Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-02-11

Prague in Pink: Tutu Adventures in the City of a Hundred Spires! (Post #720)

Hello my darling tutu enthusiasts! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad travel blogger, Emma, checking in from the magnificent city of Prague! I've just landed in this magical, fairytale metropolis, and let me tell you, the cobbled streets, the towering spires, and the rich history are already making my heart pirouette with joy!

Pink Prague!

You know I adore a city with colour and personality, and Prague is just brimming with it! Imagine vibrant buildings adorned with gold leaf, pastel-hued houses tucked away in charming courtyards, and cobbled streets buzzing with life, all crowned by the majestic Charles Bridge, a veritable masterpiece of medieval architecture.

I'm currently settled into a cosy little boutique hotel in the heart of the Old Town, just steps from the iconic astronomical clock. I've already begun exploring, and Prague is proving to be the perfect playground for a tutu-loving traveller like myself!

My Prague Wardrobe

I brought along a delightful mix of vintage-inspired dresses, a few flamboyant velvet tops, and, of course, my favourite pink tutu, a cloud-soft confection of delicate tulle and sparkling sequins. It wouldn't be a proper Emma travel diary without a touch of pink, would it?

And speaking of pink, you simply must visit the House of the Black Madonna for a dose of glorious colour! This elegant Art Nouveau department store is a haven for fashion-forward Prague residents. It houses a plethora of local designer boutiques, vintage stores, and a lovely café that will have you swooning with delight!

The Ballet and the Beautiful

I couldn't visit Prague without immersing myself in its cultural tapestry. Tonight, I'm heading to the National Theatre for a special ballet performance of Giselle! Oh, my darling readers, how I do love Giselle. The tale of love, loss, and ethereal beauty is as moving and magical as the music that carries it. And the graceful movements of the ballerinas, so delicate and expressive, are sure to make me swoon!

Tutu Travel Tales

After the show, I'm going to be whisked away to a delicious meal at a local restaurant. The Czech Republic has such a fascinating culinary scene. I hear their pork dishes are exceptional! I'm absolutely buzzing with anticipation!

Speaking of culinary delights, Prague is famous for its Trdelnik, a pastry dough spun on a metal rod over charcoal and drizzled with delicious sweet icing and toppings. They look simply irresistible.

My dear tutu enthusiasts, stay tuned for more tales of Prague! I’m planning to explore the city’s many charming shops, sip on frothy Czech beers, and of course, continue my pursuit of the perfect pink tutu to add to my growing collection.

Remember, darling, life is a dance! So grab your tutu, twirl, and step out into the world with joy and grace!

Yours truly,

Emma, The Pink Tutu Traveller

Prague Diary: A Day in the City of Wonders

Well, darlings, the morning sun is peeking through my hotel window, illuminating the cobblestone streets of Prague with a warm, golden glow. I’m up and ready for a full day of exploring and fairytale experiences. The air here is crisp and clean, making every breath feel like a brand new start.

My Morning Musings

Before diving into the whirlwind of Prague, I'm treating myself to a lovely breakfast of freshly baked pastries and creamy cappuccinos. It's so delightful to just sit back and take in the bustling atmosphere, the sounds of trams rattling by, and the joyous chatter of locals and tourists alike.

A Stroll Through History

Prague’s beauty truly unfolds as you meander through its charming, narrow streets. Every corner reveals a hidden gem – a Baroque church with soaring spires, a medieval guild house with ornately carved doors, or a quiet little courtyard teeming with blooming flowers.

The Charles Bridge, the city's most iconic landmark, was simply breathtaking. The bridge itself is a feast for the eyes – a gothic masterpiece with its intricate stonework, adorned with statues of saints. As I walked across the bridge, I couldn’t resist snapping photos with the magnificent panorama of the city, all the while thinking how wonderful this city would look from the sky. Maybe next time I’ll arrive via hot air balloon. How perfect would that be?

Afternoon Adventures

I'm particularly drawn to the old Jewish Quarter of Prague. Stepping into this historical neighbourhood feels like travelling back in time. The cobblestone streets wind their way through centuries-old synagogues and hidden courtyards, whispers of centuries-long stories filling the air.

You can't talk about the Jewish Quarter of Prague without talking about its many delicious pastry shops. They're a gourmand's paradise filled with all sorts of decadent treats, from poppyseed rolls to delectable almond pastries, each one bursting with flavor and texture.

