Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-05-29

Prague, My Dearest, Post #944: A Tutu-tastic Adventure!

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another peek into my pink and sparkly world! This week, I've landed in the stunning city of Prague, and let me tell you, it's every bit as magical as I imagined.

This gorgeous city is a whirlwind of history, culture, and, of course, incredible architecture. Walking around with my trusty pink tutu trailing behind me, I feel like I've stepped into a fairytale. Think cobblestone streets, soaring gothic spires, and charming bridges spanning over the glistening Vltava River. I could spend hours just gazing up at the stunning buildings, marvelling at the intricate details. And you just know my camera is snapping away at every turn!

But let's not forget why I’m really here… for the ballet, of course! Today's date - 29th May, 2013 – marks a momentous occasion. A ballet performance is in my future! My dear friend, the fabulous and talented Emily, knows Prague's dance scene like the back of her hand and she recommended seeing the Prague National Theatre's production of *Giselle.* It's one of my favourite stories, so I am so excited to see this exquisite performance. Just picturing those gorgeous costumes, the ethereal dancing, and the tragic tale has me practically bouncing with anticipation!

And to truly feel the magic of Prague, what could be better than getting there in style? I'm a big believer in making every journey an experience, so, of course, I've chosen the romantic and leisurely option – a train ride! There's something so enchanting about the rhythmic clickety-clack of the train and watching the landscape flash past as the train sweeps through the countryside. Plus, I find I have plenty of time for my own private ballet practice on board. The rhythmic motion makes the train carriages perfect for perfecting my plies and perfecting those perfect fouettés! Plus, I’m wearing my lovely pale pink tutu with sparkling details – all the better to sparkle in my favourite spot on the train – by the window. My trusty companion - my fabulous new pink suitcase with its matching set of ballet shoes – sits comfortably at my feet. (Don’t be silly! You simply must have your dancing shoes handy – who knows where ballet inspiration will strike!)

You might ask, how can I afford these lavish travels, and my tutus of course, if I’m simply a dancer? It's a question I’m asked quite often. Well, darlings, I make a point of dancing my heart out, making a little magic on the stage at every opportunity. My talents are diverse – I dance with ballet companies in England, I’m a regular at gala performances, I dance in the West End, and sometimes I’m even invited to beautiful venues all across Europe. I make a good living doing what I love. Sometimes, I'll even go that extra mile to charm the audience. I don’t always do serious ballets (though of course I can do those with style!), sometimes I have great fun dancing in street performances in the city - even ballet flash mobs! I've become known for bringing my own unique flair to my performances with a dash of that pink-tutu magic – you could say I have quite the following. And what's better than spreading a little sparkle, my dears, while creating memories and magic on the stage?

Of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without a visit to the beautiful boutiques! I can't resist the call of all those elegant shops crammed with the most incredible fashion treasures! While you won’t catch me in a tutu every day, I do like to keep my wardrobe up to date. I am searching for a perfect outfit for the Giselle performance! (Nothing too grand or too formal for Giselle – something romantic and delicate in hues of soft pink – maybe with a sprinkle of lace and embroidery… and of course that special detail that’ll have everyone talking!) Prague seems full of amazing shops – little boutiques full of treasures, from the elegant department stores to independent designers - so exciting! (Plus there are shops crammed full of shoes! And hats! And bags! And vintage tutus, pink tutus that will make you sigh! Every shopping lover's dream!)

While I am a devout admirer of classical ballet (we've all got to be respectful of the art, haven't we? ) , I love the energy and vibrant energy of street and theatre productions. Prague's a vibrant city – full of art, music, and colour – it really takes the term "street performer" to another level. Street artists have always been masters at turning everyday objects into spectacles and drawing crowds, and Prague is no exception. You just never know who you’ll run into when you’re exploring these streets.

Here's my little list of unforgettable moments:

  • Seeing that spectacular old Town Square! I was blown away by its history.
  • Stumbling upon an open-air art market. There were some incredibly talented street artists - it made me feel so inspired! The stalls full of artisan wares were absolutely delightful!
  • Stopping at the Charles Bridge, a timeless jewel for strolling, gazing at spectacular views. (I made sure I wore my most perfect tutu for a couple of stunning photos.) I cannot resist taking photos for my blog, dears! The setting of Charles Bridge makes every photo a work of art.

It's incredible what I've experienced in just a couple of days. This trip has just reinforced my belief – life is just too short for boring outfits! Don't forget to pop by – that’s my online journal and where I post my blog weekly, always on a Wednesday, of course! Next week's post will be a complete account of the Giselle production at the National Theatre – and you'll be treated to a few pics of my beautiful outfit! If I’m not out on tour, you'll also find updates on what I'm up to on Instagram and my TikTok (that’s where I sometimes post ballet practice and some of my amazing photos, dears.) I like to be busy and my life is quite exciting… but you probably guessed that already!

Until next time, dear reader! Keep it pink! Keep it sparkling! Keep it tutu-rific!


Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-05-29