Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2003-09-17

Prague: A Fairy Tale in Pink! (Post #438)

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, which means a new adventure from yours truly, Emma, the Pink Tutu Queen! And today, my friends, we're waltzing into the magical city of Prague!

This week, I'm leaving behind the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the cobbled streets and fairy-tale castles of Prague. I'm so excited! Ever since I was a little girl, I've been mesmerized by the stories of princesses and knights, of ancient lore and grand balls. Prague feels like the perfect setting for a storybook, and my pink tutu is ready to twirl its way through the magic!

The Pinkest Train Ride Ever!

As always, my trusty train whisked me off to the continent, and this time, it even donned a special "Pink Tutu Express" banner (not really, but I like to imagine it did!). It's all in the details, isn't it?

Travelling by train is always such a lovely experience. I love the gentle rocking motion, the cosy compartments, and of course, the fabulous window views! It’s like a travelling stage for the ever-changing world to play its scenery upon, and let me tell you, the Czech countryside was truly breathtaking! Fields of emerald green dotted with quaint little villages, the sun dappling through the branches of ancient forests, all topped off with the majestic view of the Tatra Mountains in the distance. It was straight out of a painting, or perhaps one of those fairytale books with lovely little girls wearing fluffy dresses and beautiful flowers in their hair... Oh, how I wish I had a pony to ride through these rolling hills! I wouldn’t even care if I had to carry my own saddle, and just picture the adorable little foal behind me. How much more magical could life be?

Arriving in Prague

I reached Prague just in time for the most perfect evening. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city erupted in a blaze of orange and pink hues, illuminating the towers and spires that make this city so incredibly special.

My first order of business? Well, a good ol’ fashioned, pre-ballet show spin, of course!

The streets of Prague are like a real-life costume shop. The pastel coloured houses with their elaborate designs, the bridges lined with charming stalls selling Bohemian trinkets, and of course, the abundance of stunning architectural masterpieces like the Prague Castle, the Charles Bridge, the Old Town Square. It all feels like a stage set, an epic background for the ultimate pink tutu promenade.

Speaking of promenades…

The Magical Dance of the Pink Tutu

I wouldn’t be me without mentioning the ballet! Tonight, my darling lovelies, I’m off to the National Theatre in Prague to see the The Nutcracker! Now, I know what you're thinking: The Nutcracker? Isn’t that a little…basic? But trust me, this performance is anything but basic. Prague has a rich tradition of ballet, dating back to the 18th century, and its ballet scene is world renowned. They say that the theatre, with its opulent architecture and the most fabulous grand ballroom - perfect for waltzing and twirling - it's as much a star as the performers themselves. I’ve been looking forward to this one all week. What can I say, I do love a bit of fairytale in my life.

The show itself was a triumph! It was almost as beautiful as my new shoes… well, almost! The choreography was stunning, a masterful blend of elegance and theatricality, the costumes - oh the costumes! - simply exquisite, and the performance by the Prague Ballet was absolutely mesmerizing!

Every dance, every step, felt as though I had stepped into a dream. I found myself swaying along to the music, feeling every note, and I could almost hear the delicate sound of tiny fairy bells! And those sugarplum fairies? Absolutely gorgeous! They seemed to be dancing right in my dream, right along with me.

After the show, the magical feeling stayed with me. As I walked through the night streets, it felt like everything around me was twirling in perfect time to a music that was only audible to me, as if it was some sort of beautiful melody of Prague, full of mystery, romance and a whole lot of glitter.

Pink Shopping in a Pink City!

But wait, there’s more! How could I possibly come all this way to a beautiful city like Prague and not indulge in a bit of retail therapy? The city is a haven for fashionistas, just overflowing with the most adorable boutiques and stylish stores! I spent the entire morning browsing and finding new additions to my wardrobe - my eyes feasted on a colourful tapestry of silks and velvet, delicate lace, and all sorts of glittering trinkets.

I even stumbled upon the most beautiful vintage shop in a tiny alley, crammed full of lace, satin and feather boas – a real pink tutu’s paradise. The shop was literally bubbling with creativity. Just one look around and I found myself dreaming of the most incredible costumes!

Prague by Night

Later, after a leisurely afternoon picnic, where I had to force myself not to order all the delicious little pastel pastries – it’s quite hard to resist, isn’t it? – I took a stroll across the Charles Bridge, the golden hour sunlight turning the city into a glistening spectacle of fairy-tale magic.

As the sun started to set, and the stars emerged, I felt an irresistible urge to dance… My Pink Tutu felt just right, and after a couple of twirls under the starlit sky on the Charles Bridge, I knew there was no better way to end the perfect Prague day.

Well, my darlings, until next Wednesday when I’ll share more stories of this gorgeous city. For now, you must excuse me, I have a city to explore!

Keep it Pink, and keep dancing,

Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2003-09-17