Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-04-25

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 887 - A Whirlwind of Pink in the City of a Hundred Spires!

Hello my darling tutu-twirling treasures! It's Emma here, back from Prague and buzzing with excitement. As you all know, I adore travelling and combining it with my two passions - ballet and, of course, pink! Prague was the perfect setting for my latest adventure, and let me tell you, it was simply divine.

A Train Ride Like No Other

This week, I left my Derbyshire home for the fairytale city of Prague. The journey started with a delightful train ride - you all know my love for those! Nothing beats gazing at the rolling countryside whizzing past whilst dreaming up new pink tutu designs. This time, my train was packed full of vibrant characters - students, businessmen with laptops, a family of four trying to manage a dog that resembled a particularly fluffy teddy bear - a perfect canvas for a story to inspire a new ballet routine, perhaps set to a lilting train whistle soundtrack? Who knows? The inspiration could come from anywhere!

Finding My Prague

Arriving in Prague felt like stepping into a fairytale. The ancient buildings, the winding cobbled streets, and the magical energy in the air - it was utterly captivating. And what better way to explore than on a trusty, pink-tutu-clad pony? Well, sadly not, my darling readers. In my quest to make pink tutus a global fashion statement, a pink pony has not yet emerged. However, the city offered me another mode of transportation that suited me down to the ground: a tram!

Imagine a charming old tram, its bright colours glistening under the late afternoon sun. The clanging bell, the rhythmic chugging as we passed beautiful squares and picturesque bridges. It felt like I was a character in a charming movie! As we travelled, I couldn't help but steal a glance at my reflection in the dusty window – a whirlwind of pink and sparkles! Perfect, just perfect. I couldn't wait to see what adventures awaited me in this fairytale setting.

Pink Perfection in Prague

Now, Prague has a wealth of things to offer the tutu-obsessed: charming cafes, a vast selection of stunning boutiques (naturally, with a pink colour scheme!), and even a lovely little shop tucked away on a side street dedicated solely to vintage ballet shoes and tutus. I went into a total pink-tutu frenzy. I practically lived in that shop! The woman running it, she reminded me of a ballet teacher - a stern, slightly imperious yet loving gaze and her hand outstretched for my five shillings! I even spotted a delightful tutu crafted from a vintage lace fabric that, honestly, I simply had to purchase. It screamed my name!

Prague's charm also seeped into my wardrobe. The colour palette here is like nothing I’ve seen - rich reds, dusky oranges, soft pinks – oh, and my favourite: a deep, luxurious turquoise that wouldn't be out of place on the stage of the Bolshoi. I had a wonderful time finding treasures that would complement my tutus perfectly, creating my own whimsical Prague wardrobe! A little, fluttery chiffon dress, a charming little scarf that reminded me of the whimsical cobblestones under my feet, and a fabulous vintage velvet jacket that felt as though it could be part of a historical ballet, one perhaps set in this magical city.

The Ballet in My Heart

Of course, I couldn't leave Prague without attending a ballet performance. It had been years since I had been to the grand old National Theatre. The grandeur, the chandeliers, the history, the perfect setting to witness the stories that dancers can tell using just their bodies. I'm so happy that ballet holds such a special place in my heart - its the one thing I truly adore.

This particular night was all about Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake! The music, the story, the passion in each dancer’s movement – a beautiful symphony of sound and movement. And what could be more fitting than seeing the iconic 'White Swan' act danced in the stunning Prague setting? Honestly, I could have watched it all night long, even with the grumpy old man in the seat beside me - who could have a bad day, watching ballet!

This night also made me realize a secret – Prague isn't just a city of grand castles and cobblestone streets. It's a city full of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered! You'd be surprised, but the dance community is alive and thriving. They even had a cute, little street performance featuring modern dance and, you've guessed it, lots of pink tutus! Talk about embracing your inner ballerina - this group of girls really captured the essence of dance. I even went up to them after and asked where they got their lovely pink tutus from, turns out they all made them by hand, and they gave me their recipe - that was special.

Until Next Wednesday!

Prague, you stole my heart with your vibrant history and culture. From the dreamy architecture to the inspiring energy, it’s been a magical experience that I will cherish forever. Until next Wednesday, darlings, keep on twirling, keep on sparkling, and most importantly, remember that you are beautiful and unique, just like every pink tutu out there!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to add this magical experience to my Pink Tutu Journal – a very special leather bound notebook full of ballerina wisdom! Until next week, remember to share your pink tutu stories on the Pink-Tutu forum - I love seeing your inspiring adventures.

And don't forget, a pink tutu makes every day a fairytale. So go forth, be bold, and let your inner ballerina shine!

Lots of pink love,


Note: This blog post is a fictional representation of a possible blog post and does not represent actual historical events. It uses British English, tutu related puns, is set in a whimsical style and is intentionally long as requested.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-04-25