Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-10-31

Prague, Darling! A Tutu-licious Trip (Post 914)

Well, darlings, it's Wednesday, which means it's time for a brand new Pink Tutu blog post! And where am I today? Well, I'm a-flutter in fabulous Prague!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Emma, Prague? But, you said you were off to Vienna last week! Isn't it a little, erm, rushed?"

You see, dearies, travel is a bit like a ballet, all about graceful movements and seamless transitions. I hopped on the train from Vienna last Sunday - oh, it was a dream! So much space, with plush velvet seats and a cute, elderly gentleman with a penchant for Mozart.

And, oh, I just love travelling by train! It allows me to truly soak up the scenery. The countryside zipped by, a montage of verdant fields, majestic castles, and quaint villages. I imagined myself in a classic ballet, my pink tutu swishing to the rhythm of the chugging train, and the gentle rocking making me feel like a ballerina on a floating stage.

After a pleasant nap and a slice of delicious Sachertorte from Vienna, I arrived in Prague just as the golden hour painted the sky in hues of rose and apricot - it was straight out of a romantic ballet.

Now, Prague itself is just breathtaking. The cobblestone streets are positively crammed with charming little cafes, quirky shops, and, of course, an abundance of stunning architecture. Everywhere you look, there's something to catch the eye - from the Gothic spires of St. Vitus Cathedral to the Charles Bridge's intricate statues.

But the real highlight of my trip so far? The Pink Tutu Emporium! It's a little gem tucked away in a charming courtyard off the Old Town Square, and oh my goodness, it's like stepping into a tutu-themed dream!

Inside, there were mountains of the most gloriously pink tulle, sparkling sequins, and, of course, tutus galore! It felt like a backstage wonderland, and I simply had to get my hands on a couple of new beauties for my collection. I snagged a flowing pink and lavender masterpiece that will be perfect for a swirly promenade, and a bold scarlet one with black netting, ideal for a dramatic finalé. I felt like a ballerina on a shopping spree - it was pure joy!

This evening, I’m off to the Estates Theatre to see "The Sleeping Beauty." Oh, this theatre! It's the oldest public opera house in Europe - with such rich history and heritage, you can almost feel the presence of all the famous dancers and composers who’ve graced its stage. I just know this ballet is going to be extraordinary, and I’ve already imagined myself there, swirling in a beautiful pink tutu with every pirouette.

Stay tuned, my dear tutu-lovers, for more fabulous tales of my Prague adventure!

With love, and lots of twirls,

Emma xxx

Day 2: A Tutu-tastic Stroll

It's a new day, darling, and Prague is positively radiating with sunshine and excitement!

My morning started with a divine breakfast at a local cafe. It was a whimsical little place, with lavender-painted walls, checkered tablecloths, and a breakfast menu fit for a ballerina. I indulged in a delicate fruit salad with ricotta cheese and fresh mint – it was the perfect fuel for a day of exploring.

My first stop was Prague Castle. The magnificent building seemed to loom above the city, a majestic tapestry of Gothic spires, intricate turrets, and a sprawling complex that had me wandering for hours.

I found myself captivated by the Golden Lane - a charming row of tiny houses that once served as workshops for alchemists and goldsmiths. Imagine: a little tutu-loving ballerina from Derbyshire, surrounded by the echoes of centuries of artisans! It's almost surreal.

In the afternoon, I wandered through Old Town Square - such a vibrant space! It's the heart of Prague, and was packed with musicians, street performers, and bustling market stalls. I even found a little stall selling exquisite pink tutus - I couldn't resist picking up a little baby pink tulle tutu as a souvenir!

One of the best things about travelling is immersing yourself in the local culture, so naturally, I decided to explore some of the city’s lesser-known ballet spots. Prague’s ballet heritage runs deep, and I was determined to find hidden treasures. My search led me to the Municipal House, where the renowned Ballet Theatre performs. It’s a breathtakingly grand venue with ornate decorations that transported me back to a bygone era of glittering performances.

This evening, I'm headed to the National Theatre for a performance of "Swan Lake." I'm truly excited to see this classic in this breathtaking venue, with its incredible acoustics and elegant design. I can almost picture myself dancing on that stage!

