Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-12-28

Prague, darling! Post #870

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

Oh, darling! Where do I even begin?! This week's adventures have been pure fairytale. The City of a Hundred Spires has captured my heart with its breathtaking architecture, charming cobblestone streets, and… you guessed it! Plenty of opportunities to wear pink.

Let me rewind a bit. Last Wednesday I found myself tucked into my trusty sleeper carriage, gliding through the snowy plains of Germany, a vision in pink sequins. I have to confess, even a train journey can be an absolute delight when you're dressed to the nines, especially with a carefully curated playlist of Vivaldi and Tchaikovsky keeping me company.

As the landscape blurred outside, I allowed myself to daydream about the week ahead. I was arriving in Prague just in time for a very special occasion - the Ballet in Prague 2011-12! Oh, to finally be experiencing this prestigious ballet festival in the most glamorous city imaginable!

But darling, let's not get ahead of ourselves! There were other must dos before I could unleash my inner ballerina on the stages of Prague. I landed in the heart of this magical city, eager to soak in every detail. My hotel, with its ornate ironwork and opulent chandeliers, had the kind of old-world charm that sets the stage for the ultimate fairytale experience.

Of course, any good fairy tale needs a hero (or heroine), and in this case, my hero was... a tutu. I went shopping, you know the drill, but darling, this was no ordinary shopping trip. The boutiques I stumbled upon were simply enchanting, with their delicate silks, lavish laces, and whimsical fabrics, all begging to be turned into my next dazzling stage costume! My search led me to the most gorgeous silk tulle – a soft, airy shade of petal pink – and, of course, I had to get a matching headband. Honestly, the shops here could easily become my second home!

After indulging in a divine cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream and the most decadent pastry I'd ever seen, I set off to explore Prague’s historical streets. Each turn unveiled a hidden jewel: majestic cathedrals piercing the sky, colourful baroque houses, charming cobblestone lanes lined with cafes overflowing with laughter and chatter. It was like stepping back in time – in the most fabulous way possible, of course!

But even amidst the historic wonders, I couldn't resist the lure of Prague’s vibrant cultural scene. It was time to embrace my inner dancer and find out why ballet is so synonymous with this stunning city.

My first foray into the heart of the ballet scene was the National Theatre, an architectural masterpiece overlooking the Vltava River. I was absolutely mesmerized by the grandeur of the interior. Imagine the perfect blend of opulence and tradition – gilded decorations, velvet seats, and a stage seemingly bathed in an ethereal glow! The excitement was palpable as I slipped into the plush seat, anticipation bubbling like champagne.

On stage, a world of graceful artistry and dazzling athleticism unfolded before my eyes. As the ballerinas glided and leapt with such elegance, I couldn't help but be reminded of the story behind their graceful moves. Imagine this! In 18th century France, ladies would gracefully promenade on their elegant horses and show off their latest fashions, making the scene an important social occasion. As we enter the 21st century, ballet still continues to inspire, captivate, and push the boundaries of art and storytelling.

The evening ended on a high note. Back at my hotel, I retreated to my balcony to sip a glass of sparkling wine and gaze at the glittering night sky, feeling the echoes of the magical dance performance still buzzing through my veins. The next day, with the excitement of the Ballet in Prague buzzing within me, I took to the city, ready to take it all in! I found myself weaving through enchanting markets bursting with the most delightful trinkets, marveling at intricate Prague clocks that seemed to whisper secrets of time, and trying out the traditional Czech cuisine – delicious, even if I couldn’t pronounce half the names!

However, darling, even a whirlwind tour of a magnificent city needs a little balance, so naturally, I had to find some time to treat myself. My favorite spot in the city so far was the decadent Parisian-inspired cafe, C’est Chic, located right across from the Old Town Square. Its interior was pure delight: crystal chandeliers, plush armchairs, and even a roaring fireplace. After indulging in a delightful lunch of buttery croissants and an exquisite latte, I decided to treat myself to a few pieces from their chic collection of hats. Let's just say they had the most amazing feather embellishments and gorgeous velvet trims. Now, that's a way to truly add some elegance to any day!

Now, here comes the real magic! Ballet in Prague wasn't just a spectacle. It was an immersive experience. As I spent the following days hopping from performance to performance, I had a feeling that Prague was starting to see me for who I really am: a girl who believes in magic and wearing pink, of course!

Every night was an adventure, each performance showcasing a different flavour of this artistic discipline. There were nights of classical ballets like Swan Lake, which I’d enjoyed as a child watching the movie on video (Remember video cassettes? Good old times!), and others that introduced me to more contemporary works, exploring fresh, modern perspectives on ballet. Every performance ignited a different kind of emotion – a mix of wonder, awe, and a touch of nostalgia that left me feeling utterly captivated.

As my time in Prague drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on this incredible experience. This enchanting city has woven its spell upon me, making my week feel like a chapter out of a fairytale.

I've tasted the sweet honey wine in traditional Bohemian taverns, marveled at the intricate glass artistry displayed at the Moser Glass Factory (a touch of Victorian extravagance mixed with an airy elegance, darling!), and even encountered the legendary Prague ghosts, those curious spirits that whisper tales of the city’s rich past through winding alleyways. But the most magical part of the whole experience was discovering that ballet in Prague isn't just about dancing on stage, but about feeling connected to this artistic legacy through the entire city.

With a lingering taste of honey wine on my lips and a heart full of Prague’s enchantment, I am finally ready to embark on the next chapter of my journey. As I wave goodbye to the enchanting Prague streets and pack up my tulle-filled bags, a part of me knows that this city will always hold a special place in my heart. This journey has reignited my love for ballet, for travel, for exploring hidden gems in the most glamorous way possible – all while being draped in shades of pink, naturally!

As the train smoothly takes me back to my familiar life in Derbyshire, I know this is not the end. This is just the beginning. After all, darling, every step we take, whether it's across a dance floor or through a bustling market, is a step closer to embracing the beauty and magic that surrounds us – even if we’re adorned in the most fabulous shade of pink, of course.

Until next time, darlings! Keep twirling and embracing the magic of life! I can’t wait to share my next adventure with you – and yes, I’m already planning my next outfit. What do you say to a lilac tulle, a sequined shrug, and some fabulous pearl earrings?

And remember, the world is our stage. So, twirl, dance, and don’t be afraid to wear pink!

Until next week… Stay fabulous!

Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-12-28