Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-09-19

Prague Dreams: A Pink Tutu's Guide to the City of a Thousand Spires (Post #647)

Bonjour, lovelies!

It's Emma here, your trusty pink tutu-clad travel companion, back from a whirlwind adventure in the magical city of Prague. Oh my goodness, this place is truly a dream come true! As soon as I stepped off the train (a little less magical than the horse and carriage I envisioned, but hey, you can't have everything!) and saw those magnificent spires piercing the sky, I knew I was in for a real treat.

And, of course, I couldn't resist donning my prettiest pink tutu for this trip. After all, when in Prague, you simply must twirl in a tutu! It's like a universal law of the universe, darling.

But before we dive into the delightful details of my Prague escapades, a quick word for all you new readers. I'm Emma, a tutu-obsessed twenty-something who spends my days pirouetting in the studio and my nights experiencing the wonders of the world. My ultimate aim is to get everyone dancing in pink tutus - it's a world of joyful femininity that's hard to resist! And trust me, dear readers, this world starts right here, right now!

A Fashionable History Lesson

Prague is brimming with history, darling, and not just the architectural kind. My trusty old tome "The History of the Tutu" is never far from my side. Did you know that the tutu was first seen on stage in 1830? I'm not saying it's old fashioned, just… classic! And speaking of classics, imagine this: Vienna! Did you know that the Viennese waltz, one of the most popular ball dances in history, had its premiere on the Prague stage in the late 17th century? Now that's something I can really waltz about!

Ballet & Beyond

Now, about those delightful ballet performances. Oh, how I've missed the thrill of seeing such graceful art in person. The National Theatre here is a true gem. Its grand facade, all swirling and elaborate, made me practically skip down the street. (No tutu twirling allowed outside, sadly, but my inner ballerina could barely contain her excitement!) The performances were exquisite, the dancers moving with such precision and emotion. I can't wait to share more about the choreography and the stories behind the pieces in next week's post - it's pure balletic magic, my darlings.

A Twirling Shopping Spree

Of course, no trip is complete without some serious retail therapy, especially for a tutu enthusiast like me! And let me tell you, Prague has some fantastic boutiques. My little pink shoes, or should I say slippers, didn't have a moment's rest! From dainty Parisian designs to vintage finds with a touch of old world charm, I found my treasure trove of vintage pieces perfect for adding a touch of romance to my wardrobe. You'll have to wait until my next post to see what I scooped up – let’s just say it involves pink…a LOT of pink!

Dining with Elegance

Speaking of things that leave me feeling fabulous, my lovelies, there's nothing like a fine meal to really add to the joie de vivre. I found a delightful little bistro with Parisian charm – just perfect for indulging in a French onion soup with a twist of Prague spice and some mouth-watering gnocchi. And as always, I couldn't resist ordering a pink lemonade! (It just had to match my tutu!) The whole experience was truly "chérie" and a delightful start to my adventures in Prague.

A Little Side Adventure: The "Pony" Part

Before we head into the heart of the city, I have to confess, I’m a sucker for anything with four legs and a whole lot of personality! So, of course, I simply HAD to go on a horseback ride in the countryside around Prague. Picture this: A gentle chestnut mare, a field of wildflowers in full bloom, and the crisp autumn air filling my lungs…it was utterly magical! Now, darling, while I might not have been rocking my tutu on this particular excursion, it’s easy to imagine the dramatic swirls of a skirt as the pony canters through a sun-drenched field, wouldn’t you agree?

More Magic in Prague

I still have so much to share with you! Prague is filled with secret corners and enchanting stories that whisper of a bygone era. I'm planning to spend the weekend exploring its winding streets, discovering more charming shops and delving into the stories behind those breathtaking historical sites. Next week I'll be diving into the magic of Charles Bridge, Prague's heart and soul!

I'm already counting down the minutes until my next ballet adventure, until my next chance to wear a beautiful pink tutu in an exciting new city. It's this passion, this yearning to explore the world in my tutu, that keeps my heart light and my feet twirling. I truly believe there’s nothing that can stop a woman, especially a woman who believes in the power of a pink tutu, from making her dreams come true!

A Pink Tutu Wish for You:

This week I challenge you to try something new! What can you do to step outside of your comfort zone, even a tiny bit? Maybe it's taking that ballet class you've been thinking about, wearing a pink top with your outfit, or taking a walk in a new neighbourhood. The world is waiting to be discovered!

Until next Wednesday, my loves!

With love and a touch of pink magic,



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-09-19