
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2003-04-16

Prague: A Pink Tutu Paradise! (Blog Post #416)

Hello my darlings! Emma here, back from a whirlwind week in the enchanting city of Prague! This is my forty-sixth post for the Pink Tutu Prague series, which you know is posted every Wednesday on www.pink-tutu.com, right? (Itā€™s not like Iā€™ve never mentioned it, haha!).

Today, weā€™re going to be talking about tutus! I know, I know, another tutu post. What can I say, my love for tutus knows no bounds, and let me tell you, Prague was a tutu loverā€™s dream come true! Itā€™s practically a ballet city, with an incredible heritage of ballet and its captivating performances and oh, the tutu scene, oh the TUTU SCENE. As soon as I arrived at the magnificent Prague Central Station, I was ready for all the pretty pink, frilly and feathered extravaganzas my eyes could handle.

But before we delve into the delicious world of tutus, a quick word on this beautiful city.

The Journey to Prague: Train, Pony & Shopping!

As always, I made the journey to Prague via the glorious method of train travel. Who could resist the romantic allure of travelling by train, gliding across the countryside, admiring the passing landscapes? Not me, thatā€™s for sure. A journey by train is a truly magical experience! Then, of course, there was the small matter of the train trip to my darling pony, Sparkle, who couldnā€™t possibly be left out of a trip to this fantastically fairytale-like city. Yes, my love, Sparkle joined me on the adventure. After all, wouldnā€™t it be terrible for him to be left behind at the stables? It wasnā€™t always easy trying to make room on the train for a pony, especially when he insisted on bringing his favourite pair of ballet slippers - and I mean his favourite, because he only ever lets me polish his one favourite pair. Heā€™s quite the fussy darling! I knew I just had to make it happen and a little bit of persuasion (and a good bribe) for the ticket conductor and a comfy bale of hay meant he got to travel in the baggage car all the way to the Prague train station - a journey he certainly seemed to enjoy.

Of course, a travel to Prague isnā€™t complete without a pit-stop for a little shopping adventure. A pit-stop isnā€™t a pit stop without some new fabulous outfit, a pink beret and of course some special treats for my lovely Sparkle. Heā€™s partial to a few shiny baubles, you know, and it was worth every single coin! And we were back on the road in no time, Sparkle snoozing happily, just as a good pony should. You wouldn't believe how well behaved Sparkle was on the journey. In fact, all those lovely commuters in the carriage, who I have no doubt will read this blog, and I can tell, the pink tutus are doing wonders for their confidence in themselves and in their outfits, said that he was the most polite pony on the train,

The City That Captures Your Heart (and Your Wardrobe!)

Prague is just magical, with its winding cobbled streets and enchanting architecture. The very air was buzzing with culture and energy! And I, as a pink tutu enthusiast, just knew that this city was going to deliver. Oh my! It truly lived up to the hype! Prague felt so incredibly special with its charm and those oh so adorable and elegant cafe terraces. Every cobblestone was an opportunity to have the perfect photoshoot for my blog! I managed to slip a few twirls in at some of those cobblestone moments (with my lovely pony Sparkle keeping a close eye on things as I did! And a big smile on his face at my pirouettes!).

And did I mention the shopping? Pragueā€™s stores were overflowing with amazing clothes! They even have an absolutely wonderful little haberdashery and millinery shop, full of vintage tutus and lace and feathers just for you know, those really extra touches for when I have to make a pink tutu stand out. And to the great delight of this pink-obsessed fashionista, the shop also sells those wonderful delicate pink gloves - you know, the kind that only true elegant ladies who dare to sparkle would choose to wear - absolutely lovely!

Pragueā€™s Ballerina Dreams:

You guys already know that ballet is my ultimate passion and when I think of ballet, the majestic architecture of the city's historic buildings immediately springs to mind! And with my love for all things pink tutu-ed up, it wasn't long until I found myself in the middle of an incredible, dreamy, fairy tale tutu ballet show. A stunning performance that felt straight out of a ballet fantasy. A full on ballet adventure! The beautiful sets and the magical costumes were breathtaking and every last detail was so meticulously perfected - it just gave me butterflies to watch! The energy was intoxicating and I could almost feel the story swirling around me!

The ballerina, this stunning ballerina with beautiful rosy cheeks and an oh so beautiful and elegant bun, the way she movedā€¦ just the perfect balance of grace and power! Her graceful leaps, elegant extensions, those mesmerizing pirouettes, her expressive movements.. Oh my! It was utterly enthralling.

My sweet Sparkle, my love of a pony, absolutely adorbs the ballet. Oh, he could sit there for hours. His little eyes light up and his fluffy white coat shimmers. In all honesty, he does tend to get distracted by the lovely audience who love his shiny coat.

The Grand Opera and a Tutu Triumph!

My Prague adventures took me to the iconic, oh so majestic, Prague State Opera! A true temple to the performing arts and I must say, what an extraordinary place! Its sheer scale, grandeur, those beautifully embellished chandeliers. . and the whole theatre had a very strong connection with my deep love for the world of ballet history. They hold those stunning portraits of famous dancers who graced this stage so many years ago! Iā€™m sure a fair few of them donned some very flamboyant tutus - tutus worthy of a blog post - maybe even two! You never know!

A Pink Tutu Moment I'll Never Forget!

I made my way down the iconic streets to my hotel, my mind filled with images of those incredible tutu costumes from the evening's performance. Then, a surreal thing happened... a street ballet show appeared right before my very eyes! Now, that is really good timing! My feet, of course, instantly started to tap and then they were dancing!

An older gentleman and I found ourselves lost in our little ballet routine! This dear gentleman seemed to enjoy my lovely pink tutu. We shared a bit of laughter as we spun, leapt and, oh, yes! Even managed a perfectly synchronized fouette! He certainly made the trip to Prague extra magical. Honestly, it is always a wonderful moment when your tutu brings joy and fun to everyone - to be honest, itā€™s the kind of moment that is absolutely why I wear it!

Back to Derbyshire:

Well, that was my brief adventure in Prague! Back in the Derbyshire Dales, I must say, the rolling green countryside definitely doesn't feel the same after seeing those medieval architecture wonders that just seem to soak up all the vibrant pink colour of the world! I do have to say Iā€™m feeling the Prague-inspired, ā€œpink-ifyā€ the entire worldā€ vibes for sure.

What about you? Have any of you got a story of how a pink tutu inspired something brilliant?

Thatā€™s it for this week. Make sure you check out my pink-tutu blog each week www.pink-tutu.com. As I always say, have a wonderfully elegant week!

Love you all!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2003-04-16