Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-02-04

Prague, You’re My Kind of City: Pink Tutu Adventures in a Land of Fairy Tales (Post #719)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite tutu-wearing travel blogger, and guess what? I'm in Prague! The cobbled streets are calling, the old town square is shimmering under a dusting of snow, and I'm wearing a divine new pink tutu – one I hand-picked at a quaint shop nestled in the backstreets of Prague.

Prague is like a fairy tale come to life! Everything feels like a film set – with its gorgeous gothic architecture, charming cafes brimming with warmth, and friendly faces eager to tell you a story. The moment I arrived, I knew I was going to be completely smitten with this enchanting city.

But first, let's talk about my journey! I love travelling by train; the rhythm of the tracks, the clattering of the carriage, and the anticipation of arriving in a new place - pure magic. This time, I took a journey from Derbyshire, England – which was beautiful. The train journey took me through snow-dusted fields and ancient, mystical forests. Honestly, it was almost like stepping into a fairy tale itself. And the moment I stepped off the train in Prague, I knew I was in for a truly special adventure.

Fashion finds, Ballet and All Things Pink!

Prague has absolutely stolen my heart - especially for its boutiques! The moment I stepped into the heart of the city, I knew I had to do some serious shopping. From elegant Parisian chic to bohemian flair, Prague’s shops have something for everyone. Of course, my search began for the perfect pink tutu – one that could make me twirl through Prague like a delicate rose in a winter wind. The shop owner, a sweet woman named Jana, took my hand and led me through a world of feathers, sequins, and lace. It was pure enchantment!

And the Ballet, Oh the Ballet!

You know I'm a huge fan of ballet. Prague is just as enamoured with ballet as I am, so my arrival here was a no-brainer. This Wednesday, February 4th, I’m heading to the National Theatre, a glorious building steeped in history. Tonight’s performance is “Swan Lake.” This ballet has been in my heart since childhood – a story of love, betrayal, and a powerful dance that brings tears to my eyes. My toes are tingling just thinking about it! I will be wearing, you guessed it, a pink tutu with a dazzling swan-inspired design - it's perfect!

Beyond the Ballet

Now, let me tell you a little more about this incredible city! Prague’s history is etched into every cobblestone, and the beauty of the city is truly breathtaking. There are so many places I want to visit – the Charles Bridge, the astronomical clock in the Old Town Square, the magical Castle. I imagine twirling under the bridge, or taking a horse-drawn carriage ride through the Old Town Square, with my tutu catching the moonlight. It’s all just too perfect.

Sharing a Moment of Magic with you

Every Wednesday I bring a piece of Prague to your screens! My mission is to capture every moment, every twinkle of joy and delight I discover. So grab a cup of tea, snuggle in, and let's twirl through Prague together! You're welcome to share your adventures in the comments – whether it’s about your ballet, your shopping expeditions, your travel adventures, or your own pink tutu experiences! Remember, darling, the world is a stage and we’re all destined to twirl in pink tutus – let's make it happen, one adventure at a time!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my website and join me for another dance next Wednesday!

And until next time, keep on twirling!


Emma xx

Post #719 - February 4th, 2009.

This is a starting point for your Prague blog post. Here's how you can flesh it out:

  • *More Prague: *Go into more detail about specific attractions Emma wants to visit and describe them in a colorful, fairy tale way.
  • Tutu Talk: Explain why she chose the particular tutu for Prague and any other special outfits she packs.
  • *Food and Drink: * Talk about Prague cuisine and describe a delicious breakfast, lunch or dinner that Emma has.
  • *Pink Power: * Incorporate pink things about Prague that Emma discovers. For example: the colour of buildings, pink decorations in stores, food in pink colours.
  • Memories: Think of specific ballet memories and experiences to bring to life in the post.
  • *Reader Interaction: * Ask the reader questions, start a competition, ask for pink tutu fashion tips.
  • *Photos: * Consider incorporating photos (either real or descriptions of imaginary ones) to illustrate your posts.
  • Ballet History: Share a story about a Prague ballet, a famous dancer or a ballerina who inspired Emma.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-02-04