And don't forget about the infamous Tyn Church! This gothic masterpiece is one of the most famous landmarks in Prague, a breathtaking testament to medieval architectural prowess. Its towering twin spires pierce the sky, while the intricate stonework and ornate decorations draw the eye in awe and wonder. It truly lives up to its reputation!

The Pink Tutu is in Prague

After a busy afternoon, I’m relaxing in my hotel room, catching up with you all and reflecting on a day full of magic and wonder. Prague truly feels like a place where dreams and reality blur, where history dances with the modern world.

And let’s be honest, there is just something inherently fabulous about this city, just like pink tutus. I imagine a delightful troupe of pink-tutu-clad ballerinas twirling in the cobbled streets, their pirouettes painting a picture of grace and joy against the majestic backdrop of Prague's skyline. Perhaps, darling readers, that's a vision for a future blog post, just imagine!

Stay tuned for my next update on my Czech adventures! Until then, I bid you adieu, darlings! Remember, life is a dance, so twirl and revel in its joy!

Your Emma

Tutu-fying Prague: Exploring the Old Town in Pink (Post #720 Part Two)

Dearest Tutu Enthusiasts! I’m back in Prague, ready to take you on another whirlwind tour of this utterly charming city. As always, I've got my favourite pink tutu in tow, making every step of this journey a delight for the eyes!

Prague's Vibrant Pulse

I spent a wonderful morning immersing myself in the heart of the Old Town Square. This grand plaza is truly a heart of Prague. It was the setting for the coronation processions of Bohemian kings, the stage for countless medieval markets and religious celebrations.

Oh, the stories these stones could tell! I love getting lost in history, watching how time seems to stop and linger in the corners of this fascinating square. I especially loved gazing up at the iconic Astronomical Clock, with its elaborate dials and animated figures. As I watched the procession of the apostles come to life every hour, I imagined myself in a fantastical ballet where each character, a celestial dancer, took center stage.

A Fashionable Stroll

I love exploring local boutiques, and Prague is a haven for vintage and designer stores, especially in the Old Town area! I wandered past boutiques boasting a range of everything, from whimsical Bohemian fashion to contemporary minimalist designs. It’s impossible not to feel the pulse of Prague’s thriving fashion scene as you stroll through these streets. I found myself mesmerized by delicate jewelry, handcrafted pottery, and beautiful artwork – a feast for the eyes, indeed!

Of course, a little detour into the fashion section of House of the Black Madonna was a must. Their eclectic collection of Czech and international designers really set my imagination on fire! There were pieces with luxurious fabrics and stunning textures, with every colour imaginable, just waiting for me to experiment and try them on! It's a paradise for the creative, and my pink tutu was certainly the envy of everyone.

Tutu Tips for Travelers

My darlings, if you are thinking about travelling to Prague, remember to pack your walking shoes! This city is begging to be explored on foot, each twist and turn unveiling something new and exciting. I’ve already covered several miles in my pink tutu, which thankfully is super comfortable!

As I said, Prague is full of charm and captivating corners, which means there are a million perfect backdrops for pictures in pink tutus! Imagine your favourite ballerina poses next to Prague Castle or by the Charles Bridge. You can imagine how lovely a photograph with those locations, with your tulle flowing in the breeze!

Tutu Fun for Everyone!

I even encountered a few locals who loved my pink tutu, much to my delight! As I wandered through the charming markets in the Old Town, I spotted a local street artist with a colourful, abstract style that reminded me of the vibrancy and energy of Prague itself. We struck up a conversation, and she couldn't resist the allure of my pink tutu. I think we agreed that pink tutus are perfect for every situation!

It's moments like this that make me so grateful to be a Pink Tutu Traveller. Every day I meet new people and see the world with a fresh, optimistic perspective.

Twirling through the City of Lights

Today's adventure ended with a delicious dinner in one of the atmospheric cellars hidden under the streets of Prague. Imagine dining beneath vaulted ceilings adorned with centuries-old frescoes, indulging in the delicious taste of authentic Czech cuisine. Oh, what a delightful conclusion to a whirlwind day!

As I bid farewell to the city for tonight, I can’t help but smile. The streets are illuminated with the warmth of a thousand lanterns, and Prague seems to be twirling with joy under the velvet night sky.

I can’t wait for more adventures to unfold tomorrow, my dears. So until next time, stay vibrant, stay positive, and never stop dancing.

