Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-09-08

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet & Bohemia, Post #489

Hello my darlings,

It's Wednesday, and you know what that means - a brand new Pink Tutu Prague post! This week I'm back in the heart of Prague, a city that makes me feel like I've stepped into a fairytale. Imagine cobbled streets, gothic spires, and charming cafes spilling onto sunny squares - it's simply dreamy!

But first, let me tell you about the adventure that led me here. I've been hopping about England, performing at a string of delightful galas and summer festivals. From the rolling hills of Derbyshire, where my heart always finds a happy home, to the bustling heart of London, it's been a whirlwind of sequins, smiles, and swirling tutus.

You wouldn't believe the applause I've received in the quaint village halls and grand theaters alike. The audiences are just so charming, you wouldn't believe it. Each show gives me such a boost, fueling my dreams of bringing the magic of ballet to the whole wide world - one twirling pink tutu at a time.

Oh, and speaking of dreams, I've been living the ultimate one in recent weeks. Picture this: picture me, galloping through meadows on a trusty pony, the wind whipping my hair as I ride to each ballet engagement. This is no mere fantasy! My travel agent, a fellow ballet aficionado with a love for equestrian pursuits, organised this beautiful and completely impractical mode of transport for me. My trusty steeds have taken me from show to show, right across the British countryside, allowing me to explore every charming village along the way! And let me tell you, the smiles of the villagers when I waltz into the village hall with a blush of rosy pink is just divine! It's been quite a sight, my darling!

Anyway, after all this thrilling countryside hopping, Prague is the perfect place to relax, soak up some history, and get lost in the beauty of this enchanting city.

A Prague Fairy Tale

The very moment I arrived in Prague, I felt that familiar thrill of excitement I get when stepping into a new country. The scent of roasted nuts and pastries from charming street vendors, the clatter of trams gliding through cobbled streets, the sounds of laughter echoing from sunny squares, everything is a symphony of enchantment! My little pink suitcase (it wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu adventure without my signature piece) felt just as thrilled to be here.

Today, I embarked on a charming little tour through the historic Old Town Square, admiring the stunning Gothic architecture of the Old Town Hall and its astronomical clock, which mesmerizes with its intricate clockwork figures every hour.

I’ve also had a little look at the dancing houses on the banks of the River Vltava – it's a little slice of ballet architecture, if you ask me! I know it sounds dramatic but those houses are the best, it's just a shame I haven't been able to find any shows to go to on this trip! They're very nice though, and they're not even wearing pink tutus! But then, everyone else's ballet doesn't need pink tutus… It wouldn't be my style.

The Charm of Prague

Prague isn’t just about stunning architecture; it's also about the charm of the city itself. Everywhere I turn, there's something new to discover – charming cafes offering decadent cakes, charming bookshops overflowing with intriguing titles, and street performers filling the air with enchanting melodies.

And the people, my dears, are truly the most friendly. They greet me with such warmth, even if my rusty Czech is a little less than impressive. (Although my very favourite saying, in my beautiful, beautiful, perfect pronunciation is 'prosím!' - 'please', my dears. ) They laugh, and point to the little pink ribbon on my handbag. They've noticed, darling, and that makes me so happy!

A Night at the Opera (In My Pink Tutu, of Course)

You'd be surprised how many pink tutus can get you into amazing events, if you wear the right smile! On Thursday evening, I managed to snag two prime seats at the historic Estates Theatre, to see a delightful production of Mozart's 'Don Giovanni'. This majestic theatre, with its opulent velvet seats and dazzling chandeliers, is just the right place for me, especially wearing my new pink tutu.

The night was pure magic - the soaring melodies, the passionate performers, the electrifying atmosphere… Oh, how I love experiencing all of these cultures through ballet and dance. Oh, it really was magical, darling. Just like dancing a magical waltz across a Parisian square at dawn. A bit like that, but, you know, better.

A Ballet Adventure for All

Speaking of ballet, Prague has its own ballet traditions, dating back to the 18th century! Oh, my darling, imagine, the elegant dancers in their elaborate tutus, soaring through the air, captivating the audience with their grace and agility. Prague has a rich ballet history - if you look it up, there are fascinating accounts of the evolution of this form of art in the city. I hope to catch a performance at the National Theatre, a landmark in itself - another dream for the future, but with all of these shows, that one might have to wait, my darling!

Of course, no Pink Tutu Prague blog post is complete without mentioning fashion, my darling! So I must tell you about this darling shop on the Old Town Square that just happened to be bursting with amazing tutus. A little expensive, admittedly, but I was so tempted! But I resisted, though I did come away with a beautifully patterned shawl, which complements my lovely pink ensemble perfectly! Just imagine my look - my hair tucked in a beautiful up-do, a stunning pink tutu with lacey frills and the perfect black shoes to accentuate that gorgeous tulle! My darling, the combination will just stop traffic - it's divine! I really do like shopping - but only for the perfect things, of course!

A Touch of Magic

As I reflect on this trip so far, I can't help but be captivated by Prague's magical ambiance, which feels almost tangible - you can smell it in the crisp autumn air, hear it in the echoing laughter, and see it in the twinkling lights. Oh, to spend a whole day wandering through the city's labyrinthine alleyways, and of course, with a little twirl now and then! It's a city made for dreamy nights, delicious food, and the magic of a ballet, of course! My darlings, this place has taken my heart - as I'm sure it's done yours, for the last little bit of this post I'm going to write about a story that has just stayed with me:

A sweet old gentleman who sits in a little square every evening, strumming his accordion. It's almost a ritual - he plays a haunting melody, as the city lights twinkle around him, and tourists from across the globe gather to hear the sweet notes drift across the cobbled stones. As I twirl by, he smiles - it is that perfect gentleman's smile! And in his eye I see, a twinkle of that same love of beauty, that love of grace, that love of performance and expression that I feel when I put on my pink tutu.

And so, my lovelies, I leave you with a promise. I will continue to explore Prague's wonders, to revel in its enchanting atmosphere, and most importantly, to share the magic with you through my pink tutu lens. So join me next week, for a new Pink Tutu Prague post - there’s a charming little restaurant on the river I have in mind!

Until next Wednesday, keep twirling and dreaming!



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-09-08