
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-05-02

Prague: A Fairy Tale in Pink (Blog Post #888)

Hello darlings! Itā€™s Wednesday, which means itā€™s time for a brand new Pink Tutu blog post! This week, Iā€™m whisking you off to the enchanting city of Prague, a place that stole my heart as soon as I set foot in it, or should I say, hoofed it? You see, I took the most magical journey, riding a fluffy white pony from Vienna straight to Prague, the wind whipping through my hair as I felt like a real-life princess in my pink tutu.

Yes, you read that right! I rode a pony all the way from Vienna to Prague! It was such an unforgettable experience, feeling the freedom of the open road and the joy of being at one with nature. You could say Iā€™m obsessed with ponies and travel ā€“ especially by train! Thereā€™s something so elegant about settling in for a journey by train, surrounded by people from all walks of life. I swear I could spend days just observing them and concocting stories about their lives. Of course, it was impossible to ignore the stylish array of clothes and hats on display - every time I glanced up from my ballet journal (I love to doodle tutus on trains!), my eye caught a fabulous feathered fascinator or an exquisite silk scarf. Prague, Vienna, all these beautiful European cities are full of inspiration for my tutus.

But letā€™s get back to Prague ā€“ the real reason I ventured into this enchanting city. Iā€™d been yearning to see the Czech Republicā€™s stunning ballet scene and my curiosity was peaked by all the whispers Iā€™d been hearing about its incredible history. So, this past Tuesday, I had the most divine time immersing myself in a day full of tutu magic.

The Ballet Beauty of Prague

Letā€™s be honest, any city with an opera house and a national theatre deserves to be on any ballet loverā€™s list! The National Theatre is truly an architectural marvel, boasting ornate interiors and a captivating aura. I felt like I was stepping into a scene from a fairy tale, with gilded carvings and shimmering chandeliers. While the National Theatre houses opera and plays too, its ballet company is internationally recognised, famous for its unique style and impeccable precision. And, lucky for me, they were performing Giselle on the night I was there! Oh, Giselle! Itā€™s such a classic tale about betrayal, loss, and redemption. I get a little emotional at the tragic climax every time! I saw Giselle a few weeks ago at the Sadlerā€™s Wells in London. This was my chance to enjoy Giselle with the Prague company and witness a performance by Czech ballet dancers.

While the show itself was divine ā€“ the graceful movements, the haunting music, the delicate costumesā€¦ it was the Giselle dancers themselves who stole the show for me! They had an elegance and precision Iā€™d never witnessed before. The corps de ballet, the ā€œlittle groupā€, moved in unison, with incredible precision. They all radiated strength and confidence. Each dancer, from the ballerina to the smallest member of the corps de ballet, poured their heart and soul into their performance. The dancing was full of life, full of heart! Their artistry touched my soul ā€“ they were truly masters of their craft! And I just loved seeing the audience completely captivated by the performance - they cheered, they applauded, they laughedā€¦ Iā€™m sure they were all dreaming in pink when they left the theatre!

The Beauty of the City

But Prague wasn't just about ballet, though I must admit, that was my favourite part. It's like a living, breathing fairy tale! Itā€™s brimming with picturesque squares, quaint alleyways, and grand churches, with that distinct medieval European charm. It was impossible not to lose myself in the cobblestone streets, gazing at the ornate architecture and admiring the breathtaking views. Every turn seemed to reveal a hidden treasure - an exquisite cafe tucked away in a quiet courtyard, a quirky art gallery showcasing vibrant, colourfully clad Prague fashion, or an elaborate fountain telling a story about life and love in ancient Bohemia.

Pink Tutu Fashion Inspiration

While in Prague, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in its fashion scene - as much a treat as a ballet! And you wonā€™t be surprised to know, Prague fashion did not disappoint. Iā€™m always inspired by local fashion designers. Prague, with its eclectic mix of history and modern style, definitely fuelled my inner fashionista! My favourite find was a beautiful blush pink vintage coat, a soft, luxurious fabric like a dream! I instantly knew it had to be part of my Pink Tutu wardrobe, it felt so perfectly ā€˜Pragueā€™, full of fairytale vibes! I was lucky enough to discover a shop tucked away on one of the many quiet alleyways ā€“ Rose of the Pink, a truly feminine clothing boutique dedicated to soft, vintage pastels and all things pink.

I managed to squeeze in some ballet classes while I was there, just for a little bit of pink-tutu-ballet practice ā€“ because a girl needs her pirouettes even on the road. There are a few ballet studios around Prague offering drop-in classes for all levels ā€“ a little gem, hidden in plain sight! There are no better dance shoes in the whole world than pink satin ballet slippers, believe me. Every twirl in Prague just felt more magical with those on my feet.

I feel truly blessed that Iā€™ve been able to make so many ballet-related memories, with the help of all of you who have supported my career. I fund all my travels with the help of performances Iā€™ve put on for some fantastic, and always so kind, charities back in Derbyshire, where my passion for dance began. Itā€™s something I feel truly lucky to do and it gives me an opportunity to share my passion with the world.

I am beyond grateful for each and every one of you ā€“ you are my inspiration! Now I just have to convince everyone in the world that they canā€™t be fully fulfilled in life until they own a pink tutu and join my army of dancing ballerinas. What do you think? Would you wear a pink tutu, even just once, to add a touch of magic to your life? Leave a comment and let me know!

Donā€™t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com every Wednesday for a brand new Pink Tutu blog! And until next time, dance like nobody's watching, wear pink tutus with pride, and dream big!

Hugs and tutus, Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-05-02