Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-11-03

Prague, my dears! A Tutu-ful Adventure in the City of a Hundred Spires (Post #497)

Well, hello darlings! Emma here, back with another post from my fabulous travels! This week I’ve swapped my Derbyshire meadows for the cobbled streets of Prague, the City of a Hundred Spires, and oh, it's just utterly magical! The air crackles with a blend of history, romance, and of course, an undeniable touch of Parisian chic.

You know how I adore a good train journey, right? This time I took the scenic route, which included a little pony ride through the Bohemian countryside, a delightful detour that saw me indulging in some of the most delicious strudel and apricot jam you've ever tasted! (Yes, everything is better when you’ve just enjoyed a pony ride).

Now, Prague... my darlings, Prague is just divine! The architecture is breathtaking! Gabled houses in a kaleidoscope of colours, whimsical towers that kiss the sky, and bridges adorned with an enchanting tapestry of fairy lights that sparkle like celestial fireworks. It’s as if the whole city is an exquisitely designed stage set.

I'm here specifically for a special treat: The PinkTutuPrague Ballet! The National Theatre has been dazzling audiences since 1881 with performances of all the ballet classics. Can you imagine, dears, eighteen eighty-one? Tutues have graced those stages since well before I was born, and there's an undeniable magic about seeing these performances in such a beautiful space.

Of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without a shopping spree, and let me tell you, Prague has some seriously fabulous fashion! My dears, I absolutely had to pick up some hand-painted ceramic figurines to add a touch of Bohemian charm to my London flat (just imagine the stories those little dancing figurines could tell!). I also managed to snaffle a magnificent, beaded clutch purse, a true piece of Prague-inspired fashion brilliance. The embroidery and the detailing, oh my darlings!

I’ve already visited a couple of charming boutiques near the Old Town Square, and found the most divine pastel pink shawl embroidered with floral patterns. It's the perfect way to add a touch of whimsical femininity to my tutu collection, and I just can't wait to wear it to my next ballet performance back in Derbyshire.

Speaking of tutus, I have to tell you about a wonderful find: a tiny, antique shop on the corner of Nerudova Street, crammed full of treasures! Nestled amongst vintage lace doilies and velvet cushions was a divine old, pink, satin tutu! Just picture it, my dears, a truly magnificent Victorian piece. Now, I can't promise it's made for the stage, but it's a piece of history, perfect for adding a touch of whimsy and grace to my home.

Let's not forget the culinary delights! Every corner whispers tales of delightful pastries and glorious goulash! (I confess, I've already had a second helping of the goulash...and then another). And the beer! A light, refreshing Czech pilsner – the perfect drink to toast a fabulous evening watching the Ballet, or exploring Prague's magical squares.

But Prague isn’t just about history and pretty dresses. It's the people! Everyone is so charming, warm, and welcoming. And the city’s heartbeat is undeniably in tune with the elegance and beauty of dance. There's just something about a waltz at the Vltava river that sets the soul aflutter. It's impossible to feel anything but pure joy and wonder in this city.

My darlings, I feel inspired! Prague has truly sparked my creativity, and I’m overflowing with new ideas for tutus and dance-themed fashion pieces to share with you all! Stay tuned, my dear, because next week's post will feature my newest creations inspired by the breathtaking architecture and vibrant culture of Prague.

Until then, keep shining, wear your heart on your sleeve (or, let’s be honest, in your tutu!), and always remember – even in a world of grey, a touch of pink makes all the difference!

With all my love and a little twinkle in my eye,


P.S. I almost forgot to share! Today's date is November 3rd, 2004! Don’t you think the 3rd of November is a truly fabulous date for a ballet show? Don’t worry, dears, I’ve booked tickets for the performance at 8 pm tonight – a double bill featuring "Giselle" and "La Bayadère", my absolute favourites. How wonderfully ironic that the PinkTutuPrague performance includes two iconic tutued roles.

I'll be sure to share all about it with you all next week. (It will take all my strength to keep my secrets, but I want you to be as surprised as I was!)

P.P.S In honour of the PinkTutuPrague, my new post-performance ritual is to twirl around the city, tutu spinning behind me! I think it’s the perfect way to capture the essence of Prague - graceful, enchanting, and utterly delightful! Perhaps you can do the same in your local town or city - or just indulge in a twirl at home. It truly does wonders for your mood!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-11-03