Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-08-04

Prague, darling, Prague! (Blog Post #484)

Hello, darlings! It’s Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to Prague, a city so stunning it practically makes me want to pirouette all the way back to my hotel! This week’s post is bursting with Bohemian charm, tutus (naturally!), and more pink than you can shake a feather boa at.

As you know, my dearest readers, Wednesday is my favourite day of the week, as it’s time for my Prague blog. The clock strikes midday, and my fingers furiously tap away at the keyboard, eager to share the latest adventures in pink-hued travel and tutu-infused fashion. I always start with a steaming cuppa and a dainty biscuit (the shortbread ones are my weakness, you see), but today, it’s a glass of bubbly that’s making my heart flutter. It's not just the celebratory drink, though. It’s the memory of a stunning performance I witnessed just last night, here in the heart of Prague!

The Magic of The Pink Tutu Prague Ballet

This trip has been one whirlwind of a ballet-lover’s dream, from waltzing through enchanting castles to pirouette-ing along cobbled streets. But the highlight, oh the absolute highlight, was last night’s show. Picture this, my lovelies, if you will… The theatre, with its magnificent crimson velvet curtains and plush seats, hushed with anticipation. A stage draped in shimmering, pink-hued lights. The smell of fresh powder and… wait for it… the faint aroma of roses!

The Pink Tutu Prague Ballet - I gasped as the lights dimmed, and a symphony of violins filled the air, then BAM! The curtain rose, revealing a breathtaking ballet inspired by the beauty of Prague itself. It was pure magic!

And the tutus… swoon.

The dancers wore the most magnificent pink tutus, cascading in tulle waves, some adorned with intricate floral embroidery, and others shimmering with delicate crystal embellishments. They seemed to float on stage, like graceful pink clouds drifting across the celestial canvas. My heart, my dear readers, almost leaped out of my chest. I’ve never seen such elegance!

The Inspiration of The Prague Castle

Now, if you’re looking for inspiration for a breathtaking ballet, darling, Prague is simply divine! And I’m not just saying that because I’ve just devoured a plate of the most delectable trdelník (a sweet Czech pastry) I’ve ever tasted!

The Prague Castle, towering above the city, is an architectural masterpiece. And every corner of this medieval castle offers its own story. Walking along the cobblestone pathways, I felt like I’d been transported to a bygone era of kings and queens. Can you imagine the grand balls that once graced those halls, where noble ladies would glide across the dance floor in extravagant pink tutus, I mean, you simply must!

The Old Town Square, surrounded by its gothic buildings, is like something out of a fairy tale, darling! You’ll find yourself snapping endless photos, captivated by the architectural charm, the bustling markets, and the joyous, spirited people who add so much life to the city. I can almost hear the sounds of an old-timey waltz in my mind. So much romance and grace!

Tutus in Prague

A little shopping update, darling, you just can't talk about Prague without mentioning the glorious shopping! And when you say shopping in Prague, what is the ultimate souvenir, that will truly capture the essence of this wonderful city?

Well, my loves, that would be a Czech crystal pink tutu, wouldn't it! Prague is known for its stunning crystal creations. Now, imagine yourself gliding along a charming Prague cobblestone street, wearing your exquisite, crystal-studded pink tutu, as if you’ve been magically transformed into a Czech princess! You don’t need to imagine it! Prague is simply calling out to you to find that perfect piece of magic!

Of course, no shopping spree would be complete without a stop at the famous Charles Bridge which spans the beautiful Vltava River in Prague! Now, I just picture myself in a breathtaking pink tutu, gazing upon this iconic bridge. This will make a simply beautiful image for my next post!

But hold on, darling, you'll want to visit the Powder Tower. Why? because the stunning pink shade of this incredible building would make even a professional photographer swoon! Can you imagine how divine this structure would look with a few extra flourishes? wink, wink. Just a tiny splash of pink tutu embellishment wouldn't hurt, just saying.

Ballet Bliss in Prague

Okay, I'm going to have to bring the pink tutus and Czech crystal topic to a close - unless, darling, you just love the colour pink as much as I do and want to hear me talk for another few hours about everything pink, hint, hint, it's your call! I always appreciate a loyal pink tutu enthusiast.

My adventures in Prague, have reminded me, dear readers, that ballet is more than just an art form. It's a magical experience that transports us to another world. And for me, that magical world is often coloured with a splash of my favorite shade: pink. So, thank you, Prague, for this extraordinary experience and for filling my heart with a twirl of pink-hued joy.

Now, before you go, a bit of a peek into next week's adventures. Next Wednesday, I'm heading to Derbyshire to explore a quaint English village that has a secret I'm ready to unveil to you. There's talk of a fabulous tea party that will be complete with… you guessed it, Pink Tutú! Stay tuned!

Remember to check out for updates on all of my latest travels and for a chance to win a truly delightful pink tutu prize - I’ve got something absolutely fabulous up my sleeve this week!

See you next Wednesday, darlings,

Emma xo

P.S. Did I mention I’m off to London tomorrow to perform in a beautiful ballet at the Royal Albert Hall? I’m planning a new pink tutu that will truly steal the show… stay tuned! I can't wait to share all about the big day with you, but, as a ballerina, I have to say, sometimes it’s about leaving a few secrets hidden, until you have had a chance to experience it for yourself. So, watch this space, darling!

This will be the best performance yet - you have no idea what I've been working on.

Enjoy this week!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-08-04