Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-02-18

Prague, my Lovelies! A Pink Tutu Adventure (Post #721)

Bonjour, my darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the absolutely enchanting city of Prague! As you know, my week starts on Wednesdays, and that means a new blog post for you, my devoted readers. This week, I'm diving headfirst into all the pink-hued glory of Prague. Think cobblestone streets, romantic bridges, and of course, breathtaking architecture – just wait until you see the incredible Old Town Square, my dears!

This time, I'm not only in Prague to soak in the history and explore the enchanting streets (which I do with an utter passion, let me tell you), but I'm also here for something very special indeed. A ballet show! Oh, the excitement! I have to admit, a trip to the Czech Republic has been on my "To-See" list for ages, and the lure of a performance was the final push I needed to book those tickets.

But first, let's rewind to how I even got here. My lovely, reliable steed, The Pink Princess (you can guess she's my beloved pony), was in the shop for a little check-up, so I was forced to take the train! Now, normally I don't mind the train journey at all; in fact, I quite relish the opportunity to settle into a comfy seat with my travel journal and some good old-fashioned detective fiction. But, let me tell you, train travel to Prague from Derbyshire is a lengthy affair! Thankfully, my fellow passengers were charming, and the views became quite spectacular once I passed through Germany and into the Czech countryside. Honestly, the rolling hills were just divine, reminiscent of the scenery in those old-timey romance novels! I almost forgot to pack my tutu!

And speaking of my darling tutu, my Prague adventure has required a whole new approach. Let’s face it, pink tutus tend to attract a bit of attention, no matter where you are! But here, the attention has been truly delightful! Everywhere I go, people stop to compliment the tulle, take pictures, and chat about the colour. The locals seem genuinely intrigued by it, which fills my heart with a sense of pride and joy. This is, after all, my lifelong mission: to spread the joy of the pink tutu across the globe! One twirl at a time, my dears, one twirl at a time!

Once I settled into my darling hotel (the Pink Palace, naturally!), I went on an epic shopping spree! Honestly, it's an absolute must-do when you're in Prague. From bohemian jewellery to exquisite antiques, there are so many hidden gems waiting to be discovered. I just can’t help myself! But what really grabbed my attention, my loves, was the gorgeous vintage shop I stumbled upon tucked away down a narrow alley. Now, this was the kind of place I would dedicate an entire afternoon to! Every piece of clothing and accessory spoke of a bygone era, and I was in complete heaven. I just had to indulge in a stunning hand-painted shawl, and a gorgeous feather boa for a touch of vintage glamour – just imagine!

So, my dear readers, we come now to the real reason I travelled all this way - the show! I secured seats in the balcony of the magnificent National Theatre, which, let me tell you, is every bit as magnificent as it sounds. As soon as I saw the elegant architecture and the soaring ceiling, I knew this was going to be a truly memorable evening. The performance itself was just incredible. I even spotted a few pink accents on the dancers' costumes, which just solidified for me that even in the hallowed halls of the ballet, the pink tutu reigns supreme!

The performance, “Swan Lake”, is, as you might imagine, a timeless masterpiece. Watching the dancers gracefully glide across the stage was like watching a dream unfold. The way they used their bodies to express the music was so enchanting, I swear I could almost feel the emotions they were conveying. Honestly, I just want to be part of it! To live that beautiful dream that they create. I know I can learn. I know that one day my name will be known as the "Pink Tutu Queen of Ballet".

The choreography was absolutely divine, with sweeping movements and dramatic poses that transported the entire audience to another realm. The ballet brought such a mix of feelings - romance, sadness, triumph, and a beautiful sense of hope - and it stayed with me long after the curtain fell. I felt the powerful allure of the dancing, the graceful strength and the tender movements. And oh, those magnificent tutus. White, but they still made my heart flutter. It really reminded me why I love the ballet so much - because it speaks to a deeper part of us all, a place of beauty, expression, and emotional depth.

Once the performance finished, I ventured out into the night air. And, my darlings, let me tell you - Prague at night is just magical! The city is bathed in a warm glow from the streetlights, and every corner reveals a new architectural masterpiece. The whole place feels like it’s been plucked straight out of a fairytale. And so it is, my dears, it truly is.

As my time in Prague slowly winds down, I’ve realised something profound. This journey isn’t just about ballet and beautiful tutus, you see. It's also about reminding myself, and all of you, that the world is full of enchanting moments and extraordinary experiences. And you never know when, or where, they might come along.

But darling, there is no such thing as a boring moment for Emma, so I have one final piece of Prague news! Tonight, I'll be joining the locals at a charming traditional pub, and, of course, I'm donning a fabulous, brand-new pink tutu! Prague's locals may not be familiar with the joy of the pink tutu just yet, but that's where I come in, darling! With a twirl and a smile, I hope to bring a little extra sparkle to their evening!

Remember, you can follow all my travels on my blog at and if you are ever in Prague, do send me a message - we could be tutu buddies!

Till next time,

With love and twirls, Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-02-18