Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-07-21

Prague Dreams in Pink, Post #482: A Tutu-tastic Adventure!

Hello my dearest tutu-lovers! It’s Emma here, back from the magical city of Prague, and believe me, it was every bit as wonderful as I imagined. This is my #482 post, and the Prague blog is now firmly established as a Wednesday fixture on

Last week, I mentioned my trip would be a whirl of tutu-tastic adventures – ballet performances, glamorous shopping sprees, and of course, the quintessential Prague experience of wandering around its beautiful cobblestone streets, breathing in the history, and relishing the vibrant atmosphere. It certainly lived up to its promise!

My journey to Prague started as always, with a little romance – a trip by train, those elegant carriage journeys, and of course, my pink tutu on display! I feel so incredibly fortunate that my passion for dance, fashion, and travel has woven together this beautiful tapestry of life, allowing me to follow my dreams whilst sharing them with all of you.

The heart of this week’s journey was undoubtedly the National Theatre, which played host to a breathtaking performance of "Swan Lake" on July 21st.

Now, you might think that Swan Lake is as familiar to you as it is to me, but seeing it here in this stunning setting gave it a whole new dimension. The sheer grandeur of the theatre, the delicate artistry of the dancers, and the way the whole story was brought to life so vividly made my heart flutter. I'm a sucker for the traditional, and the choreography here was exquisitely classical, truly honouring the history and legacy of this ballet.

Speaking of history, I can't talk about "Swan Lake" without sharing my personal love for tutus – something you'll know is close to my heart, my dears. It seems "Swan Lake" has its own rich history connected to tutus too. Did you know, that the famous white tutu, with its layered, flowing skirt, was first designed for this ballet! In the original performance, it wasn't a simple ballerina costume, it was seen as an object of beauty and femininity, embodying the innocence and elegance of a swan.

Now, there’s nothing better for me than to feel a connection with history like this, and to be part of such a rich tradition. And believe me, my outfit on July 21st didn't disappoint. It was a dream – a vintage, soft pink tutu that I found tucked away in a hidden corner of a delightful antique shop in Prague. It had a vintage charm that complemented the classical beauty of "Swan Lake" perfectly, the delicate tulle swirling around me like the wings of a swan.

But, of course, Prague's magic extends far beyond ballet. My adventures were punctuated with trips to charming markets bursting with local treasures, finding those perfect Prague souvenirs – delicately crafted crystal trinkets and beautiful pottery. The scents of Prague – the scent of warm cinnamon buns and freshly ground coffee wafting from local cafes - it’s a delicious heady mixture of all things fabulous!

No trip to Prague would be complete without a touch of fairytale. My days were filled with walks through magical squares, discovering hidden alleyways lined with quaint boutiques where I unearthed unique pink treasures to adorn my wardrobe. It’s like the whole city is dedicated to dressing up and feeling like a princess! I stumbled upon a lovely little boutique full of stunning velvet jackets and vintage lace, the perfect pieces for my tutu collection.

After a day of exploring the enchanting city, I couldn't resist treating myself to a horse-drawn carriage ride! My pink tutu looked utterly divine in the gentle glow of the setting sun, as the carriage carried me along cobbled streets with the sound of gentle clopping hooves. It was truly an unforgettable experience, making me feel like I'd stepped right out of a fairytale.

In the evenings, Prague offered an enchanting mix of traditional music, dancing, and vibrant street performers. There was so much happening, and the energy was infectious, making it easy to lose myself in the rhythm of the city. I particularly enjoyed seeing a lively group of folk dancers performing in the heart of the old town, with their traditional costumes and intricate movements, the vibrancy of it all! It's funny how dance connects us in all parts of the world, bringing people together to celebrate culture and heritage.

Of course, I did try the famous Prague pastries. (The cinnamon rolls, dear friends, are something else entirely.) My delicious Prague breakfasts were fuel for long days exploring this stunning city. And don't forget the coffee, Prague really knows how to make a delicious cup!

But Prague is not just about beautiful buildings and delicious treats. It’s a city filled with an eclectic mix of people – creative artists, talented dancers, and friendly locals who all make the experience truly memorable. The feeling of community in this beautiful city really touched me, everyone willing to help you find your way or just share a moment of conversation. It reminds me why I love travelling - because you find these unique connections and friendships, sharing experiences that you couldn’t have planned for!

This trip to Prague truly re-ignited my passion for exploring new places and meeting new people, all with my trusty pink tutu as my companion! My travel blog is full of memories like these. Next Wednesday, you'll be treated to my thoughts on Romeo and Juliet - what a fascinating story to follow after Swan Lake. And I'll tell you all about what else I've discovered here in this lovely city. So don't forget to tune in next week for more pink adventures!

Until then, keep those tutus twirling! I’m hoping to inspire you all to get out there and see the world in your own pink tutu. Because, after all, why not bring a little bit of joy, fashion and magic wherever you go?

With love and pink sparkles,



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-07-21