Always with pink-tutu love,


Pink in Prague: Ballet, Beer and Beauty! (Post #720 Part Three)

My lovelies, it's your pink-tutu-clad travel blogger, Emma, checking in from the magical city of Prague! I've been indulging in all things luxurious and enchanting – think decadent chocolate truffles, ornate palaces, and the most incredible ballet performances I've ever witnessed.

A Dance Under the Crystal Chandelier

Last night was truly magical, darling. The National Theatre ballet production of Giselle was breathtaking! Imagine: gilded ceilings, soaring columns, plush velvet seats, and the mesmerizing dance of ballet under a glittering chandelier that looked like a constellation of sparkling stars.

The tale itself was pure drama – the heartbreak of Giselle's love, the captivating beauty of the Wilis, ethereal spirit-like beings who take vengeance on those who break a woman's heart, the raw, haunting choreography... The performance truly captivated me. Each gesture of the dancers, from the subtle tilts of their heads to the graceful extensions of their arms, seemed to hold a world of emotions within it.

But the highlight, darling, was the exquisite costume of the dancers. Each detail, from the intricate hand-stitched embellishments on their corsets to the ethereal chiffon veils worn by the Wilis, seemed to dance before my eyes in their own silent ballet of exquisite craftsmanship. And I must admit, those tutus...they were absolutely perfect!

Exploring the Castle's Splendor

After the enchanting ballet performance, my day began with an exploration of the magnificent Prague Castle. Picture this, my loves, a sprawling complex perched high above the city, a testament to the centuries-long history of this powerful place.

I was charmed by the stunning St. Vitus Cathedral – the stained-glass windows that bathed the interior in a kaleidoscope of light, the elaborate Gothic architecture, the sheer size of this architectural masterpiece. It made my heart flutter, even without a tutu in sight!

And what better place to indulge in a delicious afternoon tea than at the Golden Lane? Nestled within the grounds of the castle, this quaint little street is lined with colourful, cobbled houses that have long since housed royalty and artists alike. You can almost imagine medieval life playing out in front of your very eyes as you wander through these charming houses!

Pink, Ponies and Prague

My wanderings through Prague have revealed many delightful and surprising experiences! Today, for example, I had a wonderful afternoon riding on a horse and carriage, a charming mode of transportation, not for every occasion but certainly for one so special as a pink-tutu-clad journey!

My journey started near the majestic Old Town Square. I’d found a local carriage service, the driver an expert on the streets of Prague, with a chestnut horse called Chestnut. I settled in, ready to be transported back in time to Prague’s Golden Age.

The slow pace of the carriage ride, the clinking of the wheels on the cobblestone, the breeze carrying the scent of roasted nuts from street vendors… it was such a blissful experience! It was, truly, the most lovely way to witness the splendor of this fairytale city.

Chestnut was so graceful, he moved with elegance and precision. Every movement was a little dance step. It wasn't a ballet, but the choreography felt natural. He’s obviously used to this rhythm of life in the Old Town!

I found myself taking it all in – the colourful baroque facades, the twinkling chandeliers illuminating shops and cafés, the laughing couples enjoying the last rays of afternoon sunshine. It truly was a magical experience, and a little like stepping into a ballet myself, albeit one where the choreography involved trot, cantering and a fair bit of gentle shaking of reins!

Tutu Inspiration on Every Corner

You can find inspiring fashion moments in every corner of Prague. And a special mention for the city’s vibrant street artists, darling, who have adorned the city walls with whimsical, eye-catching murals! Their creativity and boldness echo the artistic spirit of this beautiful city. Their murals are as bold and enchanting as a pink tutu. I was absolutely mesmerized!

My Farewell to Prague

I'm saying a bittersweet farewell to Prague tomorrow morning. As I take in the twinkling city lights and hear the soft melody of the river Vltava, I know I'll forever treasure the memories of this enchanting journey. I leave feeling renewed, inspired, and most importantly, with a new, pink-tutu-inspired wardrobe addition for my suitcase, one that reminds me of all the wonderful discoveries in the heart of Europe.

As always, darling readers, I leave you with a message of inspiration: remember that life is a dance, a symphony of moments, a series of beautiful steps waiting to be taken! Never be afraid to step into the spotlight, to twirl with joy, and to embrace every moment with the grace and elegance of a true tutu-loving adventurer!

Until next time, my lovelies, may your days be filled with beauty, colour, and delightful twirls!

Always with a pink-tutu-filled heart,


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-02-11