Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2006-12-20

Prague's Pink Promise: A Ballet-tastic Adventure in the City of a Hundred Spires!

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, back with a whirlwind adventure straight from the cobbled streets of Prague! It's Wednesday, which means a brand-new blog post is ready to twirl into your lives. This one is extra special – we're celebrating post number 608! And, let me tell you, this trip to Prague has been a complete and utter ballet-tastic dream!

You see, this city is like a fairytale come to life. Imagine towering spires, ornate bridges, and charming, colourful buildings bursting with history. The perfect setting, you might say, for a ballerina in her prime – and that's precisely why I decided to embark on this adventure!

But before we get to the Prague ballet, let's talk about how I even got here. A little known fact about Emma the pink tutu enthusiast: I'm quite a sucker for train journeys. I adore the rhythmic clackety-clack of the tracks, the feeling of anticipation, the scenery whizzing by, and the romantic feeling of it all. And this trip was no exception. A smooth, swift journey through Germany led me to this incredible city, leaving me buzzing with excitement for what lay ahead.

Arriving at Prague's beautiful main station, I was already enchanted. The architecture is just phenomenal – and the most splendid thing? Taxis are all pastel shades! They're just like beautiful little pastel ballet shoes – how delightful!

A Pink Tutu Paradise:

Of course, a trip to Prague wouldn't be complete without some shopping, would it? And what better way to embrace this delightful city than by indulging in a pink tutu pilgrimage! Oh, you wouldn't believe the beautiful fabrics and trims I found. This city is simply bursting with elegance, vintage charm, and delicate artistry. It’s like stepping into a tailor’s workshop for a royal ball!

From bohemian lace shops in the old town to chic boutiques tucked away in charming alleyways, I spent hours delighting in the colourful hues, shimmering beads, and silky soft fabrics. The only trouble was knowing when to stop! Imagine: A ballet pink tutu made from the finest Czech silk, shimmering with Czech glass beads! And, don't even get me started on the stunningly beautiful vintage lace I found - perfect for that vintage, ballerina-inspired wedding day look.

A Ballet in the City of Dreams

Prague, with its historical heart, truly breathes life into the magic of ballet. Every stone, every building, every hidden courtyard tells a story - stories of grand balls, theatrical performances, and of course, graceful ballerinas! It's no wonder Prague holds a special place in ballet history, being home to the iconic National Theatre, established in 1881.

The reason I ventured to Prague on December 20th, 2006, was to witness the beauty of The Pink Tutu Prague Ballet performance at the breathtaking National Theatre. Can you believe the timing, darlings? It’s like it was written in the stars! They showcased an enchanting performance of “The Nutcracker” that had the audience in a frenzy of delight! Every pirouette was a dream, every arabesque a sight to behold, every jump, an invitation to embrace the magic of ballet.

And let me tell you, this company truly embodied the grace and spirit of Prague itself. The set design was inspired by the intricate architecture and colorful life of the city. Imagine soaring columns, glistening chandeliers, and vibrant floral arrangements filling the stage. It was a complete visual spectacle that added even more magic to the enchanting story of “The Nutcracker”.

A Parisian Delight in a Bohemian Setting:

After the ballet, we were all feeling positively elated. And you know me, dear reader, I always enjoy a touch of elegance and class, so what could be more perfect than enjoying a charming and sophisticated French bistro nestled amongst the picturesque alleys?

With its cobbled streets bathed in warm, romantic lighting and elegant cafe chairs draped with twinkling fairy lights, it felt like we had stepped into a beautiful Parisian scene, full of charm and gentle laughter. We enjoyed a lovely three-course dinner featuring delicately crafted dishes and a beautifully curated wine selection. The flavours were as rich and refined as the atmosphere, making for a delightful experience to top off the day.

On the Trail of a Ballerina:

Prague, my darlings, is a city for dreamers, and even the tiniest details speak of its rich heritage. It is a city filled with enchanting cafes, hidden courtyards, charming bridges, and stunning historical architecture. I mean, even the pony-drawn carriages offer a romantic journey back in time, reminiscent of elegant bygone eras.

It's so easy to fall in love with this city and, I think, its magical atmosphere perfectly aligns with the essence of a ballet, making this experience truly special for a pink tutu-loving ballerina like myself.

So, there you have it, my loves – my Prague Ballet Adventure. I truly believe that every city deserves a pink tutu moment, a touch of enchantment and elegance. Maybe we can spread the pink tutu love and get everyone wearing them around the globe! I am convinced that the world is just waiting for its pink tutu moment. After all, if I can get through my travels and see this magical city by simply relying on my tutu performances and passion for ballet, then surely it's a good sign, wouldn't you say?

Keep following my adventures, my dear readers, and join me in bringing pink tutus to the world, one enchanting step at a time!

Until next week, darlings, remember to always stay glamorous, wear your pink tutu with pride, and embrace the magic of ballet in every step!

Love, Emma

PS. If you want to be part of the #PinkTutuWorld movement, let me know! Tag your photos and stories using the hashtag, and share your ballet love with the world. Who knows, maybe we’ll be twinning in tutus in Prague one day!

Don't forget to visit my website at and check back every Wednesday for a new ballet-tastic adventure!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2006-12-20