Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2008-09-03

Prague, Prague, Pretty Prague! 🩰💕

Hello lovelies, and welcome back to my Pink Tutu Prague blog! This is post number 697, and it's been such a whirl of tutus and trains that it's been hard to keep up with everything. So grab your favourite cuppa, a slice of cake, and get ready for a pink-tastic trip through Prague with me!

Travel by Train

As you all know, I’m a bit of a train fanatic, and Prague is a hop, skip and a jump (with a few train changes!) from Derbyshire. It’s just magical to wake up, get ready for a ballet performance, then hop on the train in my signature pink tutu. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Tube, a local train or a long haul journey – travelling in my tutu adds that extra layer of glitz and glam. This time, I found myself captivated by the scenery, the beautiful fields and rolling hills just outside Prague. The train journey was filled with friendly faces and chat, and it just fuelled my excitement for the trip!

Prague in Pink!

I must admit, I’m in love with Prague. The cobblestone streets, the historical buildings, and the breathtaking views… it's simply picture perfect! And even more perfect – it seems like Prague has been infused with pink! From the blooming cherry blossom trees in the park, to the blush pink facades of some of the buildings, there's just a sprinkle of pink magic everywhere.

But my main love, my absolute heart-stopping delight, has to be the National Theatre. It’s a majestic, graceful building that has a distinct vintage-chic vibe, reminiscent of the elegant ballet venues I grew up watching in Derbyshire. Stepping inside feels like walking onto a stage, it’s magical, and the history is tangible. It's almost like you can see the ballerinas gracefully pirouette across the stage, the audience awestruck by their movements.

The National Theatre’s Dance Debut

Speaking of ballerinas, the real highlight of my trip has to be the performance at the National Theatre! I had been eagerly awaiting this moment ever since I arrived in Prague. Tonight, the National Theatre is hosting a stunning ballet, a masterpiece by one of the legendary composers. It’s about love, loss, and hope, all intertwined with breathtaking choreography that showcases the dancer's incredible talent.

Before the performance, I got the chance to take a tour of the theatre’s backstage area, and it was like stepping into another world! The costumes, the elaborate sets, the quiet preparation... it all adds to the magic of a live ballet. The intricate details in the costumes, the vibrant colours, and the sparkle of the embroidery - it all screamed "pink!" Of course, I had to have my tutu-tastic photos taken at the entrance with the grand, ornate staircase in the background, a perfect setting for a Pink Tutu girl!

The show itself was phenomenal. From the first, soft, lilting notes, I felt completely swept away. The dancers glided and jumped, each movement telling a story that was full of emotion. There were moments of tenderness, moments of drama, moments of sheer grace that made the audience hold their breath in wonder. And all I could think about was how wonderful it would be if every single member of the audience left with their own pink tutu, carrying a piece of that magical night home with them.

Prague by Pony?

There was a bit of an unexpected detour on my way to the theatre this evening – I actually found myself riding a pony! This enchanting city even has a special place where you can ride ponies in the middle of Prague! I didn’t know I’d be riding a pony on this trip, it was just such an adorable, pink, fairytale moment. And of course, I couldn't let the opportunity pass me by. I donned my tutu and rode that pony through the park, with a big smile on my face. The little pony looked adorable all decked out with pink ribbons and glitter. I felt like I was back in my childhood, and you can be sure that these photos are already going on the Pink Tutu Instagram!

Fashion Inspiration in Prague

Prague has so many unique shops and boutiques, filled with quirky clothes and fashion that's brimming with personality. Of course, a trip to Prague would be incomplete without browsing these stores! And let me tell you, it's an absolute dream for a tutu-obsessed fashion lover like me.

I stumbled across this lovely vintage shop yesterday that was absolutely filled with treasures. It had a fabulous selection of vintage pink garments, including a gorgeous, tulle pink ballerina skirt - I had to have it! This beautiful, delicate skirt is just begging to be spun on the dance floor. It even has a small, pink bow tied to one side of the waistband - it was like it was made for me! And of course, I couldn't resist taking my camera with me. A new outfit for my Pink Tutu blog is a necessity!

Fashion Tips!

I think one of the things that draws me to Prague so much is how stylish the people here are. Prague has this effortlessly cool, yet chic style. The men are dapper and well put together, and the women ooze elegance and femininity. Even the teenagers are fashion forward with a playful and bold style, often rocking fun accessories and interesting vintage finds. But when it comes to pink, I believe everyone can incorporate this beautiful colour into their wardrobe, whether you’re wearing it head-to-toe or just adding a touch of pink to a classic look.

My favourite go-to, everyday look, when I’m exploring the city, is to pair a pink dress or skirt with a fitted, black blazer or cardigan. It’s feminine, comfortable, and makes a statement. You can easily add your own personal touch with colourful accessories, like a vibrant bag or a bold statement necklace. Remember, it’s all about having fun and expressing your individuality.

More than just pink...

As much as I love pink, it’s not just about the colour. It’s about celebrating joy, about expressing yourself, about finding your own style and making a statement! That's why I love ballet so much. Every graceful move, every spin and leap, it’s all about showing the world who you are, even without a word being spoken.

Next Week: Back to London for More Pink!

I'll be heading back to London next week, and I can’t wait to catch a few ballet performances in the heart of the city. It's always a special feeling, being back in London. I’ll be posting about my London adventures next week on Pink Tutu London, same day, same time, Wednesday at 9:00 am. And of course, I'll be rocking my Pink Tutu, ready to spread the pink magic around the city!

Until then, remember to dance like no one's watching, wear pink with confidence, and always, always stay true to yourself!

XOXO, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2008-09-03