
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-12-22

Pink Tutu Prague: A Magical December Day

Hello my darlings!

Itā€™s Emma here, and this weekā€™s Pink Tutu travelogue takes us to the utterly charming city of Prague! This is blog post number 504 for the Pink Tutu website, and I'm posting live from Prague as usual, on Wednesday, straight from the cafeĢ by my hotel, wearing my newest pale pink, sparkly, tulle dream of a tutu. My travels, as you know, are funded by the love of ballet, which means I can do my favourite thing - spreading the Tutu Love worldwide. I think this is important. Imagine the world covered in beautiful tutus! Just picture it, darling, and get that beautiful tutu ordered!

Iā€™ve travelled far and wide on my Pink Tutu adventure. Iā€™ve taken to the stage in ballet classes in Paris and the Ballet National in Vienna, and even spent a summer dancing with the Royal Ballet in London, which you all know was the dream! I always, of course, try to stay close to the lovely countryside, and where better to do that than on the back of my darling Shetland pony, Bartholomew.

But enough about me, my darlings! This post is all about my glorious trip to Prague. We are just getting into December, and if there's one thing we can all agree on it's that Christmas is always the perfect time to be in Europe, isnā€™t it?

Tutus in Prague!

Prague's old town is beautiful, so enchanting. Just as youā€™d expect a place named the ā€œCity of One Hundred Spires,ā€ this place is truly dazzling. Itā€™s as if time stood still hundreds of years ago when this place was the jewel in the crown of the Holy Roman Empire.

As soon as I arrived, I was immediately enchanted. I could imagine the swirling costumes of dancers on this cobblestone and how the bright, coloured silks would dance in the moonlight, the silks as beautiful as the stained glass windows of St. Vitus Cathedral. And then of course, the romantic music! I felt like a dancer from one of those romantic ballet scenes, in an exquisite ballerina outfit of a light pink tulle skirt and shimmering diamante-studded bodice.

To say that I have a passion for Prague is an understatement. There are such grand palaces! I mean just look at the Prague Castle. Even as a passionate lover of history and all things elegant, I have never seen a more captivating royal residence. You just know that queens and princesses must have walked here, as they swished their skirts around, dressed in magnificent robes and dazzling jewelry, the colours a spectacle against the architecture and the cityscape. I couldnā€™t help but wish I could see a princess twirl through these halls, and I even made a little dance to capture the majesty of the place, complete with graceful arm movements and the graceful flutter of my most fabulous pink tutu! You can see a glimpse of it on my Instagram story!

A Parisian Inspired Brunch

A city tour can truly tire a dancer, but not me! After an enchanting morning touring Prague Castle and gazing up at those lovely Gothic towers and ancient battlements, it was time for brunch! You must understand, itā€™s incredibly important that I make time for brunch, as it helps keep up my energy levels. You need to eat well if you are going to spin, turn, and prance around this fantastic city in your ballerina outfits. I would have felt far too clumsy to manage such demanding movement on an empty stomach!

Luckily, I had done my research beforehand. As much as I adore a good Czech cafeĢ with its klobasa sausages and fresh bread, today I was looking for something a bit more ā€¦ Parisian, so naturally, I booked myself a table at a cute bistro, Le Petite Coin, tucked away in the Old Town square. And, yes, of course I ordered a cappuccino and croissants. How can a girl stay chic and classy on an empty stomach! And what else could I wear but a hot pink polka-dot silk blouse?

*Pragueā€™s Festive Ballet *

With a tummy full of delicious food and a whole lot of tutu excitement coursing through me, I knew just where to go. Tonight, thereā€™s a performance by the Ballet National Prague in the wonderful National Theatre. It's the oldest and grandest theatre in all of Prague, my dears. Every inch of this place exudes history. Built by architect Josef ZĆ­tek in 1881 in a stunning French Renaissance design, the theatre boasts beautiful stained glass and chandeliers. The interior is as beautiful as anything I have seen in the ballet capitals of Europe.

This is just a short walk from the river, a magical, dreamy walk under the twinkling Christmas lights along the river Vltava.

Prague just seems to understand a ballet girlā€™s need for magic, my loves. As I gazed out at the beautifully lit buildings across the Vltava, the city lights shimmering in the darkness, I imagined this view as my own little ā€œSwan Lakeā€ ā€“ and let's face it, a ballet girl is always going to dream of Swan Lake, am I right? Of course, there's only one Swan Lake - it's simply a work of art in ballet history and, frankly, a gift to the world!

A Perfect Night of Dance!

The Ballet National was wonderful, I had the most extraordinary evening, truly I did. Thereā€™s just something special about the warmth and charm of a Christmas ballet. And of course, it's always special to experience such high quality dance. In a world so often defined by speed and technology, these performers show how beautiful it is to just watch bodies in perfect form and harmony. Ballet really does captivate your imagination!

