Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-02-13

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 929 - A Ballet-Filled Adventure!

Wednesday, 13th February 2013

Hello lovelies! It’s Emma, your resident Pink Tutu aficionado, coming to you live from the heart of Prague. I’m finally here, in this beautiful city of fairytale spires and cobbled streets, and my excitement is reaching a feverish pitch.

You see, Prague is simply teeming with ballet magic! This city whispers stories of graceful ballerinas and legendary performances. From the grand Opera House to intimate theatres, the city is a dancer's dream, and my pink tutu and I are determined to soak it all in.

The journey here was pure joy! I caught the train from Vienna - yes, the one with the opulent carriage and plush velvet seats – and just floated through the landscape, lost in dreams of swans and fairies and those glorious pirouettes I’ve been practicing. It’s truly an intoxicating experience, this ballet life, don’t you think?

I must say, Vienna did hold a special place in my heart – I mean, the Wiener Staats Opern is the pinnacle of grand opera houses, and just being there for a performance felt like I'd stepped into a dream. It’s the sheer grandeur of it all - the opulence of the gold décor, the crimson velvet, and that perfect symphony of music, drama, and dance... it's truly divine. Of course, I snagged a photo with my beloved pink tutu outside, but I think we’ll dedicate a whole separate post to my Viennese ballet adventures later on, shall we?

Speaking of which… You’ll never guess what I found today – in a tiny, quirky little shop nestled on a cobblestone street! A vintage pink tutu! You see, I’m obsessed with tutus – not just the classic fluffy ones, mind you, but all varieties! Romantic, whimsical, dramatic… it doesn't matter, as long as they are pink. So, I simply couldn't leave Prague without a little reminder of this enchanting city for my collection.

Now, back to Prague. It's a city bursting with history. Every corner you turn reveals another grand gothic cathedral or a bridge whispering of ancient lore. Just imagine waltzing across the Charles Bridge at sunset, with its breathtaking views of Prague Castle and the Vltava River glistening beneath you! I can practically feel the magic in the air!

And speaking of waltzes... tonight is the big night. We’re going to the National Theatre, which is said to have an amazing ballet troupe! They're performing a dazzling rendition of "La Bohème", a passionate tale of love and loss. I can't wait to get my tutu-loving hands on some tickets – hopefully the theatre has a beautiful pink dress in the wardrobe!

But before we hit the stage, we must have a quick look at this delightful little cafe called Café Louvre. This gorgeous establishment is a place of inspiration, frequented by the likes of Franz Kafka and other creative minds. I simply must sit here, sipping a delicate lavender latte, writing in my journal about my pink tutu adventures and the beauty of this magnificent city, just soaking in the Bohemian charm.

And, of course, I can’t forget the shopping! I have a soft spot for bohemian chic style - think long flowy skirts, flowing floral prints, and maybe a hint of that delicate Victorian vibe. You simply have to try on some vintage fashion – it’s like a peek into the past, when fashion was all about elegance and allure. And while I'm on the topic, a Pink Tutu look for the evening? Well, it's definitely going to feature a gorgeous vintage-inspired floral dress – pink, naturally! It just goes without saying. We'll be doing a bit of walking around this magical city as well. It’s perfect for twirling, with the cobblestones adding that bit of rhythm to every step!

Oh, I’m starting to get carried away, I simply can’t stop talking about the magic of Prague, I just want you all to feel the enchantment and share the love for this fabulous city with me! This place truly takes my breath away, especially after our journey yesterday. I actually had to hop on a horse - no, not just any horse, a pony. Yes, you read that correctly! I rode a majestic little creature from the edge of the beautiful town of Cesky Krumlov - another beautiful city I just had to visit on my way here, with its cobbled streets, gothic architecture and a beautiful pink and white pastel coloured chateau. You wouldn't believe the amazing photographs I managed to snap! (I mean, come on, can you picture a girl in a pink tutu, perched atop a magnificent pony?)

The journey was incredible. You'll find me writing a post about Cesky Krumlov this Wednesday, all about how to wear your Pink Tutu with a Pony! And if you can't manage that, then how about your Pink Tutu at a Ball?! I might add a special 'Ballet-themed Wedding' page to my website... Perhaps there will even be a pink wedding dress in my collection soon!

So, back to Prague... It’s almost time for the ballet, and I’m excited to see what kind of costumes will adorn the dancers tonight. There is something truly magical about seeing graceful movements, exquisite music, and magnificent costumes intertwined on stage. It’s an ethereal spectacle. A perfect world where fantasy comes to life.

Keep an eye out for my next blog post! It'll be full of details about tonight's show and some delightful glimpses into this beautiful, historic city. Until then, twirl, be joyful, and spread the pink tutu love.

Stay magical, my lovelies!

Emma, from Derbyshire, England, and currently enjoying the enchanting streets of Prague!

And don't forget, check out our full website for more fashion and lifestyle tips for all you beautiful ladies out there! We're always on the lookout for ways to add some glamour to your life.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-02-13