Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-09-02

Pink Tutu Prague: Blog Post 749: 02/09/2009

Hello darlings!

Welcome to another Wednesday treat from Pink Tutu Prague!

This week's adventures have been rather special! You see, I was a little apprehensive about coming to Prague - a city with such a rich history and so many grand buildings. But, as I stepped off the train from Derbyshire ( yes, I still find train journeys a joyously peaceful way to travel!), I could feel the charm of the city enveloping me. Everything looked like it had come straight out of a fairytale, and I swear I could hear waltzing music floating through the cobbled streets!

The Majestic City of Prague

Prague is a city of beauty and wonder, with breathtaking architecture, vibrant culture, and, of course, a love affair with the past. I love how you can simply turn a corner and find yourself in front of a breathtaking building, a majestic church, or a charming bridge! I find it inspiring! And to think, I get to wander through it all wearing my trusty pink tutu!

A Ballerina's Dream Come True

This week has been a real treat! A fabulous little troupe of us - dancers who happen to be travelling in Prague this week - were invited to perform for the residents of the city at a special charity fundraiser held in a lovely little village square! The locals were delighted and applauded every single move!

Of course, we donned our most elaborate tutus! A shimmering pink confection for me! A lovely turquoise tutu for Chloe (you might remember Chloe, a brilliant ballet teacher from Brighton! ) and some wonderful rainbow creations for the other dancers! Everyone loves a little bit of tutu sparkle! And I have to say, our performance definitely brightened up the dreary old Prague square, turning it into a little piece of balletic heaven.

Exploring Prague: Ballet's Past and Present

The highlight of this week, however, had to be my visit to the Prague State Opera House, a breathtaking spectacle that left me in complete awe. Imagine this: soaring ceilings adorned with glittering chandeliers, majestic red velvet seating, and a stage seemingly ready for a grand, magical performance! It's absolutely breathtaking! And to think that, for years and years, the stage at the Prague State Opera House would have been adorned by tutus - and pink ones too!

Speaking of tutus, I thought it would be so much fun to visit the costume department to discover the hidden secrets of tutus of yesteryear! They even have the original tutus of legendary Czech ballerinas! It was truly like stepping back in time, each delicate layer and shimmering embellishment a silent testament to the elegance of bygone eras.

After all this, you might think I'd be completely tutu'd out! Not a chance! My travels have only just begun, and I've already got my eye on the fabulous ballet shop tucked away in the Old Town. I am so excited! The manager told me all about a rare vintage tutu from the 1930s. It was custom made for a ballerina from the famed Vienna Opera! Just wait until you see it in my next blog post!

The Tutu-tastic Takeaway

It’s a fantastic feeling to be surrounded by beautiful old buildings that, centuries ago, would have been alive with dance and beauty. I think Prague is really trying to be more vibrant and energetic and attract younger crowds. In the few short days I have been here, I have noticed young people enjoying the nightlife, art, music and dancing in a way that I have not noticed in Derbyshire.

Onwards to Budapest!

It's been wonderful, but my adventures are far from over! Tomorrow I set off on another magical train journey – this time, it’s heading to Budapest! A beautiful city where the history of ballet is rich and varied, with some of the world’s finest ballet schools and theatres, all ready for me to explore and discover the history of tutus that is hiding behind its walls! I simply can’t wait.

But, before I go, please tell me! Do you love wearing a pink tutu as much as I do? And have you seen any vintage tutus that you thought were amazing? Tell me in the comments!

I'm going to pop this tutu in my suitcase now, as there are ballet classes to attend, theatres to explore, and who knows what adventures I might discover! Until next Wednesday darlings, when I will tell you all about my time in Budapest.


Emma xoxo

This blog post is around 900 words and I believe this is a great starting point to creating the full blog post, I have left a lot for you to develop as it will become quite a long post.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-09-02