Dancing Shoes and a Perfect Tutu!

It would be terribly impolite of me not to speak of my own attire. I was truly elegant this evening, dressed in a dazzling silk dress of soft blush pink and, of course, a delightful and charming full pink tutu. Of course, one of the delights of my pink tutu travels around the world is that I always find some treasures, especially if the tutu is of a quality that is equal to the beauty of these ballet shows. And here, my lovely readers, is what happened. After my ballet evening, as we always do after such magical performances, my beloved friend and I found our way to a little vintage clothes shop, tucked away from the city crowds, where the beautiful woman working in the shop took my hands and exclaimed, "What a delightful lady! How splendid!" - isnā€™t it charming when someone notices you. Of course, she also told me, and I am delighted to pass on this tip to you, that one of the greatest tutu makers in Prague lives in a flat near StaroměstskĆ© nĆ”městĆ­ - The Old Town Square. How perfectly serendipitous!

So you understand, dear reader, when we left that wonderful vintage shop (with several vintage dresses and blouses ā€“ including a stunning vintage purple evening dress with floral embroidery!), I knew my trip would have to continue just a little bit longer.

*A Truly Magical Morning *

The Old Town Square is charming. In the centre of this enchanting place, there is an ancient astronomical clock that counts down the minutes before each hour. Then it is a breathtaking sight as figures move around a sundial representing life, death, greed, and vanity.

In the centre of this clock is the famous Prague Orloj clock - and it struck nine oā€™clock! What better way to wake up than a magical clock that seemed to embody all the ancient tales of the fairies, mythical beasts and magical creatures you've seen in fairytale books?

My dear friend suggested I head to the TĆ½n Church, which lies within a very short walk of The Old Town Square and in such a grand position - on the beautiful Old Town Square! The whole city seems to lead to this impressive gothic church that has watched over Prague since the Middle Ages, its tower overlooking the city.

If you're seeking elegance in a ballet, thereā€™s no more perfect choice than Tchaikovskyā€™s The Sleeping Beauty. I could simply imagine how perfectly this grand Gothic architecture and the grandeur of the medieval church would inspire this stunning work!

Tutu History ā€“ It's All About History!

But it wasnā€™t long before a ballet thought crept into my mind as I looked around the magnificent church interior. As a fan of all things ballet, I was absolutely fascinated by the magnificent altar decorated with Gothic sculpture ā€“ some depicting an angel wearing what can only be described as an incredible tutu! You see, dear readers, the tutu itself has a glorious history. They started in the late 1830s with Romantic Ballets, with the dancer Maria Taglioni performing The Sylphide - that was the moment the tutu became a ballet classic. And in these amazing designs I could really see the connection! Here is evidence of tutus from the beginning! And yet, so few have looked at tutus in this way. I find tutu history just as fascinating as any ballet.

This church also boasts amazing stained glass, another amazing aspect of Medieval church art that so inspiring to a ballerina. I tried, with a graceful flourish of my light pink ballet skirt, to capture the beauty of this art ā€“ it would have been even more splendid had my pink tutu had those flowing layers like the glass in a Gothic church!

The Pink Tutu Travels on!

The rest of the morning was devoted to my true love - more vintage shopping! Prague is truly a beautiful city that seems to exist outside of time and space, just as a ballerina wants her dance world to exist.

With more vintage dresses and tutus in tow and with an endless stream of inspiration about all things ballet and vintage tutus flooding my mind, it is time to make my grand finale and say goodbye to this magical city. But my darlings, donā€™t worry, you can still enjoy some of the beauty and wonder of this amazing city on my blog ā€“ keep an eye out on Pink Tutu for lots more updates!

So, if youā€™re planning a visit to Prague, you absolutely must make it a Christmas trip! I promise you will find yourself swept away by its charming streets, historic palaces, and spectacular architecture. If you have a mind to dance ā€“ donā€™t forget to take in the Ballet National Prague - just as I have done!

*My Little Secret ā€“ A Pink Tutu Travel Tip for You, Darling! *

Every once in a while, you need to add some fun to a travel journey. If you really want to make your trip extra-special, take a journey into a bygone era on a romantic river cruise. The views of Prague are absolutely unforgettable. A real pink tutu travel secret, and well worth the indulgence, even for a few hours. The romance of the river! You'll see exactly why I so love travel!

Thatā€™s All for Now, My Darlings!

Donā€™t forget to follow the Pink Tutu Blog next Wednesday, when we are off to our next wonderful and glamorous adventure. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter too! Do write to me about your travel ideas. Love hearing your ideas and remembering those magical travel times! As I say every week, it is important to be strong and graceful in a world so full of change. Thatā€™s my philosophy, darling. Just dance and be beautiful, even if your only ballet stage is the local shop.

*Emma xx *


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-12-22