Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-02-22

Pink Tutu Prague: A Ballerina's Dream!

Post 878: 22nd February 2012

Dearest fellow tutu-lovers,

Hello from Prague, my darlings! I've finally made it to this charming, fairytale-like city, and oh my, I'm completely besotted. It feels like a scene from Swan Lake come to life, with cobblestone streets winding through picturesque squares and whimsical buildings that seem to dance in the sunlight. I feel as if I've stepped onto the set of a grand ballet production!

This trip, my lovely readers, was a whirlwind of trains, planes and carriages, but most importantly, a symphony of tutus. Yes, even my travels involve a healthy dose of pink tulle, which I'm happy to report arrived unscathed, albeit a tad wrinkled from being crammed into a suitcase (a small sacrifice for the sake of ballet beauty).

You see, as a ballerina living my best life, it’s only fitting to find adventure in the places where my passions intertwine. This trip has been a grand ballet adventure from the very start, fuelled by a recent string of sold-out performances at the local Derbyshire theatre (who would have thought Swan Lake could be so popular with a pink tutu twist? But it turns out, people just love seeing a ballerina spin across the stage with confidence and, of course, a dash of fabulousness).

So, on this fine Wednesday morning, let me tell you all about my wonderful, ballet-infused journey to this beautiful city...

Prague: A City Built for Ballerinas

Prague has this enchanting energy, a sense of wonder that’s impossible not to feel. It feels as though the very stones are infused with magic, as if they themselves were whispering a captivating story from the depths of the city's rich history. I’ve been indulging in a little architectural ballet here, skipping from one breathtaking monument to another - Prague Castle, the Charles Bridge, the Astronomical Clock… every building tells a story, with each intricate detail and exquisite craftsmanship weaving its own unique tale. I've felt like I've been living within a page of a storybook, one that is just brimming with culture and romance.

Of course, Prague is also a mecca for the performing arts. Every cobblestone street seems to pulse with the echoes of operas, plays, and, my absolute favourite - ballet! It’s as if the city is forever in a state of graceful motion. You can't turn a corner without bumping into a busker's performance or spotting a street dancer, effortlessly spinning and leaping through the air. This week, I’m planning to attend the National Theatre’s production of Don Quixote (who knew my beloved tutu obsession had such strong historical roots?), an iconic ballet full of daring leaps, captivating stories, and a splash of theatrical wonder.

I also had the chance to take a charming horse-drawn carriage ride through the Old Town Square (where else can you do that but in Prague?) - the gentle sway of the carriage felt like a waltz, accompanied by the rhythmic clip-clop of the horse's hooves. And the sight of the old town with its charming cafes, quaint shops, and vibrant squares… it was a picture perfect setting, like a beautiful vignette for a timeless ballet.

Prague Shopping: Where Fashion and Tutus Collide

And what is a ballerina’s trip without indulging in a little retail therapy? Of course, shopping has been at the top of my agenda here in Prague, a treasure trove of bohemian fashion, vintage gems, and unique boutiques that make your heart sing (or at least inspire a twirl or two).

Yesterday, I ventured into the labyrinthine alleys of the Old Town and emerged with a trove of delightful treasures - a delicate silk scarf that danced in the breeze, a whimsical hat perfect for my upcoming theatrical escapades, and, most importantly, a magnificent, billowing tulle skirt, bursting with colour. Let’s just say, I couldn’t resist adding to my growing tutu collection (always room for more!) And this one, my darlings, is simply a dream come true - think delicate layers of iridescent lilac, shimmering lavender, and pale blush, with a subtle hint of lavender that I'm confident will cause quite the stir during my ballet performances back in Derbyshire!

Ballet Lessons & Dreams of Dance

While I’m absolutely thrilled to be dancing among Prague's cultural delights, a ballerina must always nourish her inner pirouette, you see. And, thanks to my (completely unexpected) serendipitous discovery, I’ve been given the incredible opportunity to learn a few new steps from the prestigious Ballet Theatre Prague.

It's an absolute privilege to experience the grace and precision of the dancers here, and a dream come true for me. I've found myself soaking up every tip, learning from the very best in a charming, candlelit studio that oozes ballet history. And believe me, these ladies can spin! (No matter what my mama says, you’re never too old to learn a new turn. You see, in a world of dance, there’s always something new to discover, something exciting to explore. That’s why I never miss an opportunity to grow as a dancer, to stretch my creative boundaries, and push myself to reach new heights (and I’m not even talking about those impossibly high shoes!).

The Pink Tutu Crusade

In Prague, I've noticed a strong sense of individuality, an expression of one's unique style, a flair for the extraordinary. In a way, it's like an unwritten rule, and I absolutely love it! The people here embrace bold colour, wear tutus with conviction, and believe in making a statement, whether it’s with a feathered hat, a playful vintage find, or a splash of vibrant lipstick. The creativity and playful confidence I see on the streets here reminds me of why I first embraced my inner ballerina: because, deep down, I believe that life’s too short to blend in!

Here, it seems, people have fully embraced the concept of self-expression, of celebrating individuality, and of letting your own personal story be told through your style. It’s truly inspiring! It’s not a stretch to say that I'm absolutely smitten with this city, and the pink tutu vibes here are certainly on point.

My mission, as always, is to bring a bit of my unique flair (and of course, my ever-present pink tulle!) wherever I go. This journey, like all the ones I’ve had before it, has helped me remember the beauty and the magic that a touch of pink can bring to any situation. In my opinion, the world needs more pink tutus! They stand for individuality, grace, and pure joy, a reminder that we can all find a little magic in the ordinary moments of our lives. If I’ve inspired anyone reading this to pick up a pink tutu and embrace the dancer within, well, mission accomplished.

And to you, my sweet followers, until next Wednesday’s blog update from Prague, stay curious, embrace your inner tutu-lover, and let your inner ballerina shine.

Until next week!

Yours in tulle and dreams,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-02-22