Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-07-07

Prague: A Pink Tutu's Paradise! (Blog Post #793)

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, and you know what that means... time for another dose of pink-tutu-tastic adventures from your favourite Derbyshire lass! This week, I'm writing to you from the magical city of Prague! Oh, it's just the most beautiful place you could imagine, a city straight out of a fairytale. Think cobbled streets, towering churches, and enough pastel colours to make even the most jaded fashionista swoon. And what better place to explore all this, than in my trusty pink tutu? 😉

I travelled here by train, naturally - the journey was an adventure all of its own. I love watching the world whizz by, spotting all the little details that make each country unique. And Prague was certainly no exception!

Speaking of unique, Prague has got to be the most romantic city I've ever been to. I mean, you can practically feel the history seeping out of the cobblestones! From the moment I stepped off the train, I was enchanted by the charm of it all.

Fashionable finds in Prague!

Naturally, the first thing I did upon arriving in Prague was to head straight to the shops. And let me tell you, this city is a haven for a fashion-conscious pink tutu devotee like myself. There are independent boutiques tucked away in narrow alleyways, and chic designer stores with floor-to-ceiling displays.

I picked up a gorgeous vintage hat in a dusty antique shop, and found a delicate, blush-coloured silk scarf in a store full of bohemian treasures. I can't wait to incorporate both into my future outfits! Of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without a visit to a beautiful lace shop, and I found a divine lace-trimmed skirt in a hidden corner. I'm so excited to wear it with my favourite pink tutu!

Dancing the night away... and learning a new move or two!

But fashion isn't the only thing that Prague excels in. As you all know, ballet is my true passion, so it was a given that I'd try and catch a show during my visit. Now, I know what you're thinking... “Isn't ballet a bit stuffy, Emma?”

Nonsense! The ballet scene in Prague is absolutely buzzing. I discovered the most incredible, modern ballet studio nestled away in the Old Town. I took a drop-in class this morning, learning a gorgeous piece full of elegant twists and turns. And who knows, maybe I'll even pick up a few new steps for my next performance.

From cobblestone streets to cobblestone cakes

It wouldn't be a true Emma adventure without exploring the local culinary delights, wouldn't it? I tried a delicious "trdelnik," which is like a sweet bread, made from a long, thin roll of dough that is wrapped around a metal spit. It's traditionally baked over an open fire, but I had it straight out of the oven, served warm with vanilla custard. Divine!

There's something so enchanting about seeing people just living their everyday lives in these historic surroundings. They take the beauty of Prague for granted, something I will never do!

A ballet journey through Prague

Speaking of enchanting, I took a lovely stroll through Prague's Old Town. And guess what? It led me straight to the stunning National Theatre. You'll never believe what I saw there: a display showcasing some of the most iconic costumes from Czech ballet history. Oh, I was absolutely mesmerized!

Each tutu had its own story to tell. There was a beautifully hand-painted silk tutu, a dazzling beaded creation, and even a bold red velvet tutu with a sweeping train. And of course, it wouldn’t be Prague without a gorgeous, fluffy, ballet pink tutu, complete with hand-stitched embellishments! The artistry and craftsmanship was simply breathtaking.

After indulging my passion for tutus at the theatre, I spent the afternoon exploring the historic centre, walking over the famous Charles Bridge and stopping to admire the breathtaking views. Every corner I turned unveiled a new and unexpected wonder!

I'm telling you, darlings, if you ever have the chance to visit Prague, grab your prettiest pink tutu and go! You won't be disappointed!

On the topic of tutus, have you read this?

One thing that's been catching my eye recently is this discussion about tutu history. I’ve been fascinated by the changing styles, the craftsmanship, the artistry behind them.

From the fluffy classical tutus we know and love to the modern, avant-garde designs – the tutu has evolved, mirroring society and changing aesthetics.

You know, I can't help but think that the tutu is more than just a costume; it's a symbol of dreams, of artistry, of pushing boundaries. And the fact that it's such a powerful, feminine statement? Well, that just adds to its allure. 😉

Keeping the pink tutu dream alive

Remember, my lovelies, my aim in life is to get everyone wearing a pink tutu. Now, maybe that's a tall order, but I like to dream big, don’t I?

Let me tell you, these last few days have convinced me more than ever that this dream is achievable. Even in the most unexpected places, like here in Prague, people have responded to my tutu with such joy and enthusiasm. They've told me their stories, about their own dreams and passions. And the smiles, oh, the smiles were worth more than any prize.

As I sit here writing this blog post, the sun is setting, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets. I know that my time in Prague is coming to an end, but the memories I’ve made here will stay with me forever. I can’t wait to tell you all about my next adventure in a future post. Until then, remember, darlings, keep the pink tutu dream alive!

And as always, don't forget to subscribe to my website at Don’t miss my new post every Wednesday at 6 p.m.!

P.S. If you’re ever in Prague, let me know! Perhaps we could meet up and dance the night away! I hear they have some fantastic dance clubs... 😉

With love, and lots of pink tulle,

Emma 💖

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-07-07