Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2006-05-10

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 576: Whirlwind of Wonder

Dearest fellow tutu enthusiasts,

Hello from Prague! Yes, this little ballerina has hopped onto a train and landed in this glorious city of spires, cobblestone streets, and...wait for it...the most stunning pink boutique I've ever laid eyes on! I knew I was on the right track when the railway station itself looked like a fairytale castle.

This week’s blog is a whirlwind tour of Prague - I'm going to share everything, from finding the most adorable pink tutu shop to a mind-blowing ballet performance. It's Wednesday, May 10th, 2006, and Prague is buzzing!

First things first, I can't talk about Prague without mentioning the trains. You know how much I love a good train journey. It’s so wonderfully romantic to sit by the window, let the world drift past and imagine all the stories unfolding on each station platform.

The journey itself was a highlight! The train journey from Derbyshire was so picturesque, gliding through the rolling hills and fields of Europe. I got to know my fellow passengers too - a sweet old lady who kept showing me photos of her granddaughter, a handsome young man who said he'd been to London and loves the West End theatre (could be my new friend!), and a very talkative couple from Germany who told me all about their collection of antique ballet shoes. Talk about a ballet-themed journey! I did my usual routine - sipped on a cuppa tea and penned some notes for my blog. I must admit, it's even more special when you’re watching the world roll by from the window.

A Pink Tutu Paradise in Prague!

Arriving in Prague was a bit of a dream - that majestic, medieval architecture is just breathtaking. I was in awe the minute I stepped out of the train station and could see Prague Castle perched up high in the distance. And the pink tutu store? Oh my word, you wouldn't believe it! A little hidden gem in the Old Town Square. It's called 'La Ballerina Rosa'. How could I resist? Imagine shelves overflowing with delicate pink tutus, shimmering with sequins and beads. It was pure tutu heaven! Of course, I couldn't leave without a brand new pink tutu to take to the ballet this evening - a lovely, shimmering satin confection, with soft tulle layers and a bow to die for!

I also grabbed some sparkly pink hair ribbons - it's a must-have accessory for any self-respecting ballerina. And I even managed to find the perfect little pink satin bag to carry my necessities - makeup, lip gloss, my tiny ballet book with ballet steps and quotes, of course.

Prague, I must say, is definitely a haven for all things pretty and delicate. I adore how the shops here aren’t just filled with clothes and trinkets, but a real celebration of beautiful things - handmade lace, porcelain dolls, and, of course, the finest quality ballet accessories imaginable. This city just understands how to do girly chic with flair!

Ballet at the National Theatre: A True Czech Masterpiece

After my little shopping spree, I headed straight to the National Theatre. This beautiful neo-Renaissance building, perched right by the river, looked like something straight out of a ballet fairy tale.

Inside the theatre, I was enchanted by the opulent interiors. The plush velvet seats and golden details just whispered "fairytale". This was it, my reason for visiting Prague - the world-famous Prague National Ballet, renowned for its technical prowess and emotional depth. And the performance I'd been looking forward to seeing for months - Swan Lake!

The theatre hummed with anticipation. And as the curtain rose, the magic began. The ballet company took to the stage with precision and grace, capturing every subtle nuance of the story. Every graceful pirouette, every delicate pas de bourree, every soaring leap was a sight to behold. I found myself utterly swept up in the romance, the passion, and the bittersweet tragedy of this iconic ballet. It's safe to say it was a truly mesmerising performance, a poignant portrayal of love, loss, and sacrifice, that truly touched my heart. The swans in this version were magnificent. Every move, every expression, so very emotional. The finale left me breathless, a wave of pure joy and admiration washed over me. It was an evening that confirmed everything I believe in - the sheer power of ballet, the art of storytelling through dance, the way it can move us to tears, to joy, to laughter and beyond.

The Sweetness of Czech Cuisine

After the performance, I was ravenous, and nothing sounds quite as delicious as a decadent hot chocolate. In a little café near the theatre, I ordered the thickest, most decadent hot chocolate ever - perfect for a post-ballet treat. It came with whipped cream and a sprinkle of chocolate shavings - heavenly!

Of course, no visit to Prague is complete without indulging in some traditional Czech cuisine. This city has a delectable, rich culinary tradition that just begs to be sampled. And I've discovered that some of the finest dining experiences can be found in small, family-run eateries hidden away in the cobblestone alleyways of Old Town. For dinner, I treated myself to a truly delightful Czech classic - roasted duck with dumplings and sauerkraut. It was all melt-in-your-mouth tender, served with perfectly fluffy dumplings. It was a true taste of Prague.

Exploring the Charms of Prague

During the day, I strolled around Prague, a city of beauty and history, discovering its hidden alleyways, romantic bridges, and picturesque squares. Prague Castle, perched majestically on a hill, offered panoramic views across the city, revealing its vibrant orange roofs and green-topped spires.

In the heart of the Old Town, I wandered through charming squares where the aroma of traditional Bohemian pastries and fresh-baked bread lingered in the air. The clock tower in the Old Town Square, with its moving figures that dance to life every hour, reminded me of a child's fairytale come alive. It was simply magical. I found a lovely little pink scarf to adorn my pink tutu ensemble. Prague, with its delightful mix of architectural gems and fairytale charm, really knows how to bring the sunshine to even a rather grey, overcast day like today! And with this, I say goodbye for this week's blog.

Until next week, may your twirls be effortless and your pink tutus always shimmer!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2006-05-10