Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-07-01

Post 740: Prague's Pink Paradise – A Tutu Tale!

Hello, lovelies! It's your favourite pink-loving ballerina, Emma, reporting live from the stunning city of Prague!

This week's blog post is a little bit special. It’s all about the most magical, twirling, and sparkly trip I’ve taken so far: Prague! I'm not just talking about the beauty of the city, though the architecture is indeed breath-taking – think cobbled streets, majestic bridges, and buildings that look straight out of a fairytale. No, the reason this trip was extra special was because of something else – the ballet!

Let’s face it, I’m pretty much obsessed with ballet. Ever since I was a little girl, pirouettes and arabesques were all I could dream about, and the love hasn't faded. In fact, it's only gotten stronger! So, it was a complete no-brainer when I planned this trip, a fusion of my love for dance and my ever-growing travel bug.

Prague is a city full of character, brimming with rich history and art. The cobblestone streets practically sing with tales of the past, and every corner seems to whisper of the waltzes and polkas that must have danced through the city’s soul centuries ago.

But this week, we're focusing on the ballet! Now, I usually fund my travels through performance, twirling for a living so to speak, but for this trip, I saved up a little longer – you see, Prague holds a special place in the history of ballet. Imagine the joy! Imagine the anticipation! This is where it all began for me – not literally, obviously, but in a metaphorical way – a deep, deep connection to the very spirit of ballet.

The history, you see, it goes deep! I always get a thrill, a real tickle in my tutus when I imagine those graceful ballerinas, centuries ago, waltzing through these same cobbled streets. Prague was, and is, the birthplace of many legendary ballets. It’s where ballet has truly bloomed, its stories woven into the very fabric of the city.

So, when I planned my Prague trip, my aim was to get the absolute most out of the dance world. I wanted to immerse myself in the beauty of the city and its balletic heritage. From the iconic National Theatre – an absolute architectural dream – to the quaint, smaller venues, my days were filled with everything ballet-related:

  • The National Theatre: My absolute must-see! I just knew I had to experience a ballet performance here, to feel the history, the weight of all the dance that's happened on that stage. And I'm so glad I did! This stunning neo-renaissance building, built by an artist named Josef Zitek – don't even get me started on the story behind it – is truly one of the most breathtaking and moving buildings I've ever seen. My jaw literally dropped.

  • Dance studios: Yes, darling! Of course I had to take a class or two! Even with the travel, even on the other side of the continent, there's nothing better than finding a new studio and practicing the art. This one, though, it was just special – they called it "Dance Prague", a sweet little space filled with a real sense of community. We even talked about tutus!

  • Opera Ballet Prague: A performance of "Sleeping Beauty" was something I’d planned for ages! I knew I had to see it. A fairy tale, right? Every detail was perfectly choreographed. This was the perfect way to get swept up in a ballet story – especially in Prague, a city where so many beautiful stories have been woven for generations. I was transported!

  • The magical evening shows: One of the most unexpected delights – it happened on this particular evening. My time in Prague fell just right, on this 01st July 2009 - yes! – the very date of this blog post, the whole city was bursting with live street performances, even on the steps of St Vitus Cathedral. There were dancers in the streets, with some seriously beautiful and theatrical moves – a ballet story in the heart of Prague!

This trip, though, it wasn’t all about dancing. Of course not! Every girl needs a little bit of shopping and indulging. And when it comes to fashion and beauty, Prague delivered on every single level! I swear, my heart nearly leaped out of my chest as I explored those cobblestone alleys packed with charming little shops! It's the little details that make Prague's charm – the flower stalls with their colourful displays, the cosy cafes, the quirky shops, everything was just so cute and utterly photo-worthy! I couldn't resist taking a million selfies with every perfectly pink flower or elegant boutique window.

And the food, oh the food! Let's just say my tastebuds were on a total holiday too! Prague’s cuisine is an absolute dream! My favourite, absolutely no question, was the creamy Trdelník, the warm and fluffy chimney cake. I could have eaten a hundred of those bad boys.

Prague, my lovely loves, is the perfect destination for anyone who loves beautiful things – beautiful art, beautiful buildings, and yes, beautiful dance. If you're looking for a city filled with magic, this one should be right at the top of your travel list! And if you are considering a ballet trip, or you simply want to dress up and embrace your inner ballerina, Prague is a haven.

It’s not only about the breathtaking views of Charles Bridge at sunset, but also the chance to twirl like a princess, explore the depths of your creativity in a beautiful, magical city. The dance was a magical experience, but it’s also the moments in-between, those moments of laughter and discovering, that I’ll remember for years to come.

Prague, my dear Prague, you stole my heart!

P.S. Remember, ladies – the world's a ballet stage. Embrace your inner dancer, grab your favourite pink tutu and twirl like there's no tomorrow!

Lots of love,


P.P.S. I’ll be back, you can be sure of that, darling. And you can keep up to date on my blog at every Wednesday!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-07-01