Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-07-28

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet Dreams and Bohemian Charm (Post #483)

Hello my darling dears! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another adventure on I'm Emma, and I'm your very own tutu-wearing travel blogger, ready to whisk you away to the magical lands of ballet, fashion, and adventure! This week, I’m writing to you from the cobbled streets of Prague, a city overflowing with history, charm, and enough architecture to make a ballerina swoon.

The journey here was an absolute dream, travelling in my trademark pink tutu aboard a sleeper train. The rhythm of the train lulled me into a blissful ballet daydream, complete with visions of swirling tutus and delicate leaps across Europe. You see, dear readers, I've discovered that travel truly is the ultimate performance, a constant graceful dance across landscapes and cultures.

Prague: A Tutu Wonderland

Prague feels like a stage set for a timeless ballet, and I must confess, it's a tad difficult to resist spinning and leaping down the romantic streets. Imagine, cobbled lanes draped in history, pastel-hued buildings with ornate spires piercing the sky, and the soft hum of life all around. Oh, Prague, you’ve stolen my heart with your Bohemian charm!

I've been staying in a darling little boutique hotel – the kind with fluffy white pillows, delicate floral wallpaper, and the most gorgeous chandelier you’ve ever seen. They even had a complimentary rose petal bath drawn for my arrival – what could be more perfect for a ballerina princess?

Of course, my travels are funded by the art I love best – performing. Every night, I grace the stage in a different enchanting location, each time twirling in a new, eye-catching pink tutu. The journey isn’t always easy, but seeing the joy on the faces of my audience, and witnessing the transformative power of dance makes it all worthwhile.

A Day of Bohemian Delights

My first day in Prague was a delightful dance through the city's historical heart. I simply couldn’t resist strolling through the charming Old Town Square, stopping to admire the iconic astronomical clock. It's a real-life fairytale, and just imagine the possibilities for a ballerina to be a part of its hourly performance!

I couldn’t leave Prague without visiting the magnificent Charles Bridge. This masterpiece of architecture is draped with historical statues, and as I danced across the bridge, I couldn’t help but picture the stories they held, imagining the ballerinas who must have graced this very stone. Oh, what wonderful stories these stones could tell!

Shopping and Style: Prague's Bohemian Chic

No trip is complete without some retail therapy! Prague has such a unique style, a beautiful blend of modern trends and traditional elegance, and the shops here have been a real treat.

My absolute favourite find was a tiny vintage boutique tucked away in a side street. They had the most incredible collection of hats – imagine my delight at finding a stunning feathered pink headpiece for my evening performance! The perfect touch for a ballerina in Prague.

The shop assistant was a lovely young woman who understood my love of pink and vintage. I even discovered we both had a shared passion for ballet history. She’d just started learning pointe and I couldn’t help but gush about her dreams! We chatted for ages, a perfect blend of style, stories, and ballerina dreams.

The Ballet Call

Tonight, I’m going to the National Theatre in Prague for a performance of "Giselle" by the National Ballet. Now, "Giselle" holds a very special place in my heart. As you know, I’m obsessed with the history of ballet, and Giselle's tale of a love-stricken, heartbroken ballerina has enchanted me since I was a little girl, spinning around in my own homemade tutus.

I'm so excited to see this classic performed on such a grand stage, with Prague’s enchanting energy filling the theatre. Perhaps tonight's performance will spark a new creative ballet idea!

From the Dance Floor to the Runway: Fashion in Prague

Even offstage, Prague has offered an incredible opportunity for some exciting fashion discoveries. This week, I found the most adorable vintage dress - a soft blush pink with delicate lace trim that made me feel like a porcelain ballerina. It was the perfect outfit for my elegant lunch in the enchanting Old Town Square. I just know it will be a new staple in my ballet-inspired wardrobe.

To My Tutu Lovers:

It's wonderful to share my travels with you, dear readers! Remember, every day is an opportunity to twirl, to create a performance of joy, and to make the world a bit more fabulous, one pink tutu at a time! Until next week, my dears! Remember to keep twirling and never let go of the magical spirit of ballet!

Stay stylish, stay pink, Emma xx

P.S.: I would love to hear about your own adventures! What are you up to this week? What inspires your own ballerina dreams? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-07-28