Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-09-12

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet Bliss in the City of a Hundred Spires (Post #646)

Hello my darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of the Pink Tutu Prague blog! I'm currently basking in the enchanting aura of this beautiful city, and oh, how I'm enjoying every single minute. As a self-proclaimed ballerina with a passion for all things pink and twirly, Prague has been an absolute dream!

This week's blog is all about ballet in the heart of this magical city. If you know me, you know that my life revolves around dance and, of course, my trusty pink tutus. I believe every girl, woman, and yes, even man, should experience the joy of twirling in a vibrant, beautiful tutu. After all, who can resist a splash of pink in their lives?

Today's adventure is a trip to the National Theatre, a magnificent building nestled right by the river, a place brimming with artistic history and magical memories. Tonight, I'm going to see a performance of Swan Lake, and my excitement is practically bursting out of my pink tutu!

A Ballet Lover’s Paradise

Prague is an absolute ballet paradise! Everywhere I look, there's a new dance school or studio promising to unleash my inner ballerina. In fact, the very first thing I did upon arriving was visit The Prague Dance Conservatory, a prestigious school of dance, tucked away in the quiet, picturesque Mala Strana. Just walking through its corridors felt magical, like I was entering a world of delicate leaps and graceful pirouettes.

Of course, I had to treat myself to a little souvenir from the dance store down the road. I found the perfect new addition to my tutu collection - a shimmering lavender tutu, just the shade of the blooming wisteria creeping up the old stone walls. Just looking at it makes me want to prance down the cobbled streets of Prague!

Speaking of Prague’s charm, my favourite thing about this city are the little hidden alleyways that seem to open up to charming gardens. There are beautiful fountains everywhere - perfect for impromptu twirls, with the city as my stage!

I love taking the tram through the streets. The journey itself is a theatrical experience! With each clatter of the trolley and chime of the bell, I feel a burst of excitement as if a new chapter in a magical fairytale has begun. It reminds me of those old ballet posters with a graceful ballerina twirling against a backdrop of quaint houses and cobblestone streets.

Speaking of travel, I came to Prague the classic way – on a train! For me, a train journey is a dance of its own – watching the world go by, listening to the rhythmic chugging of the train and the occasional chirping of a bird as we pass through tranquil countryside. It’s all part of the experience! And let's not forget about the pony I rode to get to the station! Talk about a picturesque arrival!

The Legacy of the Tutu

My pink tutu has taken me to countless cities around the world. And while every place holds a special place in my heart, Prague feels different. There's a timeless, magical energy in this city, and the tutu, a timeless symbol of grace and elegance, feels perfectly at home.

Talking about history, my love for the tutu goes far beyond just fashion. It has an enchanting backstory, filled with intricate details and fascinating twists. Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon the National Museum, right by the famous astronomical clock.

Within its hallowed halls, tucked away amongst old paintings and sculptures, lies an entire room dedicated to the history of ballet and, you guessed it, the evolution of the tutu!

The intricate detailing on each garment, the stories they told – each tutu, from the long Romantic period tutus to the shorter, more dramatic designs of the later 20th century, offered a window into a time gone by. This museum wasn’t just about seeing history – it was a testament to how dance has influenced art and culture, a testament to the lasting beauty of the tutu itself.

And wouldn't you know it, one of the highlights of this historical exhibition was a beautiful, antique pink tutu – my very own colour, just like I always knew! It was the most dazzling, breathtaking example of the sheer power and beauty that a simple tutu can hold.

This trip has ignited a fire in me, a need to share this joy with the world, to see more pink tutus twirling across the streets! It's all about expressing oneself and finding joy in every twirl!

Pink Tutu Prague: A Feast for the Senses

Of course, I'm not one to solely focus on ballet. There's so much beauty in Prague – the delicious aromas of traditional Czech pastries in quaint bakeries, the twinkling lights that bathe the Charles Bridge in golden hues, and the sounds of laughter as families stroll through the streets.

And no trip to Prague is complete without indulging in the city’s fabulous fashion scene! Today, I hit up Parizska Street, where charming boutiques lined with designer goods invite you to indulge in a bit of luxury. Imagine my delight at finding a boutique filled with whimsical tutus! I can’t tell you how happy it made me to find a pastel pink tutu, perfect for an evening stroll through the Old Town Square!

Prague is more than just a city; it’s an inspiration! It's the kind of place that awakens the dancer within you. As I continue my ballet journey, exploring this city’s dance scene and soaking in its beauty, one thing is for sure - I can't wait for what adventures await next week!

Until then, remember, my darlings, to spread a little pink tutu magic wherever you go! And be sure to join me here next week for another fabulous edition of the Pink Tutu Prague blog!

Love and Twirls, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-09-12