrived last Tuesday, fresh off the Eurostar from London (wearing, of course, a bright pink, feather-trimmed tutu, perfect for train travel, wouldn't you agree?) I adore train travel. There's something so magical about the rhythm of the tracks, the click-clack, click-clackā€¦ oh, and it's so much better than those ghastly planes! I may be slightly scared of flying. But I don't want to worry my sweet, sweet followers!

The Prague Pony Problem:

But I have a confession! Getting to Prague wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. The station was rather busy, and the only cab available was an enormous horse-drawn carriage! I was supposed to arrive with style in a fabulous red double-decker bus but, the bus station had mysteriously disappeared, apparently swallowed up by the river! Anyway, this enormous, handsome horse gave me this look, and I swore it rolled its eyes at me as it lumbered off, a veritable four-legged behemoth. Never thought I'd be afraid of a pony. Apparently, some animals just don't want you to get to Prague! Gasp!

A Fairytale Destination:

Once I reached the lovely hotel ā€“ think vintage chic with a charming courtyard full of pink roses ā€“ it was like I'd stepped straight into a fairytale. I have to tell you, I may have worn my favourite blush-pink tutu, adorned with twinkling pink lights for my trip to Prague, yes I have! Don't tell my granny! (She's a bit of a stick-in-the-mud when it comes to tutu choices! My dad keeps sending her pink tutus in the hope itā€™ll catch on!)

Czech Ballet Charms:

Oh, my darlings, the Prague Ballet Company is magnificent! This week, they're showcasing "The Nutcracker" - what better ballet to start a December journey than with this winter wonderland? It was absolutely exquisite! From the shimmering sets and costumes, to the dancingā€¦oh, the dancing! So effortless, so graceful, it truly captivated my heart! Even Tchaikovsky himself would have been smitten, Iā€™m sure! I especially loved the Sugar Plum Fairy, who was quite literally floating across the stage in her stunning pink tulle skirt! Oh, to have a tutu like hers!

And then, oh then, I did something quite outrageous. I even had a go at the ballet myself. At a little dance school tucked away in a charming side street, I had a private ballet lesson with a very sweet, kind-looking lady called Milena. Her tutus were very pretty, too! We learned the waltz! Now, it may have looked like I was on a sugar-high with the number of twirls and steps I managed. I do tend to twirl when I am happy, darling, but she assures me that was a real waltz!

Fashion Fun in Prague:

You can imagine I didnā€™t disappoint with the outfits, my lovelies! Prague is like a paradise for a tutu-lover! Think vintage dresses, flowing skirts, and plenty of pink (naturally)! My dear friend Chloe even said, "Emma, you are a walking piece of art!" and of course, I told her, ā€œOh Chloe, darling! It's the pink tutu! Always the pink tutu!ā€

This charming city has been so good to my closet! I found some divine silk scarves at a little antique shop, just perfect for layering over a pastel pink tutu. They have just a hint of floral print, and Iā€™ve already worn them with two outfits!

Iā€™ve been flitting about Prague's picturesque streets, soaking in the magic of the cobblestone walkways, fairytale architecture, and oh-so-cute cafes. Of course, I've been taking plenty of selfies with my tutus as my backdrop! What else is a tutu girl to do? And I just had to have a picnic on the Charles Bridge with a steaming mug of delicious hot chocolate (with marshmallows!) and a slice of sweet strudel, because isnā€™t a ballet dancer allowed to have a bit of cake? My friend Chloe is making a little video for her Instagram blog, itā€™ll be the absolute best one yet, trust me!

Prague: A Ballet Loverā€™s Paradise:

You guys, this city just whispers ā€œromance and dreams,ā€ which makes it perfect for a pink tutu and ballet lover like me! And oh, what I wouldn't do for a romantic waltzing moment with the perfect someone, under the glow of a million lights with my sparkling tutu swirling! If he's out there, I hope youā€™re reading this and will consider giving this graceful ballet dancer a whirl (without breaking my foot, of course). But I'm already dreaming of the next dance in Prague!

If you're a ballet lover and looking for a beautiful destination to fill your heart with magic and tutu dreams, then you absolutely must add Prague to your bucket list!

Until next week, darlings! Don't forget to visit the Pink Tutu blog, www.pink-tutu.com and follow my journey as I twirl across the globe, spread the pink tutu love, and continue to find the most charming, fairytale places, just like Prague!

Remember: Life's a dance, so twirl with confidence!

P.S. Follow my tutu journey on Instagram at #PinkTutuTravels - it's bursting with fun! Iā€™ll also be including details on my outfit here, so check it out and tell me if you think it's the best Prague-inspired tutu I've worn yet!


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-12-11