Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-04-01

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet, Beauty, and Bubbly!

Post Number: 727

Wednesday, 1st April 2009

Darling readers!

It's Wednesday, which means it's Pink Tutu time, and oh my, what a week it has been! I've finally made it to Prague, and this city is practically screaming for a pink tutu!

The journey itself was an adventure in itself. I bid farewell to Derbyshire, hopped onto a rather lovely, vintage-style train, and watched the countryside blur past. Honestly, the carriage was practically a miniature stage, perfect for perfecting my "en pointe" pose! My fluffy, powder-pink tutu swished happily in the breeze, just itching for a whirl around the Charles Bridge. Speaking of whirls... you won't believe who I saw on the train.

That's right! Princess Maria Theresa herself, the Queen of Bohemia! Well, at least a very convincing tribute act. We had a delightful little chat, and she even gave me some wonderful tips for enjoying the city! I've taken them all to heart, you betcha! She insisted I check out the Czech National Ballet and said they perform Swan Lake - how exciting!

Once I arrived in Prague, it was time to indulge in some serious tutu-inspired fashion! Oh darling, you wouldn't believe the treasure trove I discovered! My first stop was a charming vintage shop called "The Butterfly Wing," a little slice of bohemian heaven overflowing with whimsical gowns and feathered hats. You could have knocked me over with a feather boa - I ended up leaving with a gorgeous, shimmering pink silk blouse that practically begged for a pair of sparkling opera gloves. (Oh darling, the photos will be coming soon!)

From there, I had a delightful stroll down the charming streets, my eyes wide with wonder at all the beautiful, historical buildings. Honestly, they almost rival the ballet! My pink tutu really stood out, blending perfectly with the colourful murals and cobbled squares, drawing quite a bit of attention. But it was all good-natured, of course!

The evening was even more magical! The Czech National Theatre had a show, Swan Lake! It was just as Princess Theresa had described! Such beauty! My toes tapped the entire time! ( I could resist!). I felt right at home in the elegant atmosphere of the theater, surrounded by other lovers of dance, dressed in their finery. (Who could have imagined Prague would be so glam?) The costumes were breathtaking, especially Odette’s iconic white tutus, with those magnificent swan wings. (The ballerina, I mean, they’re the dancers, you know... never met a ballerina who didn't have good fashion sense!).

The ballet itself was so evocative, full of passion and grace. It really transported me to a world of dreams and fairytales. (My secret wish? To dance with the Prince, of course!).

Afterwards, I indulged in a little bit of post-ballet indulgence at a cute little cafe, complete with strawberry tarts and a cup of tea so strong it could practically twirl on its own! (Don't worry, my dear, my pink tutu never came close to spilling my tea).

Now, let me share some insider tips for your own Prague adventure:

  • The Dancing House is not a dance school! How charming... but it does have a stunning view from its top floor. You could practically pirouette over Prague!
  • Petrin Hill is an absolute must-see for any pink tutu enthusiast, with its own little replica Eiffel Tower! I may have tried to "en pointe" on the top, but I won't tell if you won't...
  • The Old Town Square... simply charming. It felt like a living picture book, and it practically screamed "Pink Tutu Day".

And speaking of pink tutus! There’s been so much excitement around pink tutus in Prague this week, darling! Just the other day I spotted an entire family rocking pink tutus! Now that’s a perfect way to embrace the vibrant energy of this city.

And now, before I bid you good night, I just wanted to share one last Prague secret… A lovely little tea shop called “The Tutu Tearoom,” right on the riverbank. I promise, you’ll never find another shop as charming as this. It's just begging for a photoshoot with your most sparkly pink tutu, I guarantee it!

That's all for today, my darling readers! But fear not! There is much more Prague adventures and pink tutu adventures coming up this week... including, wait for it… a magical pony ride in the forest… (I can't wait to share the pictures! Oh, how I love ponies!)

Stay sparkly!
Emma xx

P.S. Have you seen the newest Pink Tutu issue on my blog? The new designs are sensational, my darlings, and there's a beautiful interview with one of my favorite designers from Prague. But be warned, they will make you want to ditch your old black tutu and get a pink one, just like me. 😉

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-04-01