Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-08-25

Pink Tutu Prague: A Whirlwind of Beauty and Ballet, Post #800!

Bonjour, my darling tutu-loving darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a new adventure from your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, on

This week, I'm writing to you from the heart of Prague, a city that feels as if it's stepped straight out of a fairy tale. Imagine cobblestone streets winding through centuries-old buildings, towering spires reaching for the heavens, and a charming river reflecting the vibrant life buzzing below. This, my dears, is Prague, and I'm completely smitten!

This city is absolutely dripping with history, a true treat for a history-obsessed ballerina like me! From the storybook architecture of the Old Town Square, where the legendary Astronomical Clock shows off its centuries-old wizardry, to the imposing Prague Castle overlooking the city like a regal queen, every corner is a breathtaking scene from the past.

And, you know what? I even managed to squeeze in some time for a proper ballet experience here! I took a class at the Prague Conservatory, the very heart of ballet education in this magnificent city. The studio itself was a picture of grace - wooden floors polished to a gleam, graceful barre lines, and the smell of old wood and sweat that only a truly dedicated dance studio can produce. I swear I felt the ghosts of ballerinas past flitting around us as I pirouetted and arabesqued, their legacy a constant inspiration in my leaps.

Of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without witnessing the magical spectacle of the Czech National Ballet. This evening, I found myself seated at the majestic National Theatre, feeling like a proper, pink tutu-clad princess. The performance was a whirlwind of colour and emotion, leaving me breathless. The dancers' movements were so intricate, so passionate, it was like watching a dream unfold on stage. It was the perfect way to cap off a magical day in Prague!

Speaking of dreams, my journey here wouldn't have been possible without my ever-reliable ballet performances back in Derbyshire. From the moment I announced my dream to take a pink tutu pilgrimage around Europe, the support from my beloved community has been incredible. Every sold-out performance brings me one step closer to fulfilling this beautiful, ballerina-fuelled adventure!

And let's not forget the most important thing in all this - shopping! I’ve had a blast exploring Prague’s delightful shops, where I found the most incredible vintage dresses, a delicate handmade silver necklace featuring a tiny dancing ballerina, and of course, a few pink goodies to keep my inner princess satisfied!

For you fellow fashion enthusiasts, Prague offers a unique style: a vintage flair, with a touch of modern chic, a sprinkle of Bohemian flair, and all sprinkled with a pinch of pink - just the way I like it! From the colourful stalls of the Old Town Square, where I found a magnificent hand-painted floral clutch, to the designer boutiques showcasing Czech fashion at its finest, Prague has it all.

And the food? Oh, my goodness! It was such a joy exploring the culinary scene here! We've been devouring hearty Czech goulash, creamy mushroom soups, and mouth-watering dumplings. And let's not forget the decadent pastries and exquisite chocolate treats that seem to be hidden in every nook and cranny.

Did you know Prague even has a sweet, little pony named "Princess"? She takes visitors for rides around the Old Town Square, a truly magical experience that reminds me of the enchanting stories of childhood! I felt like I had travelled back in time, a touch of whimsy that only a fairytale city can offer.

This city truly inspires my spirit! With each step through these captivating cobblestone streets, I find myself captivated by the city’s artistic flair and the endless opportunities for magical encounters. It's a reminder that the world is full of beauty, waiting to be discovered.

Of course, the heart of any magical journey lies in the people we meet along the way! And let me tell you, Prague has the warmest, friendliest people. They've embraced me with open arms and genuine smiles. And, even better, they’re starting to appreciate the beauty of the pink tutu!

While I've enjoyed every moment in this gorgeous city, the call of adventure is pulling me towards new destinations. There's still so much to explore, so many hidden corners to uncover! But rest assured, dear tutu-loving friends, I'll be back next Wednesday with a brand new adventure!

So stay tuned for more pink tutu escapades from Emma's whirlwind travels! Until next time, remember: there’s a touch of magic in every pink tutu. And the world is waiting to be spun, twirled, and danced around with your own pink tutu!



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-08-25