Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-08-04

Prague's Pretty Pastels: A Pink Tutu Journey, Post 797

Wednesday, 4th August 2010

Darling readers,

I’m perched in my darling little Prague hotel room, a riot of pink and tulle, my favourite tutu from the last London show – the one with the lilac bows and hand-sewn sparkly details, draped over my chair like a princess waiting for her fairy godmother (in a tutu, of course). This magical city, full of cobblestone streets, soaring spires and that special, heady continental feel has totally stolen my heart.

I've got a special place in my heart for Prague. There’s just something about it, a kind of dreamy whimsy – all the baroque churches and beautiful gardens, it's like stepping into a fairytale. Not just any fairytale though, but a fairytale with fabulous outfits, the sort you see at a royal ballet performance!

Oh, speaking of outfits...

This morning, I took myself to a beautiful little boutique tucked away on the banks of the Vltava River. Such gorgeous pastel colours – lavender and mint and baby blue, the perfect palette for a ballet outfit. You see, a ballet outfit is never really complete, dear reader. It’s about putting together the right accessories. It’s about matching a feather boa with the perfect diamante brooch – and in Prague, well, my love affair with the perfect accessory really went into overdrive!

I'm afraid I came back laden with packages: a little mint-green feather boa that would be simply divine with a short tutu skirt; a pair of lavender satin gloves that, with my ballet shoes, would be simply dazzling and an off-white clutch for the National Theatre, where I'm going to watch my first ballet show this evening.

The National Theatre

After my fashion fix, I did something slightly more sensible - I booked my tickets to the National Theatre. As soon as I'd seen that pink colour scheme, with pink details on the beautiful old buildings and pink roses creeping across the windowsills – I just had to go! It’s a stunning building, darling. I think it was originally a Baroque castle, and then in the late nineteenth century, it was converted into the beautiful theatre it is now. It's a little bit gothic, a little bit neo-renaissance, all mixed together in an architectural symphony of grand style.

But even with the most impressive theatre architecture in the world, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw on stage that evening.

This evening, the program featured "Giselle". That gorgeous tragic tale about the country maiden betrayed by her lover and transformed into a Wili, a spectral spirit who, with her sister-ghosts, seek to drag living men to their doom! It's such a romantic yet heartbreaking tale, and the choreography was breathtakingly beautiful. I’ve never seen an interpretation of "Giselle" like this! The National Theatre in Prague boasts some of the most incredible dancers in the world and it was a real privilege to see them in action.

My heart still sings when I think about that amazing first act. It's not everyday I find myself watching an utterly dazzling ballerina dance so beautifully with a phantom, you see!

The Ballet of Life

Speaking of phantom love stories, darling, you’d be surprised how often they occur in my world.

It’s the whole reason I began travelling the world – my absolute passion for the ballet has led to all this. After leaving Derbyshire – where I danced as a little girl and trained to become a professional – I realised that ballet wasn't a passion you could ever put aside, it was an intricate tapestry woven into the very fabric of my soul. So I followed my dreams and, since I've been performing as a guest artist with a few smaller companies, my love of travel has bloomed like a magnificent ballet flower!

To be honest, there's nothing quite like the thrill of getting up on stage before a huge, enthusiastic crowd and doing my thing! Of course, that is all possible thanks to the amazing, supportive team at my dance school, who encourage me to do what I do. After all, even in our modern times, we must always remember: dancing is a collaborative art. A ballet dancer can never stand on stage without the support of those behind the scenes – the choreographers, the designers, the seamstresses, the tutors and everyone else in our community who dedicate their time and skills to our dreams!

But even if I weren’t dancing, dear reader, the whole ballet experience would have called me to it. The world of ballet is like an intricate tapestry: history, culture, costume design, and dance techniques; there is always something new and exciting to learn and be immersed in. You can feel the past in every move; even in contemporary interpretations of classic pieces.

The journey from Derbyshire to Prague was a bit of an adventure – a pony journey, a train trip and, of course, lots of time in the train carriages making a couple of new friends, which I hope I’ll keep in touch with – because after all, it’s all about connections, right? It’s the wonderful relationships you create along the way that enrich life, and this journey was no exception. I met an amazing group of people with an absolute love for all things beautiful, and I know I'm going to see them all again, once they’ve put on their pink tutus, naturally!

It is so important to spread joy and kindness, especially these days – I’ve always loved doing so. And what better way to bring smiles to people’s faces than to put on your favourite tutu, dance with your heart and soul, and watch the joy spread around you, like a beautiful cascade of light!

This has certainly been a magical day. The dancing was gorgeous, and I’m sitting here now with my ballet shoes still tied, knowing that a perfect week has been added to the book of my life!

Until next Wednesday darling, remember… keep twirling, keep smiling and never be afraid to express your individuality! I’ll leave you with this quote which is one of my favourites from the fabulous Agnes de Mille:

“If it’s not a dance, it’s not a life. The whole world, the whole history of humankind has to be viewed in that way. As a giant dance.“

With a big pink kiss from Prague,


*P.S. If you'd like to hear about my upcoming London performances and more ballet updates, subscribe to my website at and get ready to spin, darling! *

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-08-04