Tonight's the night I put my new scarlet tutu with black netting to the test. It's going to be a truly memorable evening!

More Prague adventures coming soon, darling!

Stay twirling,

Emma xxx

Day 3: Tutu Time in Prague

Oh my darling, the magic of Prague just keeps unfolding! This city is a veritable ballet wonderland, and I'm determined to capture every exquisite moment!

My day started with a delightful cup of coffee and a pastry at a local cafe, just off Charles Bridge. The city was waking up around me, and it felt like a scene out of a classic ballet - the soft glow of dawn, the gentle clatter of the trolley car, and the cheerful chatter of the locals.

Then, I strolled across the Charles Bridge, which was just as breathtaking as I imagined. I stood mesmerised by the statues lining the bridge - a ballet of emotions etched in stone. Each one had a story to tell, whispering secrets from the past.

To top off my fairytale morning, I treated myself to a sumptuous afternoon tea at a gorgeous tea room in the heart of the Old Town. There were tiny pink teacups, dainty finger sandwiches, and cakes that looked like miniature ballerina tutus! It was a pure ballet delight!

But my real mission this afternoon was to delve deeper into the city’s ballet history. You know, the one thing I can never get enough of - the stories, the costumes, the personalities…

This led me to the Theatre of the Estates. It’s such an intimate, elegant space, a far cry from the opulent ballrooms I’ve explored before. But within those walls, the whispers of centuries of ballet echoed. This was where Mozart conducted his world-premiere of Don Giovanni, and countless other operas have graced its stage.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, I wandered along the banks of the Vltava River, admiring the magical cityscape with the reflection of the bridges shimmering on the water. It was like a dreamscape straight out of a ballerina’s imagination!

For dinner, I chose a cosy, family-run bistro, where I savoured authentic Czech cuisine, along with the chatter of locals. The city was beginning to come alive with twinkling lights and the sound of laughter and music. It’s all just so magical!

I ended my day at the Municipal House. As I stepped inside, I felt like I had stepped back in time. The building itself is a masterpiece of art nouveau, every inch a celebration of beauty and craftsmanship. This evening, there was a special performance dedicated to ballet.

I can almost hear the whispers of the ghosts of famous dancers in the hallways!

My Prague journey is continuing to delight and inspire me!

And there is one last grand, magnificent ballet in Prague I absolutely cannot miss! I’m going to share all about it in tomorrow’s post - I can't wait!

Stay tutu-licious,

Emma xxx

Day 4: Prague’s Ballet Extravaganza

Dearest tutu lovers,

Prague has swept me off my feet, darling! It’s an incredible whirlwind of beauty, history, and captivating ballet.

Today was all about a grand performance of “Swan Lake” at the National Theatre. It’s a truly awe-inspiring venue - its façade so elegant with statues flanking the entrance. And the inside is simply magnificent: grand velvet seats, elaborate carving, glimmering chandeliers.

But, of course, the true highlight of this evening was the performance! The entire cast gave a truly spellbinding rendition, the costumes were exquisite, and the music…oh my, the music! It simply transported me to a world of grace and emotion.

Each movement was so beautifully precise, so graceful, like a dream brought to life. The lead ballerina had the most ethereal grace; she literally danced as if she were weightless. It was almost as if I was a character in the story, sharing their every dream and heartache!

The energy inside the theater was intoxicating! The entire audience was captivated by the performance, mesmerised by the dancing, lost in the music and the magic. For a moment, all my worries melted away, replaced by a feeling of sheer enchantment and a profound appreciation for the beauty of ballet.

And for the finale? Oh, the finalé was utterly sublime! A whirlwind of dancing, swirling tulle, and sheer drama. I could feel the emotions swirling around me, the audience erupting in a thunderous ovation - It was truly something special!

Tonight, I’m savoring the last hours of my Prague journey. This city has a special place in my heart now. From its enchanting cobbled streets to its magnificent ballet, Prague is an unforgettable experience!

But don’t worry, I’ll be back soon! My tutu has already made its mark, but I have so many more stories to tell. I am heading for a new adventure on a magnificent train ride to… oh, let's just say the surprise is even better than the destination!

Stay twirling, darling!

With love,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2012-10-31