Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-09-26

Prague Calling! 🩰 Pink Tutu's European Adventure Continues! (Post #648)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, reporting live from the charming city of Prague, and trust me, it's a total fairytale! As always, I've brought my trusty pink tutu along for the ride – how else could I explore the magical streets and charming architecture of this enchanting city?

This week's adventure brings us to the magical world of ballet, something close to my heart and one of the reasons I’m lucky enough to be travelling the world in my pink tutu!

This Wednesday (September 26th, to be exact) I’m attending the most amazing ballet performance at the Prague State Opera. The performance is "Swan Lake", a timeless classic, which always makes me feel a bit emotional (and you know I always love a good emotional moment in my pink tutu!). It's truly an evening that's destined to be memorable, especially seeing the majestic Czech National Ballet take the stage. I've heard whispers of the dazzling sets and costumes – oh, I simply cannot wait!

This, of course, brings us to my favourite topic: tutus! It’s an iconic garment and deserves a whole separate blog post in itself. (Ooh, watch this space!). Anyway, the tutu, the epitome of femininity, a symbol of grace and elegance - there’s no denying its history is deeply entwined with the history of ballet. And the stories they could tell! From the early days, the Romantic Era tutus, billowing like clouds and demanding every inch of skill from the dancers, to the evolution of the more streamlined "classical" tutu seen today, each stage of its evolution is a fascinating one.

But before the performance, my darling, it wouldn’t be a Prague adventure without indulging in the delightful charm of its city centre! So, my morning started with a lovely cup of coffee in a quaint cafe on the picturesque Charles Bridge. Yes, the same one I had my iconic photo on - the one with the sunset behind the spires of the old city, you know, the one you all went wild for? Ah, I'm truly blessed. The moment the golden light hit my pink tutu I thought "Emma, you nailed it!". It's a day to remember, wouldn't you agree?

And because we all know a trip isn’t complete without some retail therapy, I then spent an absolute delight of a morning wandering the bustling streets, hopping between delightful vintage boutiques and quirky antique stores. It was an adventure just discovering the beautiful, unique pieces in Prague - you wouldn't believe the beautiful pearl necklace I found nestled amongst lace tablecloths and silver hairbrushes! But my dearest love for pink led me, of course, to a cute little boutique filled with delicate rose-coloured ribbons and charming porcelain trinkets. It truly was the embodiment of "pretty in pink" and I had to scoop up a delicate pink ribbon to adorn my pink tutu with for the show tonight!

Now, before the swan starts to swim gracefully across the stage (if you've seen it you'll know exactly what I mean), let me tell you about a lovely discovery. In the depths of a vintage clothing store I found the most wonderful pink fabric – a lace, no less, that has inspired me so much that I’m thinking of designing a special pink tutu to dedicate to the beautiful city of Prague! Wouldn’t that be exquisite? Maybe it could be adorned with little pearl beads or beautiful Czech crystal. Who knows, maybe one day this little gem of a pink tutu could be the centerpiece of an extraordinary ballet performance!

Speaking of performance, did I mention that I'm getting my graceful ballerina shoes dusted off this evening! Yes, you're looking at a tutu-clad performer this evening! (Can you believe it's been nearly 4 years since my last street performance!) Now I have this overwhelming feeling that Prague’s vibrant and diverse cultural scene, with its hidden courtyards, its magnificent architecture, and it's warm welcoming streets, will lend itself beautifully to a pink tutu's theatrical spirit! I've got a lovely piece ready to show the good people of Prague! It's an intricate piece that tells a story without words – just imagine flowing silk, intricate embroidery, and graceful movements. It’s a truly joyful spectacle - just what the heart desires. It's also just the kind of spontaneous ballet performance that sets a little spark in people's eyes and perhaps ignites a love for this glorious art form, or maybe inspires a yearning to get their own little tutus out from the back of the closet (hopefully the pink ones!).

But, in this story of twirling and theatre, I also had to mention that before all this beauty and wonder, I got to Prague by train. Yes, it may not sound as glamorous as my pink tutu-clad self, but who says travelling in style means being restricted to glamorous modes of transport? After all, isn't travelling about finding joy and adventure in all things?

I arrived in this mystical city on a crisp, clear autumn afternoon, having spent a memorable 10 hours on a lovely train journey across the vast landscapes of Europe. And when you travel by train, you get to really absorb the details of life that flash by your window. Think bustling town squares, picturesque meadows, sparkling lakes, the occasional friendly farmer driving their cattle – the scenery felt just as important and poignant as a performance or a photo shoot in a magnificent ballroom. I’ve always felt the world has this mystical aura to it, this magic that emerges when you slow down and watch life flow past you like an enchanting dance, a graceful ballet in its own right!

So, what else is there to say, my dears? This was, undoubtedly, a day brimming with joy. This city, the Czech Republic, Prague… it holds a magic in its atmosphere, a gentle aura that whispers about stories and secrets and adventure. And all those elements come together beautifully for a pink tutu-clad explorer like myself, for a ballerina on the hunt for graceful moments and happy hearts!

Join me next week for more enchanting tales from Prague! It wouldn’t be right to finish without wishing you all a lovely week full of love, grace, and hopefully some delicious tea. ☕️ Don't forget to stay twirling and to remember: the world looks better in pink.

Love and pink tutus,

Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-09-26