
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-05-26

Pink Tutu Prague - Post 474

Wednesday, 26th May 2004

Hello my darling dears, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Prague, where the cobblestones are just as pretty as a brand-new pair of ballet shoes, and the history whispers through the charming little alleyways. This week, I'm brimming with excitement to share the latest adventure with you, as it was filled to the brim with sparkling tutus, grand theatres, and an intoxicating blend of culture and fashion.

Now, before we dive headfirst into the glittering vortex of Prague's beauty, let's rewind a tad, shall we? I arrived last week by train - a delightful journey, as always. Nothing quite beats the romance of watching the world flash by from the carriage window, a good book in hand, and a touch of whimsy in the air.

My accommodations are quite divine. Imagine, darling, a cobbled courtyard hidden away in a quiet little street. I have a little balcony overlooking the most charming rose bushes you ever did see, their fragrant blossoms rivalled only by the exquisite pastries I find in the local bakeries. Honestly, my fellow pink-loving darlings, this city is like a dream!

Oh, and before I forget, darling! As soon as I arrived, I felt compelled to do what every Pink Tutu traveller must: a stroll down the magnificent Charles Bridge. I practically waltzed across the cobblestones, twirling my pink chiffon skirt as if it were a ballet in itself! The river Vltava, with its swan-filled waters, made a perfectly dreamy backdrop. Did I mention that there was also a little violin playing a beautiful melody nearby? Talk about a scene straight out of a fairytale.

And now, onto the real reason I came to this enchanting city โ€“ ballet! On Saturday, darling, I graced the majestic National Theatre with my presence. The opera house itself was something of a masterpiece. The grand staircase was like something from a bygone era, with exquisite sculptures, gilded accents, and red carpets that seemed to stretch for miles.

As for the show, "Swan Lake" - a masterpiece of ballet if ever there was one! I can't tell you how deeply the story moved me, especially the delicate, swan-like choreography. Of course, I wasn't the only one swept away by the performance; the audience was enraptured, applauding until their hands ached. Oh, the feeling of seeing those talented dancers soar across the stage, every movement as precise and graceful as a beautiful blooming flower! It was a sensory feast for the soul.

But, my dears, Prague doesn't simply hold a love for grand, theatrical performances. The city itself seems to have its own rhythm, a graceful choreography of cobbled streets, medieval buildings, and charming locals. I've found myself lost in its magic, wandering through the heart of the Old Town Square, captivated by the enchanting tales etched into the stone walls of the astronomical clock, the magnificent facade of the Church of Our Lady Before Tรฝn, and the fairytale beauty of the Charles Bridge. Each little corner whispered with history, every turn of the cobblestone path unfolded a new mystery.

Of course, every good trip needs its dose of indulgence, don't you agree? And here in Prague, shopping is a true adventure. I discovered the most charming boutiques, overflowing with beautifully designed gowns, flowing silks, and intricate lace patterns. I couldn't resist indulging in a few delightful purchases, adding a touch of Prague's romantic magic to my Pink Tutu wardrobe.

And as I wander through the cobblestone alleys and historic squares, I can't help but dream up my own choreography. Imagine, my lovelies, a ballet where the dance floor is paved with cobblestones, where the buildings sway like elegant figures, and the ancient architecture itself becomes a part of the performance. The city's rhythm becomes the music, and each step, each gesture, becomes a tribute to this enchanting metropolis.

My heart, my dears, is brimming with happiness. Prague is a treasure trove of inspiration, and it's left an undeniable mark on my ballet-loving soul. If you ever find yourself longing for a romantic adventure, for a place where history and beauty intertwine in a captivating dance, then this city is calling to you. Just remember to pack your most delightful pink tutu, my darling, as you never know when a grand adventure might lead you to a grand stage!

Until next week,

Emma x

P.S. I will, of course, be sharing some stunning photos of my trip on www.pink-tutu.com so don't forget to come back and see my new Parisian outfits! Oh, and make sure you join me on social media, too. I can't wait to see your pink tutu adventures!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-05-26