
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-01-07

Prague's Pretty Pink Promise: A Ballet Blogger's Diary - Post 715

Hello, my lovely pink tutu possies! This is Emma, your trusty tutu-clad travel guide, reporting live from the enchanting city of Prague! Today is Wednesday, January 7th, 2009, and I'm bubbling over with excitement because, as you all know, Wednesday is my Prague blog day, and what a day it's been!

It started early, as it always does when you're chasing those Prague dreams. You see, Prague is a city that never sleeps, always alive with its own special energy, and the magic just oozes out of every cobbled street corner. Today, though, I woke up feeling especially inspired. The air was crisp, the sun peeked through the windows like a little spotlight, and it was just that kind of morning when even your tea tastes a bit more glamorous. I knew that the day was destined for fabulous adventures, especially because I had planned my weekly ballet pilgrimage, and a bit of shopping to match, of course.

As the morning unfurled its charming tendrils, I slipped into my newest tutu. Oh, it's just darling, with a delicate pink hue thatā€™s just begging for a photo op with Prague's stunning architecture. The train station was buzzing, and everyone seemed to be wearing some kind of fabulous headwear - maybe they were influenced by the recent ballet performances I did at the Royal Opera House, where my stunning tutu designs were a smash hit, but who knows? The point is, it was a vibrant sea of colours and style! I got comfortable, grabbed my favourite copy of ā€œThe Tutu History Bookā€, (a must-read, my dear pink possies, especially the chapter on "The Tutu Renaissance"! Itā€™s pure brilliance) and was swept away on a romantic train ride through the Czech countryside.

Prague's Hidden Treasures: Where History Whispers

Arriving in Prague was like stepping into a storybook. It's truly a masterpiece of charming architecture, a beautiful tapestry of historical buildings and cobbled lanes. First up, it was time to tick off my to-do list, so off I sashayed to the Old Town Square. What can I say, itā€™s a stunning sight: the iconic Astronomical Clock with its dancing puppets, the Church of Our Lady Before Tyn with its glorious spires reaching for the heavens, and the pastel-coloured buildings like a painted canvas. The place oozes character, the energy of a city that has stood strong through the ages, with each story chiseled onto its majestic stone facade.

This yearā€™s trip was all about delving into Pragueā€™s ballet scene, which is simply vibrant! Did you know that there's a long and storied history of ballet in Prague? It started right here with a famous ballerine named Anna Pavlova. Imagine: you can stand on the same cobbled stones where the most beloved dancer of all time waltzed. I even saw her shoe, it was at a special exhibit. Swoon! It gave me all the chills! The artistry in her pointe shoes, even with the faded colour and slightly fraying ribbons, held a glimpse into the soul of a woman who literally redefined the meaning of graceful. And, oh, you know I'm going to have to create a tutu based on the design. This whole experience has me dancing with inspiration!

Where Art Comes to Life: A Dance into Prague's Heart

But onto the reason for my trip! I made my way to the exquisite National Theatre for a performance of ā€œGiselleā€ - a ballet that literally had me soaring with the dancers' incredible artistry and breathtaking leaps. And, just in case you didn't know, the theatre itself is an architectural masterpiece. It's stunningly beautiful.

And whatā€™s more beautiful? You guessed it - Tutus! Letā€™s take a trip back in time, shall we? Did you know that the tutu as we know it has its roots in the French Revolution? The early ones were kind of like oversized petticoats! I know, so far removed from our stunning, billowing tulle delights! But just think, the original design is credited to Marie Taglioni - another one of the most famous ballerinas ever! Can you even believe that these women helped create something so elegant? We truly have a lot to thank them for!

Tutus Through Time

As a tutu lover, it was a joy to see those romantic, flowing designs, their pastel hues whispering tales of bygone eras. And let's not forget those grand classical ballerinas of the early 20th century - with their graceful movements and those breathtaking long tutus - they've been inspiring ballet dancers ever since, which includes me! So many memories flashed through my mind as the delicate tulle twirled under the stage lights: the stories whispered by those graceful dancers and the delicate movements, the way each twirl sent the fabric in a kaleidoscope of movement and emotionsā€¦ The balletā€™s theme is all about forbidden love and sacrifice - a bit tragic for a Thursday morning, but so well performed that it brought tears to my eyes! It made me remember that balletā€™s not just about jumps and twirls ā€“ itā€™s an art form filled with meaning, emotions, and a true connection with the audience.

A Day of Delight: A Shopping Spree for the Soul

After the show, I sashayed straight to my favourite shopping street: PaÅ™Ć­Å¾skĆ” ulice, a Parisian-inspired street in Prague that's simply bursting with chic boutiques. I couldn't resist treating myself to a little something pink ā€“ you see, there's nothing like a beautiful, silky pink ribbon to tie together a perfectly delightful Prague day, and to give a subtle hint of my favourite colour! And what's a girl to do in a charming European city without visiting some local artisan boutiques, with their hand-crafted wares and beautiful creations. I found a little wooden bird for my mantle - a symbol of Prague's charming whimsy, just like me!

I must confess: there was a teensy bit of tutu-related shopping involved, too. Can a ballet-loving, tutu-wearing girl ever truly resist? It wouldnā€™t be fair to me to visit a city as beautiful as Prague without buying something that gives a little pink, and lets me add to my already rather extravagant tutu collection! I got the most exquisite pink lace ribbon to make my newest tutu - a delicate piece that reflects the magic of Prague!

The Pink Tutu Promise:

And with a heart brimming with memories and a shopping bag overflowing with beautiful treasures, I hopped back on the train back to Derbyshire, England, full of dreams and thoughts of pink tutus. My hope, my dears, is that this blog inspires all of you to Embrace the Pink Tutu promise, just like me: embrace your inner beauty, your individuality, and dance through life with your head held high and a touch of whimsical sparkle. Until next Wednesday, dear pink possies! Keep dancing, keep shining!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-01-07